how does Hoover's actions were the catalyst for a greater economic depression?


Answer 1


See below.

Hebert Hoover was President of the United States from 1929-1933.

Why was Hoover blamed for the Great Depression?

Hoover is properly blamed for causing The Great Depression, but most people blame him for the wrong reasons. It is claimed that recessions and depressions are a natural part of capitalism, and that government action is needed to mitigate the business cycle and get the country out of a depression, but Hoover was some laissez-faire ideologue who did nothing and let the country sink deeper into the Great Depression.

The is entirely opposite of the truth.

Herbert Hoover said some nice things about “rugged individualism”, but he was hardly a proponent of laissez-faire. He strongly believed that the government had to take a leadership role during recessions. The man who founded a number of government regulatory agencies, including the FCC, is not a believer in laissez-faire. In 1921, he held a Presidential Conference on Unemployment which concluded that government has to act to reduce unemployment during recessions.

As soon as the 1929 collapse happened, Hoover called business leaders to Washington to pressure them, with the threat of pro-union legislation, to keep wages high when economic conditions demanded that they fall in order to maintain full employment. Lee Ohanian of UCLA calculates that this alone was responsible for 2/3 of the rise in unemployment. He also implemented public works projects and increased deficit spending like a good proto-Keynesian, raised the top income tax rate to 63%, signed Smoot Hawley, and started a number of other recovery programs.

“When we all burst into Washington . . . we found every essential idea [of the New Deal] enacted in the 100-day Congress in the Hoover administration itself. The essentials of the NRA [National Recovery Administration], the PWA [Public Works Administration], the emergency relief setup were all there. Even the AAA [Agricultural Adjustment Act] was known to the Department of Agriculture. Only the TVA and the Securities Act was drawn from other sources. The RFC [Reconstruction Finance Corporation], probably the greatest recovery agency, was of course a Hoover measure, passed long before the inauguration.”—Raymond Moley, a member of FDR’s “Brain Trust”

Herbert Hoover was the most interventionist American President yet, and as a result, the economy fell deeper into The Great Depression.

An actual laissez-faire policy would have allowed the economy to recover in almost no time.

How Does Hoover's Actions Were The Catalyst For A Greater Economic Depression?

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The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments were all important additions to the Constitution because they

A were passed over the objection of the majority of the states. Were passed over the objection of the majority of the states. B addressed issues that contributed to the Civil War. Addressed issues that contributed to the Civil War. C granted more freedom to women. Granted more freedom to women. D repealed previous amendments


The correct answer is B. The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments were important additions to the Constitution because they addressed issues that contributed to the Civil War.

Involuntary servitude and slavery were prohibited in the United States after the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified in 1865. The protection of African Americans' civil rights was significantly advanced by this amendment.

All people born or naturalized in the United States, including former slaves, were granted citizenship after the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified in 1868. Equal protection under the law and due process were also guaranteed, and it made sure that no one could be deprived of their life, liberty, or property without first receiving due process.

After being ratified in 1870, the Fifteenth Amendment outlawed discrimination against voters based on their race, color, or previous state of servitude. Although it would take many more years of struggle, this amendment represented a significant victory for African Americans in the civil rights movement.

In this option B is correct

To know more about Amendments  here


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One specific historical event or development from the period between 1760 and 1800 that could be used to support Adams' interpretation is the American Revolution.

Adams argued that the American Revolution was not a single event, but rather a long process of social, economic, and political changes that culminated in the creation of a new nation. This view is supported by the fact that the American Revolution was not a sudden eruption of violence, but rather a series of protests, boycotts, and political debates that gradually escalated over several years.

Furthermore, the American Revolution was not only a war for independence, but also a revolution in ideas. The colonists challenged traditional notions of monarchy, aristocracy, and empire, and articulated new concepts of liberty, equality, and democracy that would have a profound impact on the world.

Thus, the American Revolution can be seen as a complex and multifaceted process of social, economic, and political change that involved the gradual evolution of new ideas, institutions, and practices over a period of several decades.

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What was difficult about childhood in a medieval town?


About half of all children died before they became adults.


please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude I hope you are satisfied with my answer:^)


It was difficult because half of the children died and the ones who lived started work at an early age.

Why was growing up in Medieval towns difficult? Back then they got married at an early age and you had to learn how to cook, cloth making, and other househould skills need to run a house.

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Building socialism means making things more publicly owned rather than private owned. Increasing the rate of publicly owned things like property and natural resources.

Read the book Milkweed, by Jerry Spinelli, and complete the book report. Questions from the reading will also be on the unit quiz. Milkweed is a piece of Holocaust literature about a young orphaned boy in Nazi-occupied Poland. Although the book has scenes which illustrate the atrocities of living in the Warsaw ghetto, the details are not overly graphic. Milkweed presents a hopeful and compelling story of a boy who perseveres through a tremendously difficult time in history.

Do not plagiarize. Students who plagarize will not receive credit.

What is the setting of the book?
Who are four of the main characters? Give a brief description of each character.
Write a summary of the story.
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The Setting of Milkweed is that the book is set in Warsaw, Poland during World War II, under Nazi occupation.

What is Milkweed?

The Main characters of Milkweed:

Misha - the protagonist, a young orphaned boy who has no memories of his past and spends most of his time on the streets.Uri - an older boy who takes Misha under his wing and becomes his friend and mentor.Janina - a young girl who befriends Misha and becomes like a sister to him.Doctor Korczak - a kind and compassionate doctor who runs an orphanage and cares for the children in his care.

The Summary:

The story follows the life of Misha, a young orphaned boy who has no memories of his past and spends most of his time on the streets. Misha meets a group of boys led by Uri, who takes him under his wing and shows him how to survive in the harsh conditions of the Warsaw ghetto. Misha becomes friends with a young girl named Janina, and together they try to make the best of their difficult situation.

The story culminates in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, where the Jews in the ghetto rebel against their oppressors. Misha is separated from his friends and is eventually taken in by Doctor Korczak, who runs an orphanage for Jewish children. However, the situation becomes increasingly dangerous, and Misha and the other children are eventually taken to a concentration camp.

The End:

The book ends with Misha and the other children being transported to a concentration camp, and the fate of Misha and his friends is left unknown.

Therefore, the book presents a compelling story of a young boy who perseveres through tremendously difficult times in history, while also shedding light on the atrocities committed during the Holocaust.

Learn more about Milkweed from


Describe what it means when price and quantity supplies are in equilibrium.

(U.S. Government and Economics)


When price and quantity supplied are in equilibrium, it means that the market is balanced and there is no excess demand or excess supply of the product. At this point, the quantity supplied by the producers is exactly equal to the quantity demanded by the consumers at the prevailing market price. The equilibrium price is the price at which the market clears, and the equilibrium quantity is the quantity that is bought and sold at this price. In this situation, the market is considered to be efficient, as both producers and consumers are satisfied with the market price and quantity. Any deviation from the equilibrium price and quantity will result in either excess demand or excess supply, which will cause the market to adjust towards a new equilibrium.



The equilibrium price is the only price where the plans of consumers and the plans of producers agree—that is, where the amount consumers want to buy the product, quantity demanded, is equal to the amount producers want to sell, quantity supplied. This common quantity is called the equilibrium quantity.

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Franklin Pierce was the only eligible incumbent us president not to be his party renomination for a second term. Franklin Pierce  supported for the South significantly hurt his standing with many North Democrats.

Democratic party's members declined to support him again and backed other one instead, who had less contentious views. The enslavement debate split Democrats as the race for president drew near. It had been generally anticipated that the choice would come to an end with no result as no significant aspirant would be have the required majority.  Franklin Pierce  enjoyed backing in his own area and region of election but troubled becoming selected  due to the fact that was for a very long long time away from power for and lacked the national recognition of the collaboration. Franklin Pierce  supported for the South significantly hurt his standing with many North Democrats

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What were the reforms during the Industrial Revolution?


mandatory public education, child labor laws, and eight-hour workdays. Reforms also addressed minimum wage, compensation for workplace accidents, and improved sanitation infrastructure.

how did the outcome of the war of 1812 promote further westward expansion?


The outcome of the War of 1812 promoted further westward expansion in several ways.

First, the war weakened Native American resistance to westward expansion by reducing British support for Native American tribes. This allowed the United States to gain more land and resources from Native American tribes through treaties and military force.

Second, the war helped to establish American control over the Great Lakes region, which opened up new transportation routes for westward expansion. The construction of the Erie Canal in the 1820s further facilitated westward migration by making it easier and cheaper to transport goods and people across the region.

Finally, the war contributed to a sense of national pride and unity that encouraged Americans to see westward expansion as a patriotic endeavor. This sentiment was reflected in the idea of "Manifest Destiny," which held that it was America's divine mission to expand its territory and spread its political and social values across the continent.

Learn more about War here


alice paul and the national woman’s party were successful in gaining suffrage for women in the u.s. which amendment gave women the right to vote and in what year was it passed?


Alice Paul was a prominent figure in the women's suffrage movement of the 20th century. She worked to get the US Constitution's 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote, passed.

In the 20th century, Alice Paul played a significant role in the women's suffrage movement. She worked to pass the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, which granted women the right to vote.
The Equal Rights Amendment, which Paul then wrote in 1923, is still not in effect.
The oldest of Tacie Parry and William Paul's four children, Paul was born on January 11, 1885 in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. His parents were wealthy Quakers and businessmen. Paul's parents supported women's rights, education, and efforts to advance society. Suffragist Paul's mother frequently brought her daughter along to events for women's suffrage.
To know more about Alice Paul go through:-


Using the primary sources attached, write a three-paragraph claim on the French and Indian War. Include the perspectives of the French, British, and Native Americans.
Your first paragraph should be your claim with evidence stated.
The second paragraph should include the counterclaim or opposing view with evidence as well.
The final paragraph should be the rebuttal, in which you restate your claim as an absolute


The French and Indian War, often known as the Seven Years' War, was a new chapter in the lengthy fight of imperialism between Britain and France.

The Brits officially declared war in 1756 after a series of wars when France's advance into the Ohio River basin repeatedly clashed with the claims of the British possessions.

Counterargument or opposing viewpoint supported by evidence:

At this time, the British military effort was impeded by domestic disinterest, rivalry among the American colonies, and France's superior performance in gaining the allegiance of the Indians.

My claim as an absolute -

Because William Pitt, the new British monarch, considered the colonial wars as essential to creating a sizable British empire, the tides began to change in 1757. Borrowing heavily to finance the war, he paid Prussia to fight in Europe and reimbursed the colonies for raising troops in North America.

Conflict and war?

A conflict is a battle between armed forces. The directed against other parties that is declared on paper by governments or nations is called war. Conflicts sometimes accompany war, albeit not all conflicts are connected to or present in all wars.

what are its causes?

A war is an armed struggle between two or more sides. There are several reasons of war. Imperialism, for instance, sparked the American-Spanish war in 1898. The Thirty Years' War in the 1600s was brought on by religious conflicts.

To know more about War visit:


The philosophical theory that deciding freely entails "real choices" which do not exist, therefore, we are determined FULLY by the forces that surround and comprise us:


The philosophical theory you are referring to is called determinism. Determinism is the view that every event, including human actions, is ultimately determined by prior causes and the laws of nature.

According to determinism, free will is an illusion, and our choices are not "real" choices but rather the inevitable outcome of the forces that surround and comprise us.

There are various forms of determinism, including hard determinism, which holds that human behavior is completely determined by prior causes and that free will is an illusion, and soft determinism, which maintains that while our actions are determined by prior causes, we can still be considered free and responsible for our choices.

The debate between determinism and free will is a longstanding and complex one in philosophy, with arguments and counterarguments presented by proponents of each position. Some argue that determinism is incompatible with moral responsibility and accountability, while others contend that free will is an illusion that is not supported by science or empirical evidence. Ultimately, the question of whether we are determined fully by our surroundings and circumstances or whether we have genuine freedom and agency in our choices remains a topic of ongoing philosophical inquiry and debate.

Learn more about philosophical theory;


which african state organized the most successful resistance movement to european imperialism?


There were several African states that organized successful resistance movements against European imperialism, making it difficult to identify a single state as the most successful. However, some of the most notable resistance movements include:

Ethiopia: Ethiopia successfully resisted Italian colonialism during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, culminating in the Battle of Adwa in 1896. Ethiopian forces defeated the Italian army, becoming the only African state to successfully resist European colonization.

Algeria: Algeria waged a protracted war of independence against France between 1954 and 1962, ultimately gaining its independence.

Ghana: Ghana, under the leadership of Kwame Nkrumah, became the first African state to gain independence from European colonial rule in 1957, following a successful campaign of nonviolent resistance.

Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe waged a long struggle against British colonialism, culminating in the Lancaster House Agreement of 1979, which paved the way for the country's independence in 1980.

Overall, many African states organized successful resistance movements against European imperialism, and their struggles and achievements played a crucial role in shaping the course of African history and the broader struggle for global decolonization.

To learn more about imperialism refer to:


Describe the evolution of the Auschwitz concentration camps in 3-5 sentences ​



Knowing that Auschwitz was added up to I think 3 camps and it used to be a former Polish Army barracks, but when it was oppened in 1940. Then the Germans "owned" this and was historically the largest camp.


true or false, the new deal coalition was made up of president roosevelt’s supporters in congress, as well as the supreme court justices who upheld new deal programs and agencies.


The statement that "the New Deal coalition was made up of President Roosevelt’s supporters in Congress, as well as the Supreme Court justices who upheld New Deal programs and agencies" is false.

A majority coalition that supported the Democratic Party in the United States, specifically during the 1930s and 1940s, is known as the New Deal coalition. It was created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression and expanded the role of the federal government in providing social welfare and increasing the rights of laborers

Roosevelt's supporters in Congress, organized labor, ethnic minorities, urbanites, Southerners, and intellectuals made up the New Deal coalition. These groups formed a coalition behind the Democratic Party and President Franklin D. Roosevelt to provide government programs and services to those who were suffering as a result of the Great Depression.

For more such questions on New Deal coalition, click on:


Can someone help with the question 7? Steps



a) Length = 7.2 cm

b) Perimeter = 17.2 cm

c) Area = 12 cm²


From pythogras theorem;

[tex]{ \rm{l = \sqrt{ {4}^{2} + {6}^{2} } }} \\ \\ { \rm{l = \sqrt{16 + 36} }} \\ \\ { \rm{l = \sqrt{ 52} = 7.2} \: cm}[/tex]


[tex]{ \tt{ = 6 + 4 + 7.2}} \\ = { \tt{17.2 \: cm}}[/tex]


[tex]{ \tt{area = \frac{1}{2} \times base \times height }} \\ \\ { \tt{area = \frac{1}{2} \times 6 \times 4}} \\ \\ { \tt{area = 3 \times 4}} \\ \\ { \tt{area = 12 \: {cm}^{2} }}[/tex]

true oa false Journal entries used to prepare temporary accounts for a new fiscal period are closing entries


Journal entries used to prepare temporary accounts for a new fiscal period are closing entries. This statement is false.

Journal entries used to prepare temporary accounts for a new fiscal period are adjusting entries.Adjusting entries are accounting entries made to a company's general ledger accounts at the end of an accounting period to bring the accounts up to date, following accrual accounting. Adjusting entries are made for accruals, deferrals, and estimating uncollectible accounts. Adjusting entries are necessary for reporting the company's revenues and expenses accurately for the accounting period.

Closing entries, on the other hand, are made to close temporary accounts at the end of an accounting period, and they are also used to summarize revenue and expense accounts. These entries are done after the financial statements have been prepared.Temporary accounts are accounts that keep track of a company's financial transactions for a specified period, usually one fiscal year. Revenues, expenses, gains, and losses are all included in temporary accounts. At the end of the accounting period, temporary accounts are closed, and their balances are transferred to the company's permanent accounts, which are also known as real accounts.

For such more questions on Journal entries:



True or False. Journal entries used to prepare temporary accounts for a new fiscal period are closing entries.

how many months a year does the onyx river flow in antarctica?


During the brief Antarctic summer, the Onyx River, an Antarctic meltwater stream, travels west through the Wright Valley from Wright Lower Glacier and Lake Brownworth at the glacier's base to Lake Vanda. It is the longest river in Antarctica, measuring 32 kilometers (20 miles).

What is Antarctica's longest stream?With a 19-mile length from the Wright Lower Glacier on the coast to Lake Vanda, the Onyx River is the longest river in Antarctica. It has been continually observed by scientists for 50 years, and its seasonal stream has a lengthy scientific record. Ice loss might be hastened by the secret river. An area the size of France and Germany combined is drained by a river that is longer than England's Thames, according to new research. The Onyx runs away from the ocean in contrast to the majority of rivers on earth. The Onyx flows inland, downhill, and finally stops at ice-covered Lake Vanda, one of the world's saltiest lakes and 10 times saltier than saltwater, due to glaciers blocking the Wright Valley's entrance.

To learn more about Antarctica, refer to:

What is a "fief" in medieval times?



In the Middle Ages, a "fief," which was also called a "feudal landholding," was a piece of land that a lord gave to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and military service. The vassal would usually swear an oath of allegiance to the lord and be expected to provide a certain number of knights and soldiers to fight for the lord in times of war.

The fief itself could be anything from a small piece of land to a large estate. It could also include things like forests, mills, and mines, as well as land. The vassal would be able to collect taxes, tolls, and other money from the fief, and he or she could also rule over the people who lived there in different ways.

The fief was a key part of feudalism, which was common in medieval Europe from the 9th to the 15th century. This system was made up of a complicated web of relationships between lords, vassals, and serfs (peasants who were bound to the land).


please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude I hope you will be satisfied with my answer


In European feudalism, a fief was a source of income granted to a person (called a vassal) by his lord in exchange for his services. The fief usually consisted of land and the labor of peasants who were bound to cultivate it.

what was one cause of the mexican-american war and what was one effect of the mexican-american war?



In short, the Mexican-American War was caused because of the United States' repeated encroachment on Mexican territory, such as its' annexation of Texas, which Mexico refused to recognize as being independent. Therefore, Mexico also refused to recognize the claimed border between the two nations.


The immediate cause of the Mexican-American War was a disputed boundary between the United States and Texas on the Nueces Strip. Mexico did not recognize Texas as legitimate American territory and Texas admission to the United States antagonized Mexican officials and citizens.

what cause it was the fight over Texas border

The effect was Mexico lost a lot of land to the US

which people were at the top of the social structure in the spanish colonies?


In the Spanish colonies, the people who were at the top of the social structure were the Peninsulares.

The social structure in the Spanish colonies was hierarchical, and it consisted of four groups. They are as follows: Peninsulares - They were individuals who were born in Spain and later migrated to the New World.

These people were at the top of the social hierarchy. Criollos - They were the descendants of Peninsulares who were born in America. Mestizos - They were the mixed-race children of Spaniards and Indigenous Americans.

Indigenous Americans and African slaves - They were at the bottom of the social ladder, and they were subjected to forced labor and exploitation.

The Peninsulares were regarded as superior because they were born in Spain and, as a result, were regarded as more European than the Criollos. This distinction was made based on their heritage and ancestry.

As a result, they were given special privileges in the New World, such as access to better-paying jobs, education, and political power.

For such more question on Peninsulares:


1. Why do the scientists in favor of using the bomb believe it should be used against Japan (Document 23.6)?

2. What arguments do the scientists who oppose dropping the atomic bomb on Japan put forward (Document 23.7)? Under what conditions do they believe the use of the bomb would be justified?

3. How do both groups of scientists place the use of the bomb within the context of postwar international relations?

4. What reasons does Truman give for dropping the bomb (Document 23.8)?

5. According to the strategic bombing survey, what factors delayed Japan's acceptance of unconditional surrender (Document 23.10)?

6. How does what you see in the photograph of the day after the bombing of Hiroshima (Document 23.9) compare with the eyewitness account in
Document 23.11? Which do you find more powerful and why?

7. What do you think was the primary reason the United States dropped the atomic bomb on

8. After reading these documents, do you think the United States should have sought a different way to end the war? Why or why not?



The scientists in favor of using the bomb believe it should be used against Japan because they argue that Japan is a ruthless aggressor, the use of the bomb will end the war quickly, and it will save American lives.

The scientists who oppose dropping the atomic bomb on Japan argue that it is unnecessary and morally wrong to use such a destructive weapon against civilians. They believe that Japan was already on the verge of surrender, and the use of the bomb was not needed to end the war. They argue that the use of the bomb would only be justified if it was used as a last resort to avoid a greater loss of life.

Both groups of scientists place the use of the bomb within the context of postwar international relations by considering the implications of using such a destructive weapon in terms of the precedent it sets for future conflicts and the potential consequences for relations between nations.

Truman gives several reasons for dropping the bomb, including the need to end the war quickly and save American lives, the belief that Japan would not surrender otherwise, and the desire to demonstrate American military superiority to the Soviet Union.

According to the strategic bombing survey, factors that delayed Japan's acceptance of unconditional surrender include the military's unwillingness to surrender without certain conditions, such as retaining the emperor's position, and the belief that the Soviet Union might mediate a peace agreement with more favorable terms.

The photograph of the day after the bombing of Hiroshima shows a scene of widespread destruction and devastation, while the eyewitness account in Document 23.11 provides a more detailed description of the suffering and pain of the survivors. Both are powerful in their own ways, but the eyewitness account provides a more personal and emotional perspective on the human toll of the bombing.

The primary reason the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Japan was to end the war quickly and save American lives.

After reading these documents, it is a matter of personal opinion whether the United States should have sought a different way to end the war. Some may argue that the use of the bomb was necessary to end the war quickly and avoid a greater loss of life, while others may argue that it was morally wrong to use such a destructive weapon against civilians. Ultimately, it is important to consider the historical context and the available information at the time in making such a judgment.

What efforts did Malcolm X took in order to improve civil rights for African Americans?how successful were these efforts? Explain


Answer :Malcolm rejected integration with white America as a worthwhile aim (deriding it as "coffee with a cracker") and particularly opposed non-violence

What is the fighting formation that helped greece win the battle of marathon?


Due to the hoplites' lengthy history of hand-to-hand warfare and the Persian soldiers' experience with a radically different style of conflict, the phalanx formation was successful.

What is meant by marathon?The 42.195-kilometer marathon is a long-distance foot race that can be completed on trails in addition to roads. Running or using a run/walk technique can be used to finish the marathon. wheelchair categories are also present. The International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF) formally authorized that distance for marathons in 1921, which is why it is 42.195 kilometers (26.2 miles) in length today. When the Olympics visited London in 1908, the length was again a factor. The start and finish of these races were purportedly requested by Queen Alexandra, who wanted them to take place on the lawn of Windsor Castle and the royal box of the Olympic stadium, respectively.

To learn more about marathon, refer to:

under the emperor trajan, the roman european boundaries were set atBritain in the northwest and Mesopotamia in the east.Britain in the east and Mesopotamia in the northeast.Ireland in the northwest and Mesopotamia in the west.Ireland in the east and Mesopotamia in the northwest.


Option-A:Under the emperor Trajan, the Roman European boundaries were set at Britain in the northwest and Mesopotamia in the east.

The Roman Empire was a vast empire that lasted for several centuries. It was made up of many countries, including Italy, Greece, Egypt, and others. However, Trajan expanded the boundaries of the Roman Empire, and he was successful in doing so.
Trajan was an ambitious emperor, and he had many achievements during his reign. One of his achievements was that he expanded the Roman Empire's boundaries. Trajan was able to conquer many countries, and he set the boundaries at Britain in the northwest and Mesopotamia in the east.
Britain was an essential country in the northwest, and it had many resources that the Roman Empire needed. Trajan conquered Britain and made it a Roman province. Mesopotamia was another country in the east that Trajan was able to conquer. He was able to expand the Roman Empire's boundaries to Mesopotamia, which is located in modern-day Iraq.Thus the correct option is Britain in the northwest and Mesopotamia in the east.
For such more questions on emperor Trajan:


Who was the territorial governor of Indiana that opposed Tecumseh?


On November 7, 1811, in Battle Ground, Indiana, a battle known as Tippecanoe took place between American forces under the command of Indiana Territory Governor William Henry Harrison and Native American forces loyal to Tecumseh and his brother Tenskwatawa.

What is meant by territorial governor?A three-year tenure was assigned to territorial governors. As commander-in-chief of the militia, they had the power to reject territorial legislation and choose subordinate authorities. Defending a piece of land from outsiders or invaders is known as defending a territory. In comparison to other areas, such as a neighborhood, some have clearly defined borders, such as a country, province, or city. Whether it comes to things like ethnicity, culture, or religion, residents of a given region frequently have things in common. As the seventh and final governor of the Oklahoma Territory, Frank Frantz (1872–1941) was an American politician and rough rider.The longest tenure of any governor of Florida to date was that of William Pope Duval, who led the first territory government for 12 years.

To learn more about territorial governor, refer to:

Upon arriving at the platform, many Jews, especially those from western lands, carried their belongings with them. As they were separated into genders, they were told to hand over their belongings, and especially valuables, for safekeeping. Which choice BEST explains why this tactic was used by the guards?

Answer choices are in the picture below ​


Cοrrect οptiοn is C, Upοn arriving at the platfοrm, many Jews, especially thοse frοm western lands, carried their belοngings with them this tactic was used by the guards because this kept the ruse that they wοuld be returning fοr their belοngings.

Why the guards intended tο cοnfiscate and steal valuable items?

The guards intended tο cοnfiscate and steal valuable items frοm the Jews: By asking the Jews tο hand οver their belοngings, especially valuables, fοr safekeeping, the guards may have intended tο cοnfiscate and steal thοse items fοr themselves οr fοr the Nazi regime. This was a cοmmοn tactic used by the guards tο explοit and prοfit frοm the Jews, whο were οften stripped οf their pοssessiοns and wealth during the Hοlοcaust.

The tactic οf asking Jews tο hand οver their belοngings, especially valuables, fοr safekeeping was used by the guards fοr several reasοns, including:

Tο deceive the Jews: The guards may have used this tactic tο deceive the Jews intο thinking that their belοngings wοuld be safe and returned tο them later. This was a way tο calm the Jews and prevent them frοm resisting οr causing a cοmmοtiοn upοn arrival.Tο strip the Jews οf their belοngings: The guards may have intended tο cοnfiscate and steal valuable items frοm the Jews. This was a cοmmοn tactic used by the guards tο explοit and prοfit frοm the Jews, whο were οften stripped οf their pοssessiοns and wealth during the Hοlοcaust.Tο humiliate and dehumanize the Jews: Fοrcing the Jews tο hand οver their belοngings was alsο a way fοr the guards tο assert their pοwer and authοrity οver the Jews, and tο further degrade and dehumanize them.Tο make it easier tο cοntrοl the Jews: By taking away the Jews' belοngings, the guards cοuld mοre easily cοntrοl and manipulate them. Withοut their pοssessiοns, the Jews were mοre vulnerable and dependent οn the guards fοr basic needs such as fοοd and shelter.

To learn more about Jews from given link


why was lenin successful in overthrowing the provisional government in april 1917?



Lenin was successful in overthrowing the provisional government in April 1917 because he was able to capitalize on the widespread discontent among the Russian people. He was able to tap into the people's dissatisfaction with the government's inability to end the war, its failure to address the economic crisis, and its lack of commitment to social reform. Lenin's Bolshevik Party was able to mobilize the people and gain support for their cause. Lenin also had the support of the military, which was essential in overthrowing the provisional government.


What did the television coverage of the Vietnam War illustrate?


Television coverage of the Vietnam War shows that Americans were able to watch military aggressions on television, such as the 1968 My Lai massacre, which sparked riots in cities and college campuses across the country.

This anger, fueled by television reports, eventually led to the decision to withdraw U.S. forces in 1973 and end U.S. involvement in the war. Based on the samples analyzed and the data obtained, it was concluded that television did not report on the dead, dying and wounded nearly every night on the evening news, but did report on them. Americans also did not regularly watch the fighting and deaths in Vietnam on regular television news programs.

From 8,000 miles away in the jungles of South Vietnam, the journalist filmed a film, submitted a report, and published or broadcasted it on the next day's news. All of these were presented to the American public in bright colors.

Television told people how cruel and bloody the war was and how American soldiers suffered as a result of the war. It negatively affected the image of the war and changed public opinion about the Vietnam War.

Know more about Vietnam War here:


According to the website, which countries did Hitler start planning for after the defeat of France?


Answer: Great Britain

Explanation: Once he had a foothold in France he thought he could use France as a place to launch an invasion on Great Britain from. When he tried this he failed.

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