Your program should read the input grammar from standard input, and read the requested task number from the first command line argument (we provide code to read the task number) then calculate the requested output based on the task number and print the results in the specified format for each task to standard output (stdout). The following specifies the exact requirements for each task number.
Task one simply outputs the list of terminals followed by the list of non-terminals in the order in which they appear in the grammar rules.
Example: For the input grammar
decl -> idList colon ID # idList -> ID idList1 # idList1 -> # idList1 -> COMMA ID idList1 #
## the expected output for task 1 is: colon ID COMMA decl idList idList1
Example: Given the input grammar:
decl -> idList colon ID # idList1 -> # idList1 -> COMMA ID idList1 # idList -> ID idList1 #
## the expected output for task 1 is:
colon ID COMMA decl idList idList1
Note that in this example, even though the rule for idList1 is before the rule for idList, idList appears before idList1 in the grammar rules.
Determine useless symbols in the grammar and remove them. Then output each rule of the modified grammar on a single line in the following format:
Where should be replaced by the left-hand side of the grammar rule and should be replaced by the right-hand side of the grammar rule. If the grammar rule is of form A → , use # to represent the epsilon. Note that this is different from the input format. Also note that the order of grammar rules that are not removed from the original input grammar must be preserved.


Answer 1

Here is an implementation of a Python program that reads an input grammar from standard input, and a task number from the command line argument, performs the requested task, and prints the results to standard output:

import sys

def task_one(terminals, nonterminals):

   print(' '.join(terminals + nonterminals))

def remove_useless_symbols(grammar):

   reachable = set('S')

   new_reachable = set('S')

   while new_reachable != reachable:

       reachable = new_reachable.copy()

       for lhs, rhs_list in grammar.items():

           if lhs in reachable:

               for rhs in rhs_list:

                   for symbol in rhs.split():

                       if symbol in grammar:


   return {lhs: [rhs for rhs in rhs_list if all(symbol in reachable for symbol in rhs.split())] for lhs, rhs_list in grammar.items()}

def task_two(grammar):

   modified_grammar = remove_useless_symbols(grammar)

   for lhs, rhs_list in modified_grammar.items():

       for rhs in rhs_list:

           print(f"{lhs} -> {'# ' if not rhs else rhs}")

def read_grammar():

   grammar = {}

   for line in sys.stdin:

       lhs, rhs = line.strip().split(' -> ')

       grammar.setdefault(lhs, []).append(rhs)

   return grammar

if __name__ == '__main__':

   task_number = int(sys.argv[1])

   grammar = read_grammar()

   if task_number == 1:

       terminals = sorted(set(symbol for rhs_list in grammar.values() for rhs in rhs_list for symbol in rhs.split() if symbol.islower()))

       nonterminals = sorted(set(grammar.keys()))

       task_one(terminals, nonterminals)

   elif task_number == 2:


What is the explanation for the above program?

The program defines two functions task_one() and remove_useless_symbols() to perform the two tasks. The task_one() function takes a list of terminals and a list of non-terminals, concatenates them in the order they appear in the grammar rules, and prints the result to standard output. The remove_useless_symbols() function takes a dictionary representing the input grammar, removes any non-reachable or non-productive symbols, and returns a modified grammar in the format specified for task two.

The program also defines a read_grammar() function that reads the input grammar from standard input and returns a dictionary representing the grammar. The main code block reads the task number from the first command line argument, reads the input grammar using read_grammar(), and performs the requested task using the appropriate function. For task one, the program first calculates the list of terminals and non-terminals by iterating over the grammar rules, extracting the symbols using string splitting and filtering for lowercase letters and non-lowercase letters respectively.

Learn more about Phyton:

Related Questions

Which statement best describes how cybercriminals work?


In order to gain illegal access to computer systems, networks, and sensitive data, cybercriminals employ a variety of techniques and tools. They take advantage of software and hardware flaws.

is a sort of cybercrime that entails breaking into bank computer networks and transferring money illegally?

Electronic funds transfer: This entails breaking into bank computer networks without authorization and transferring money illegally. Electronic money laundering is the practise of laundering funds using computers.

What cybercrime is the acquisition of unauthorised access to data in a system or computer?

Hacking is a phrase used to denote unlawful access to systems, networks, and data (hereinafter target) (hereafter target). Hacking may be done just to access a target or to access the target and/or maintain that access.

To know more about cybercriminals visit:-



Which statement best describes how cybercriminals work?

info.plist contained no uiscene configuration dictionary (true or false)


The statement "info. plist contained no scene configuration dictionary" is a true statement.

The error message appears when a developer or user is running their app on an iOS 13.0 or higher version of an iOS device. The error occurs because of the changes made to the view controllers in iOS 13.0 and higher.The error message displays on the Xcode debug console or in a pop-up message on the iOS device when the app is launched. The error message is straightforward and it reads "Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Could not find a storyboard named 'Main' in bundle NSBundle". This error message is caused when the info.plist file does not have a UIScene configuration dictionary, which iOS 13.0 requires for all storyboard-based apps. Without the UIScene configuration dictionary, the storyboard cannot be loaded or used by the app. Hence, the statement is true.

To learn more about Configuration :


Final answer:

The 'info.plist contained no uiscene configuration dictionary (true or false)' statement relates to iOS app development and the presence of a specific configuration in the info.plist file.


The statement 'info.plist contained no uiscene configuration dictionary (true or false)' is related to the development of iOS applications. In iOS app development, the info.plist file is used to store various settings and configurations for the app. The uiscene configuration dictionary refers to a specific configuration related to the app's user interface.

If the info.plist file does not contain a uiscene configuration dictionary, then the statement 'info.plist contained no uiscene configuration dictionary' would be true. This can have implications on the functionality and appearance of the app's user interface.

Learn more about iOS app development here:

Part 1: Develop an IP Addressing Scheme (20 points, 25 minutes) Part 2: Initialize and Reload Devices (10 points, 20 minutes) Part 3: Configure Device IP address and Security Settings (45 points, 35 minutes) Part 4: Test and Verify IPv4 and IPv6 End-to-End Connectivity ( 15 points, 20 minutes) Part 5: Use the IOS CLI to Gather Device Information ( 10 points, 10 minutes) Scenario In this Skills Assessment (SA) you will configure the devices in a small network. You must configure a router, Switch and PCs to support both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity. You will configure security, including SSH, on the router. In addition, you will test and document the network using common CLI commands. Required Resources Implement in Packet tracer using the following resources: - 1 Router (Cisco 4221 with Cisco IOS XE Release 16.9.4 universal image or comparable) - 1 Switch (Cisco 2960 with Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2) lanbasek9 image or comparable) - 2 PCsi - Console cables to configure the Cisco los devices via the console ports - Ethernet cables as shown in the topology Instructions Part 1: Develop an IP Addressing Scheme Total points: 20 Time: 25 minutes a. Subnet one network belowifyour choice)to provide IP addresses to two subnets that will support the required number of hosts. No subnet calculators may be used. All work must be shown using the IP Addressing worksheet below. IP Addressing Worksheet b. Record your subnet assignment in the table below. 1) Assign the first IPv4 address of each subnet to a router interface (i) subnet A is hosted on R1G/O/1 (ii) subnet B is hosted on R1GO/0/0


Part 1: Develop an IP Addressing Scheme (20 points, 25 minutes)
In order to provide IP addresses to two subnets that will support the required number of hosts, you will need to subnet one network of your choice.

Below is an IP Addressing Worksheet which will help you with this process:
IP Addressing Worksheet
Network Address:
Subnet Mask:
Subnet A:
Subnet B:
Using the IP Addressing Worksheet, first you will need to identify your network address and subnet mask. Then you will need to calculate the subnet range for Subnet A and Subnet B. After you have identified your subnets, assign the first IPv4 address of each subnet to a router interface.

For Subnet A, the first IPv4 address will be assigned to R1G/O/1 and for Subnet B, the first IPv4 address will be assigned to R1GO/0/0. Record your subnet assignment in the table below:
1) Subnet A:
2) Subnet B:

To learn more about "IP addressing scheme", visit:


the domain for variable x is the set of all integers. select the statement that is true. a. there exists space x space (space 3 space x space equals space 1 space )correct
b. there exists space x space (space x squared space less than space 1 space )
c. for all space x space (space x squared space equals space 1 space)
d. there exists space x space (space x squared space less than space 0 space )


The domain for variable x is the set of all integers. From the given options, the statement that is true is: a. there exists space x space.

The given domain of x is the set of all integers, which means the value of x could be any integer. It could be positive, negative or zero. So, we need to choose the option where we can replace the value of x with any integer and the given statement is true. So, option a is correct.There exists x (3x = 1) is true as we can replace x with 1/3 which is a rational number. So, option a is correct.

Learn more about variable:


2. ANALYSIS OF THE EXISTING PRODUCTS RELEVANT TO THE IDENTIFIED PROBLEM. Identify the two main materials to be used to construct a bridge. 2.1. (2) 2.2. Discuss fitness for purpose (Suitability of the material/s). (2) 2.3. Explain the safety of the bridge for the users. (2) 2.4. Investigate the cost of materials needed to build a bridge. You are expected to give realistic examples of some building materials. You may need to ask other people or visit hardware. You can write the price per unit of the materials. (4) 2.5. Write down the costs of labor for both skilled and unskilled labor per hour. Calculate the total per month. (4)​




2.1. The two main materials commonly used to construct a bridge are steel and concrete. Steel is used for constructing the main support structure of the bridge, while concrete is used for the decking and other components.

2.2. Both steel and concrete are considered suitable materials for bridge construction. Steel is known for its strength and durability, while concrete offers good compression strength and can resist harsh environmental conditions. Steel is also flexible and can be used to construct complex shapes and designs, while concrete can be molded into various shapes and sizes. Both materials are widely available and can be sourced easily.

2.3. The safety of a bridge largely depends on the quality of construction and the maintenance of the structure. If constructed properly with high-quality materials, a steel or concrete bridge can be very safe for users. Steel is known for its ability to resist fatigue and can withstand heavy loads, while concrete is fire-resistant and can provide good impact resistance. Proper maintenance, regular inspections, and repairs can help ensure the safety of the bridge over time.

2.4. The cost of materials needed to build a bridge can vary depending on several factors, such as the length of the bridge, the design, and the location. For example, the cost of steel can range from $500 to $1,500 per ton, while the cost of concrete can range from $100 to $150 per cubic yard. Other building materials such as asphalt and timber can also be used for bridge construction, with prices ranging from $100 to $500 per ton or per cubic meter, respectively.

2.5. The cost of labor for bridge construction can also vary depending on the level of skill required and the location. Skilled labor such as engineers and welders can cost anywhere from $50 to $200 per hour, while unskilled labor such as laborers and construction workers can cost from $10 to $30 per hour. Assuming a 40-hour workweek, the total labor cost for skilled labor can range from $8,000 to $32,000 per month, while the total labor cost for unskilled labor can range from $1,600 to $4,800 per month.

A recent risk assessment identified several problems with servers in your organization. They
occasionally reboot on their own and the operating systems do not have current security fixes.
Administrators have had to rebuild some servers from scratch due to mysterious problems. Which of
the following solutions will mitigate these problems?
A. Virtualization
B. Sandboxing
D. Patch management


The question is: "A recent risk assessment identified several problems with servers in your organization. They occasionally reboot on their own and the operating systems do not have current security fixes. Administrators have had to rebuild some servers from scratch due to mysterious problems. Which of the following solutions will mitigate these problems?" The best solutions to mitigate these problems would be A) Virtualization, D) Patch Management, and B) Sandboxing.

Patches are often created to fix security vulnerabilities and known bugs or improve functionality. In other words, patch management ensures that software is up to date and protected from known security vulnerabilities. Updating and patching the servers would ensure that the operating system is current with security fixes and prevent the servers from rebooting themselves accidentally or because of malicious code. Patch management is one of the most important parts of an IT security strategy, as it helps protect against known and unknown security threats.

Patch management is the practice of managing patches that are released by software vendors to fix vulnerabilities in their software products. Patches are software updates that address security vulnerabilities or defects that have been identified in a particular product.

Learn more about servers:


Because the user accesses files on cloud storage through a browser using an app from the storage provider, the actual media on which the files are stored are transparent to the user.
True or False.


The statement "Because the user accesses files on cloud storage through a browser using an app from the storage provider, the actual media on which the files are stored are transparent to the user" is True.

Cloud storage is a cloud computing design in which data is kept, managed, and backed up remotely on servers that can be accessed over the internet. Cloud storage providers allow businesses and individuals to store files online, share files with others, and access data from any location that has internet access. Cloud storage is a data storage facility that does not require a physical storage facility on the user's premises. Because the user accesses files on cloud storage through a browser using an app from the storage provider, the actual media on which the files are stored are transparent to the user.

It allows you to save files to a remote database, which is then accessible from any device or location. For many reasons, this sort of data storage has become increasingly popular over time, including greater security and a larger storage capacity. This type of storage also enables data to be shared across multiple devices and with a larger audience of individuals or teams. As a result, cloud storage is frequently employed by firms of all sizes to manage their data needs in a more efficient and cost-effective manner.

Learn more about  Cloud storage:


you need to access customer records in a database as you're planning a marketing campaign. what language can you use to pull the records most relevant to the campaign?


You can use SQL (Structured Query Language) to pull the customer records most relevant to the marketing campaign from the database.

What is SQL?

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a domain-specific language for managing data stored in a relational database (RDBMS). It enables you to retrieve, insert, delete, and update data in the database. It's particularly useful for data management in a relational database system. It allows users to access and manipulate databases using a wide range of functions, which can include selecting, inserting, modifying, and deleting data from a database. SQL is the most commonly used language for interacting with databases, and it is utilized by developers, database administrators, and data analysts.

SQL has several advantages that make it a popular choice for accessing databases, including:

Scalability, Flexibility, Cost-effective, and Easy to learn.

SQL has some disadvantages as well, which include:

Steep learning curve, Limited functionality and SQL can be used to manipulate relational databases, but it's not suitable for other data types such as No SQL databases.  

Learn  more about SQL here:


Linux. An employee named Bob Smith, whose user name is bsmith, has left the company. You've been instructed to delete his user account and home directory.
Which of the following commands would do that? (choose 2)
(8.9 #3)
userdel bsmith
userdel bsmith; rm -rf /home/bsmith
userdel -r bsmith
userdel -h bsmith


The following commands will delete Bob Smith's user account and home directory: userdel -r bsmith, userdel bsmith; rm -rf /home/bsmith.

Userdel is a command in the Linux operating system that removes user accounts. The command's functionality is to remove a user account from the system, delete any documents owned by the user in their home directory, and remove the user's mailbox (if any) from the system.The -r flag is used to remove a user's home directory and all documents owned by that user. In other words, it deletes a user's account and everything that is associated with it in the system.

For instance, userdel -r bob will remove the bob user account and all data associated with the user account.What is the significance of the rm -rf /home/bsmith command?The rm -rf /home/bsmith command is another way to delete the bsmith user's home directory.

Learn more about Linux:


what the meaning of Formatting marks?


The formatting marks are special marks hidden by default that affect how text is displayed in a document

which of the following app deployment and update methods can be configured to make available to specific users and groups only the apps that they have rights to access?


The app deployment and update methods that can be configured to make available to specific users and groups only the apps that they have rights to access are app assignments and app protection policies.

What are App assignments and app protection policies

App assignments and app protection policies are the two app deployment and update methods that can be configured to make available to specific users and groups only the apps that they have rights to access.

App assignments allow administrators to assign apps to users and groups. It can also be used to limit access to certain apps based on a user's role or department.

App protection policies can be used to enforce specific security policies for applications on mobile devices. With app protection policies, organizations can configure the behavior of the application, such as blocking copying and pasting of data, requiring authentication for certain features, or disabling certain features.

This enables organizations to ensure that their data remains secure while still allowing employees to access the apps they need to be productive.

Learn more about app deployment at


Which of the following functions of TCP control the amount of unacknowledged outstanding data segments?
A. Flomax
B. Segmentation
C. Windowing
D. Flow Control


The TCP function that controls the amount of unacknowledged outstanding data segments is D) flow control.

Flow control is a critical function in data communication to prevent data loss and overload in the network. TCP flow control regulates the rate of data transmission, ensuring that the receiving device can manage the data transmission effectively. The following are some of the features of TCP flow control:

Sliding windows are used in flow control. The sender divides data into small segments called TCP segments and transmits them one by one. TCP segments are only sent if the receiving end's buffer can accommodate them. TCP flow control regulates the amount of data that can be transmitted to the receiving end by controlling the amount of unacknowledged data segments at any time. TCP uses the Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) mechanism to monitor the congestion status of the network and regulate data transmission. Flow control's goal is to prevent network overloading and ensure that data is delivered to the receiver accurately and promptly. Therefore, in conclusion, option D flow control is the correct answer.

Learn more about Flow control visit:


what economic problem can be caused by having ubi programs as optional programs?


Universal Basic Income (UBI) programs can cause economic issues such as inflation, budget deficits, and decreased labor force participation. Inflation occurs because UBI may increase the amount of money in circulation and cause prices to rise. Budget deficits can also occur as UBI is an expensive program to fund.

These issues are discussed in greater detail below: Inflation: UBI is funded by tax revenues, which means that the government must raise taxes to finance the program.

The introduction of a UBI program may lead to an increase in inflation, particularly if the government uses deficit spending to fund the program. This may result in a reduction in the overall workforce, which may have a negative impact on the economy.

A smaller workforce means that there are fewer people contributing to the economy and more people relying on government support. This could lead to a decline in economic growth and a decrease in tax revenues for the government.

The advantages of UBI are evident, but we must be cautious when implementing it as an optional program, as it may have unforeseen economic implications.

For such more question on Income:


I need help with Exercise 3. 6. 7: Sporting Goods Shop in CodeHS. ASAP


I'd be glad to assist! Could you elaborate on the workout and precisely what you're finding difficult Sporting Exercise 3.6.7: Sports Goods Store in CodeHS relates to the main purpose of the

A retail establishment known as a "sporting goods shop" focuses in the sale of a wide range of sports gear and accessories for athletes and fitness fans. The store often has gear for a variety of sports, including basketball, soccer, football, baseball, tennis, and more. Balls, bats, gloves, helmets, shoes, clothes, and protective gear are typically included in the inventory. Moreover, the business could include services like equipment modification, maintenance, and guidance on what gear to use for particular sports or activities. Sports goods stores are crucial for assisting people in pursuing their fitness objectives and sporting aspirations since they serve a wide spectrum of clientele, from casual recreational athletes to professional athletes and teams.

Learn more about Sporting here:


a(n)____occurs when an attacker attempts to gain entry or disrupt the normal operations of an information system, almost always with the intent to do harm.



A(n) "cyber attack" occurs when an attacker attempts to gain entry or disrupt the normal operations of an information system, almost always with the intent to do harm.


A cyber attack is when someone tries to break into or damage computer systems, networks, or devices on purpose. Cyber attackers can use different methods and tools to break into a system or network without permission, steal sensitive information, or stop the system or network from working as it should.

Malware infections, phishing attacks, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, ransomware attacks, and man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks are all types of cyber attacks. Cyber attacks can have bad effects on people, businesses, and even countries as a whole. Cyber attacks can be done for a variety of reasons, including to make money, steal intellectual property, spy on other countries, or try to change the government.

It is important to have strong cybersecurity measures in place, like firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems, to protect against cyber attacks. It's also important to teach people how to be safe online and to update software and systems regularly to fix holes and protect against known threats.

Disadvantages of a poor grain crusher



1.It tends to settle in the rumen of the stomach

2.Quickly passes through the forestomachs of the ruminants

please like me

which tab and group on the ribbon holds the command to change the font of the text of the cells of a worksheet?


In Microsoft Excel, the "Home" tab of the ribbon is normally where you can find the "Font" command, which enables you to alter the font of the text in the worksheet's cells.

A typeface is a collection of graphic characters that have a similar design and appearance and are used in computing. In digital documents and user interfaces, fonts are used to style and format text, and they have a significant impact on the content's readability and attractiveness. Serif, sans-serif, script, and ornamental font types are only a few of the many variations that are available. To accommodate various uses and design requirements, they can be modified in terms of size, weight, and colour. Font options are available through the ribbon interface in software programmes like Microsoft Excel, enabling users to quickly and simply change the appearance of the content of their spreadsheets.

Learn more about "Font" here:


takako is a security engineer for her company's it department. she has been tasked with developing a security monitoring system for the company's infrastructure to determine when any network activity occurs outside the norm. what essential technique does she start with? a. baselines b. intrusion detection system (ids) c. covert acts d. alarms


The essential technique that Takako should start with to develop a security monitoring system for the company's infrastructure is (A )baselining.

Baselining involves creating a profile of normal network activity by collecting and analyzing data over a specific period. This information can be used to establish a baseline of normal behavior and identify any deviations from it. By doing so, Takako can detect any network activity that falls outside the norm and take appropriate action, such as triggering an intrusion detection system (IDS) or setting alarms to alert security personnel.

Therefore, option A - baselines, is the correct answer.

You can learn more about Baselining  at


A list is sorted in ascending order if it is empty or each item except the last one is less than or equal to its successor. Define a predicate isSorted that expects a list as an argument and returns True if the list is sorted, or returns False otherwise.
(Hint: For a list of length 2 or greater, loop through the list and compare pairs of items, from left to right, and return False if the first item in a pair is greater.)
Below is an example of a main function and the associated output:
def main():
lyst = []
lyst = [1]
lyst = list(range(10))
lyst[9] = 3


The isSorted is a predicate that expects a list as an argument and returns True if the list is sorted, or returns False otherwise.

Here's the implementation of the isSorted predicate in Python:

def isSorted(lyst):

   if len(lyst) <= 1:

       return True


       for i in range(len(lyst)-1):

           if lyst[i] > lyst[i+1]:

               return False

       return True

The isSorted predicate first checks if the list is empty or contains only one element, in which case it is already sorted and the function returns True. Otherwise, it loops through the list and compares each pair of adjacent items. If any item is greater than its successor, the function returns False. If the loop completes without finding any out-of-order pair, the function returns True.

The main function creates some test cases by defining different lists and calling the isSorted predicate on them. The expected output for these test cases is shown in the comments:

def main():

   lyst = []

   print(isSorted(lyst))  # True

   lyst = [1]

   print(isSorted(lyst))  # True

   lyst = list(range(10))

   print(isSorted(lyst))  # True

   lyst[9] = 3

   print(isSorted(lyst))  # False

This main function creates the following output:





Learn more about isSorted visit:


Your organization is considering virtualization solutions. Management wants to ensure that any solution provides the best ROI. Which of the following situations indicates that virtualization would provide the best ROI?
a. Most desktop PCs require fast processors and a high amount of memory.
b. Most physical servers within the organization are currently underutilized.
c. Most physical servers within the organization are currently utilized at close to 100 percent.
d. The organization has many servers that do not require failover services.


The following situation indicates that virtualization would provide the best ROI: b) Most physical servers within the organization are currently underutilized.

Virtualization is the technique of producing a virtual version of something like computer hardware or a network resource. Virtualization is a vital component of modern-day computing, and it has become more widespread due to the development of cloud computing.

In this scenario, the most cost-effective virtualization solution would be one that ensures that the servers are used to their maximum potential. When most of the servers are underutilized, it may result in wastage of resources, which is neither cost-effective nor optimal. Furthermore, virtualizing a server that is already highly utilized would not provide any cost savings. The most cost-effective way to use a virtualization solution is to use it on servers that are underutilized to ensure that they are being used to their maximum potential. Therefore, b) most physical servers within the organization are currently underutilized are the best scenario that indicates that virtualization would provide the best ROI.

Learn more about Virtualization visit:


Your network consists of three domain sin a single fores:,, and have formed a partnership with another company. They also have three domains:,, and of the partnership, users in all domains for the forest need access to resources in all three domains in the partner network. Users in the partner network should not have access to any of your domains.You need to create the trust from the network. What should you do? (Select three.)Create external trusts from to each of the domains in not use selective authentication.Create the trust as an outgoing trust.Create the trust as an incoming trust.Create a forest trust between and selective authentication.


To create a trust from the network, you should do the following: Create the trust as an outgoing trust. Create the trust as an incoming trust. Create a forest trust between and

These three are the options that you need to choose to create a trust from the network. What is an incoming trust?An incoming trust is established to allow a trusted domain to utilize resources on the local domain. It allows resources in the local domain to be used by the trusted domain's users and computers.

What is an outgoing trust? An outgoing trust allows the domain to trust other domains. The local domain is trusted by domains in the trusted domain.The forest trust A forest trust can be created to facilitate resource sharing between two forests. The forest trust is established at the forest level and is bi-directional. It implies that users from one forest can access resources in the other forest and vice versa.

Learn more about  create a trust between network domain at:


the image shows the current scavenging settings for the eastsim zone. automatic scavenging has been configured on the zone to run every hour. you want to modify the existing settings so that dns records are deleted within 10 days after they have not been refreshed. what should you do?



To modify the existing settings so that DNS records are deleted within 10 days after they have not been refreshed,  can use the TTL (Time To Live) setting.

What is DNS records?
If you want to modify the existing settings so that DNS records are deleted within 10 days after they have not been refreshed, you must modify the scavenging settings for the eastsim zone as shown in the image below:The Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) scavenging process is used to clean up DNS records that are stale or out of date, ensuring that DNS zones and records reflect the current state of the directory.


A DNS server with the scavenging feature enabled can be configured to remove stale resource records dynamically based on the age of the record. DNS scavenging eliminates the need to manually delete stale records or to configure a script to automate the process. For a DNS server, DNS scavenging is beneficial because it improves the overall health and reliability of the DNS server.

To learn more about DNS server form here:


in the perceptron below, compute the output when the input is (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), and (1, 0) and report it in the interlude form.


The output in the interlude form is (1, 1, 1, 1).

Given that we have a perceptron as shown below:

Perceptron for the given question Output computation

Here, we are supposed to compute the output when the input is (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), and (1, 0) and report it in the interlude form.

(i) When the input is (0, 0), then we have

:x1w1 + x2w2 + b = (0 × 0) + (0 × 0) + 0 = 0≥0

Output, y = 1

Hence, the output for (0, 0) = +1(ii)

When the input is (0, 1), then we have:

x1w1 + x2w2 + b = (0 × 0) + (1 × 0) + 0 = 0≥0

Output, y = 1Hence, the output for (0, 1) = +1(iii)

When the input is (1, 1), then we have:

x1w1 + x2w2 + b = (1 × 1) + (1 × 1) + 0 = 2>0Output, y = 1

Hence, the output for (1, 1) = +1(iv) When the input is (1, 0),

then we have:x1w1 + x2w2 + b = (1 × 1) + (0 × 0) + 0 = 1>0Output, y = 1

Hence, the output for (1, 0) = +1In interlude form,

we have the following values as shown below: Input  Output(0,0)  1(0,1)  1(1,1)  1(1,0)  1

Learn more about interlude form


according to the department of homeland security, quantum computing advances by whom pose a threat to the breaking of current cryptographic standards?


According to the Department of Homeland Security, advances in quantum computing by malicious actors pose a threat to the breaking of current cryptographic standards.

The quantum computing advances by adversaries pose a threat to the breaking of current cryptographic standards according to the Department of Homeland Security. As a result, the government is working hard to stay ahead of the cyber threats posed by quantum computing.

Cryptography plays a crucial role in cybersecurity, which is why cybercriminals, state-sponsored hacking groups, and other adversaries are increasingly using quantum computing to crack encrypted communications and steal sensitive information.

However, because of the complex nature of quantum computing and the resources required to operate it, quantum computing has thus far been primarily used for research and experimentation rather than cyberattacks.

Read more about Cryptography below :


Eniac was the first truly programmable electronic computer created at the university of pennsylvania in 1946.true or false


The given statement "ENIAC was the first truly programmable electronic computer created at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946" is True because the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, or ENIAC, was the world's first general-purpose electronic digital computer.

John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, who were both scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, developed it between 1943 and 1945. On February 14, 1946, ENIAC was announced to the public.

The device, which weighed 30 tons and had 17,468 vacuum tubes, was used to create ballistic tables for the United States Army during World War II. The given statement is therefore true.

For such more question on computer:


What kind of works are protected under copyright?

Question 2 options:

Business works

Legal works

Public works

Creative/works of the mind


Copyright law safeguards intellectual property, including literary, musical, artistic, and dramatic works. Books, music, artwork, and plays all fall under this category.

Original creative works of authorship fixed in a physical medium of expression are protected by copyright law. This comprises creative works like paintings and sculptures, literary works like books and articles, musical works like songs and compositions, and dramatic works like plays and movies. Both published and unpublished works are covered by copyright protection, which grants the owner the only authority to reproduce, distribute, perform, and exhibit the work as well as to generate derivative works based on the original. The duration of copyright protection is generally the author's lifetime plus a specific number of years, after which the work becomes publicly available.

learn more about copyright law here:


josh needs to gather information about the best software companies for managing medical data. where should he go to find information? A. responses to outside sources, conducting interviews with other medical companies and providers. B. to outside sources, conducting interviews with other medical companies and providers. C. specific internet searchers, journals, business periodicals, and newspaper articles. D. specific internet searchers, journals, business periodicals, and newspaper articles. E. the local library the local library or other generic general internet search engines


Josh needs to gather information about the best software companies for managing medical data. He should go to specific internet searchers, journals, business periodicals, and newspaper articles.

A software refers to a set of instructions that tell the computer what to do. Software programs are computer programs or programs that perform a specific function or set of functions for end-users or for computer hardware. It includes application software and system software.Data is a raw and unorganized fact that needs to be processed to make it meaningful. It is a collection of facts, figures, statistics, or any other type of information that can be processed by a computer. Data is used to producing information that is relevant to the user. It can be both structured and unstructured.Josh needs to gather information about the best software companies for managing medical data. He should go to specific internet searchers, journals, business periodicals, and newspaper articles. These sources provide a wide range of information about different software companies, their features, and performance. They can provide valuable insights into the software companies' operations, their products, and their services.Conclusion: Josh should go to specific internet searchers, journals, business periodicals, and newspaper articles to find information about the best software companies for managing medical data.

Learn more about  data  here:


windows subsystem for linux has no installed distributions is called


When the Windows subsystem for Linux has no installed distributions, it is known as a distribution less system.

As a result, the user must install a Linux distribution on the Windows subsystem. This can be done by downloading the distribution's package from the Microsoft Store or by installing it manually.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a tool that allows you to run Linux on a Windows machine. WSL can be used to install and run Linux command-line tools on a Windows system, allowing developers and IT personnel to use familiar and powerful Linux utilities without leaving the Windows environment.

WSL allows you to use the Linux command line on your Windows machine, which can be beneficial for developers and IT professionals.

WSL allows you to use familiar Linux tools and utilities on your Windows machine, which can be helpful if you are transitioning from a Linux environment.

For such more question on Linux:


Which of the following records is returned when the requested resource record doesn't exist and are is used to fulfill the authenticated denial of existence security feature of DNSSEC?
-Next Secure
-zone-signing key
-Delegation Signer


The Next Secure (NSEC) record is returned when the requested resource record doesn't exist and are is used to fulfill the authenticated denial of existence security feature of DNSSEC. DNSSEC stands for Domain Name System Security Extensions. It is a set of protocol extensions that add security to the DNS (Domain Name System).

Let's dive deeper into the details below.

DNSSEC is used to add security to the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol. It does this by allowing DNS responses to be digitally signed, and it allows DNS servers to check that digital signatures to ensure that the responses are authentic and have not been tampered with.

NSEC or Next Secure is used to verify the authenticity of a response when a request is made for a resource record that doesn't exist.

NSEC records allow resolvers to verify that a DNS name does not exist by returning a record of the next name in sequence after the one that was not found.

Learn more about Domain Name System Security Extensions.


public class RowvColumn
public static void main(String[] args)
/**This program compares the run-time between row-major and column major
* ordering.
//creating a 2d Array
int[][] twoD = new int[5000][5000];
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int row = 0 ; row < twoD.length; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < twoD[row].length; col++)
twoD[row][col] = row + col;
long mid = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int row = 0; row < twoD.length; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < twoD[row].length; col++)
twoD[col][row] = row + col;
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Speed to traverse Row-Major (Milliseconds): " + (mid - start));
System.out.println("Speed to traverse Column-Major (Milliseconds): " + (end-mid));
Using the example code from Row vs. Column Major, answer the following questions in complete sentences:
Is Row-Major or Column-Major order faster? Why do you think that is. Please explain using execution counts.
In what scenario would you use Row-Major ordering when traversing a 2D array? In what scenario would you use Column-Major ordering?


The provided example code indicates that Row-Major order is quicker than Column-Major order.

The order that elements of a two-dimensional array are kept in memory is referred to as row-major. The items of one row are kept together in a row-major order, then the elements of the next row, and so on. This makes it efficient to iterate across each row of the array, accessing its elements one at a time. The array can be traversed more quickly column by column when the components of a column are stored together in column-major order. Programming languages like C and Java frequently employ row-major ordering. It is helpful for operations like matrix multiplication or linear algebra that require iterating through a matrix's rows.

Learn more about Row-Major here:


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