Does pandora use any Digital Rights Management (DRM) to control or limit what you can do with the content it provides you access to?


Answer 1


Yes, Pandora does use Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology to control and limit what users can do with the content it provides. The use of DRM helps to protect the rights of content creators and prevent unauthorized copying or sharing of their intellectual property.

Specifically, Pandora uses DRM to encrypt and protect the music and other content it streams to users. This encryption helps to prevent users from downloading or saving the content locally, and also prevents users from sharing or distributing the content in any way.

While this may be frustrating for some users who would like more control over the content they access, it is a necessary step to protect the rights of content creators and ensure that they are fairly compensated for their work.

Answer 2


Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a technology that is used to control and restrict the use of digital content, such as music or movies, in order to prevent unauthorized copying or distribution. DRM is often implemented through software that is built into the content, or through hardware such as special chips in media players.

Pandora is a music streaming service that provides access to a large catalog of songs, albums, and artists. In order to use Pandora, you must create an account and agree to their terms of service. The terms of service state that you are only allowed to use Pandora for personal, non-commercial purposes, and that you are not allowed to reproduce, distribute, or modify the content in any way.

While Pandora does not use DRM technology to control or limit what you can do with the content it provides, they do have restrictions in place to ensure that users are not sharing or distributing copyrighted material. For example, Pandora may limit the number of times you can skip songs, or may prevent you from accessing certain songs or albums if you are located in a region where they do not have the necessary rights to distribute that content.

Overall, while Pandora does not use DRM technology to restrict or control the use of their content, they do have measures in place to prevent unauthorized use or distribution of copyrighted material.

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Did India supply the British with indigo, petroleum, or diamonds in the 19th century?


Answer: India supplied the British with indigo in the 19th century.

Indigo was the thing India supplied. The rest of that stuff came from other parts of englands empire

How did repealing apartheid laws change international sanctions against South Africa? Countries lifted sanctions against South Africa. Countries increased sanctions against South Africa. A few countries kept sanctions in place. Several other countries created sanctions against South Africa.



Countries lifted sanctions against South Africa


Countries sanctioned South Africa in order to pressure them to stop the apartheid


Countries lifted sanctions against South Africa


As a response to South Africa's apartheid policies, the international community adopted economic sanctions as condemnation and pressure.

Which pull factor do you think pulled immigrants to the United States the most and why? Choose from one below.

1. Freedom. As Gjert Hovland wrote, "Everyone has the freedom to practice the teaching and religion he prefers."

2. Economic opportunity. Immigrants sought a land where they could support their families and have a better future. Immigration often rose during times of U.S. prosperity and fell during hard times.

3. Abundant land. The acquisition of the Louisiana Purchase and the Mexican Cession gave the United States millions more acres of land.
To land-starved Europeans, America was a land of opportunity.

4. Class reading - Sections Rapid Growth of Cities and Urban



Economic opportunity


Economic opportunity is generally thought to have been the main draw that drew immigrants to the United States, based on historical data and analysis. Due to the nation's quick industrialization and labor shortage, immigrants had many job options. The United States was also regarded as a land of opportunity, where perseverance and hard work could result in success and upward social mobility. Immigrants from impoverished areas found particular appeal in this promise of economic prosperity. Even though land abundance and freedom were also significant factors, economic opportunity frequently took precedence.

Which section of the text best supports the theme that endless labor keeps human beings from reaching their full potential?

“Down all the stretch of Hell to its last gulf / There is no shape more terrible than this”
“tongued with censure of the world’s blind greed”
“Slave of the wheel of labor, what to him / Are Plato and the swing of Pleiades?”
“Through this dread shape the suffering ages look; / Time's tragedy is in the aching stoop”

the answer is c. “Slave of the wheel of labor, what to him / Are Plato and the swing of Pleiades?” on edge 2023 :)



The section "Slave of the wheel of labor, what to him / Are Plato and the swing of Pleiades?" best supports the theme that endless labor keeps human beings from reaching their full potential because it shows that the speaker believes that people who are enslaved to their work cannot appreciate or enjoy the higher pursuits of life, such as philosophy and stargazing. The phrase "wheel of labor" suggests a repetitive, monotonous cycle of work that dominates the worker's life, leaving no room for personal growth or intellectual pursuits. The rhetorical question "what to him / Are Plato and the swing of Pleiades?" emphasizes this point by implying that someone who is stuck in this cycle of work would have no time or energy to contemplate the beauty and wonder of the natural world or engage in intellectual pursuits.


Explanation: edge 2023

Which of these people groups FIRST developed a complex society in the region identified in the map?


The first people who developed a complex society in the region identified in the map was Sumerians

After the Punic Wars, the Roman Republic is on the verge of constantly being taken over by dictators. Why? What social, economic, and/or political changes led to this instability?



After the Punic Wars, the Roman Republic is on the verge of constantly being taken over by dictators. Why? What social, economic, and/or political changes led to this instability?


The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BCE to 146 BCE. After the final Punic War, which ended in 146 BCE, Rome emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranean. However, the victory in the Punic Wars did not bring stability to the Roman Republic. The social, economic, and political changes that occurred during this time period contributed to the instability of the Republic and the rise of dictators.

One of the main social changes was the increase in slavery. Slavery was an integral part of the Roman economy, and the conquests during the Punic Wars led to an influx of enslaved people. The wealthy elite used this cheap labor to increase their profits, while the poor and middle-class citizens suffered from unemployment and a lack of opportunities.

The economic changes during this time period also contributed to the instability of the Republic. The rise of latifundia, large estates owned by the wealthy elite, led to the displacement of small farmers. This led to a decline in the number of citizens who could serve in the military, which was a requirement for holding political office.

Politically, the Republic became increasingly corrupt and ineffective. The Senate, which was supposed to be the governing body of the Republic, became dominated by wealthy landowners who used their power to further their own interests. This led to a decline in the power of the plebeians, or common people, who had once been able to influence the political process.

All of these changes contributed to the instability of the Republic and the rise of dictators. The people of Rome were looking for strong leaders who could restore order and stability to the Republic. This led to the rise of powerful generals such as Julius Caesar and Pompey, who used their military power to gain political control. Eventually, this led to the downfall of the Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.

Which historical interpretation is supported by this source?



This source supports the interpretation that the American Revolution was largely driven by economic concerns. It shows that the American colonists were motivated by economic grievances, such as the taxes imposed on them by the British government, to rebel against their colonial rulers. The source further suggests that the colonists saw the fight for independence as a way to achieve economic freedom from the British.

FILL IN THE BLANK.As the war lingered and the presidential election of 1916 loomed, Wilson endorsed ______, yet then ran a campaign stressing ______.


As the war lingered and the presidential election of 1916 loomed, Wilson endorsed peace, yet then ran a campaign stressing preparedness.

President Woodrow Wilson ran for re-election in 1916. Wilson's campaign for re-election to the presidency included the slogan "he kept us out of war," and he ran against Republican candidate Charles Evans Hughes. He won the election narrowly with 277 electoral votes to Hughes' 254.

Wilson had two main problems during his re-election campaign. The first was the ongoing conflict in Europe. The United States declared war on Germany in 1917, despite Wilson's pledge to stay out of the conflict.

Wilson had to walk a fine line between keeping America out of the war and protecting America's interests in the world. His second problem was that he had a difficult time winning the support of the American people for his ideas. Many Americans were wary of his policies, and some even accused him of being a socialist.

For such more question on presidential:



why did europeans replace enslaved indigenouse people with enslaved africans in the americas



The Europeans began enslaving Indigenous peoples in the Americas for labor but as they were decimated by diseases and harsh working conditions, they turned to the transatlantic slave trade to import African slaves. Africans were believed to be more profitable, resistant to European diseases, and easier to control. This transition was driven by economic considerations, racism, and cultural beliefs about the superiority of Europeans.


The Europeans initially relied on enslaved Indigenous peoples to provide labor in the Americas, but as the Indigenous populations were decimated by diseases brought by the Europeans and the harsh conditions of forced labor, they began to look elsewhere for a labor source.

They turned to the transatlantic slave trade to import African slaves to the Americas, a trade that had been established by European nations in the 16th century. African slaves were seen as a more profitable and reliable source of labor, as they were thought to be more resistant to European diseases and were believed to be better suited for the harsh conditions of plantation work.

The Europeans also believed that African slaves were more "docile" and easier to control than Indigenous peoples, who were seen as more likely to rebel or escape due to their knowledge of the land and their connections to other Indigenous peoples who might aid them.

This transition from Indigenous to African enslavement was driven by economic considerations, as well as racist and cultural beliefs about the superiority of Europeans and the inferiority of non-European peoples. It was a brutal and unjust system that had devastating consequences for millions of Africans and their descendants.

Which of the following is NOT true of nuclear energy compared to coal or oil?
A. Radioactive waste is left from use
B. It is more energy efficient than coal or oil
C. It is more dangerous for people involved in its production



The nucleus of uranium is bombarded with high energy neutrons.

Explanation: Nuclear energy is generated by splitting of uranium atoms

PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review the statement below.

"Every man who does not go to war must work for the empire, without reward, for a certain time."

What law code is this an example of?

Code of Hammurabi
Christian Bible





Yassa had more than 20 laws that was one of them.


B: Yassa


● Explain the changes that were made to S Explain how the day is celebrated in schools, families, work places and other institutions like churches etc. How does the celebration of the holiday bring unity and close the gaps of the past? opforces the application of the constitution of South Africa​


Answer:The day that is being referred to is likely South Africa's Freedom Day, which is celebrated on April 27th each year. This day commemorates the first post-apartheid elections held in South Africa in 1994, which marked the end of decades of racial segregation and oppression.

In schools, Freedom Day is often celebrated through various educational activities such as assemblies, class discussions, and cultural performances. Students may learn about the significance of the day, the struggle for freedom and democracy in South Africa, and the country's constitution. Schools may also organize community service projects or events to promote unity and celebrate diversity.

Similarly, families may come together to celebrate Freedom Day by attending community events, visiting historic sites, or reflecting on the significance of the day in their own lives. Some families may also choose to hold discussions or engage in educational activities with their children to help them understand the importance of freedom, democracy, and human rights.

In workplaces, Freedom Day may be celebrated through various events such as speeches, discussions, and cultural performances. Employers may also use the day to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and to encourage employees to reflect on the country's progress since the end of apartheid.

In churches and other institutions, Freedom Day may be marked through special services, prayers, or other religious ceremonies. These may focus on themes of social justice, human rights, and the importance of unity and reconciliation.

Overall, the celebration of Freedom Day brings together people from different backgrounds and encourages reflection on the past, present, and future of South Africa. By promoting understanding and unity, the day helps to close the gaps of the past and reinforces the importance of the constitution in building a free and democratic society.

Explanation: Hope it helps

What is the answer to this question


Based on the concept of wood defect, the type of defect that affects the lumber grading, in this case, is Knot.

What is the Knot defect in Lumbering?

Knot defect is a term that is used to describe the defects in timber, which occur when branches die off and the bases become enclosed by a second layer of wood.

Generally, Knot is considered a natural defect in the wood, and can create an interesting visual sight which is commonly seen on hardwood floors.

In this case, the oval shape depicts a form of knot defects in the wood.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Knot.

Learn more about Wood defects here: https://brainly.com/question/3594552



What defect that affects lumber grading is illustrated in the photo below?

Among all of Jesus' miracles of healing, why are his healings of lepers so significant in our understanding of the Sacraments of Healing?


Jesus' healing of lepers is so significant in our understanding of the Sacraments of Healing because it helps us to understand that healing is not only about restoring the physical state but is also about dignity and recognizing the need for spiritual and emotional healing.

The healing of lepers was an Important aspect of Jesus' ministry, and it holds particular importance in our understanding of the Sacraments of Healing. Jesus' healing of lepers gives us the opportunity to experience the fullness of God's love and mercy.

The Sacraments of Healing, include the sacraments of Reconciliation also known as Confession, which help to bring about a change in the heart through God's forgiveness and mercy. It also includes Anointing of the Sick It is a method that helps to heal the spirit and gives physical strength to face serious illness and injuries.

To know more about Jesus' ministry :



What did Reagan's Economic Recovery Tax Act plan to do?
A. Increase taxes by 70%
B. Reduce taxes by 10%
C. Increase taxes by 30%
D. Reduce taxes by 25%


Reagan's Economic Recovery Tax Actsigned into law in 1981 aimed to stimulate economic growth by implementing significant tax cuts by 25%. Therefore option D is correct.

The Act sought to reduce individual income tax rates across the board with the intention of boosting consumer spending & investment. It introduced a phased-in reduction of marginal tax rates over a period of three years ultimately leading to a 25% decrease.

This reduction was part of Reagan's supply-side economic policies commonly referred to as Reaganomics which emphasized that lower tax rates could incentivize economic expansion job creation & increased government revenue through increased economic activity.

Learn more about Reagan's Economic:-



think about the u.s history of immigration what are some notes questions connections and when finished wright a summary about your opinion about immigration



?'s to Ask:




The response to the prompt on the US History of Immigration is given below.

What are some notes, questions, and connections in relation to the US History of Immigration?


Immigration has been a defining characteristic of the United States since its founding.Waves of immigrants have come to the US seeking better economic opportunities, religious freedom, and political asylum.Immigration policies and attitudes towards immigrants have shifted over time, from welcoming to restrictive.

Questions to Ask:

What factors have driven immigration to the US at different points in history?How have US immigration policies impacted different immigrant groups?How have attitudes towards immigrants evolved over time, and what factors have influenced these attitudes?


The US immigration system has been shaped by a range of factors, including economic conditions, political trends, and social attitudes towards different groups.Immigration policies have often reflected broader social and political debates, such as debates over economic globalization, national security, and cultural identity.Immigrants have played a significant role in shaping US culture and society, from cuisine and music to politics and business.


The history of immigration in the United States is complex and multifaceted, shaped by a range of social, economic, and political factors. While immigration has often been a source of tension and controversy, it has also played a crucial role in shaping US culture and society and has been a key driver of economic growth and innovation.

Thus, I believe that the US should continue to welcome immigrants who come to this country seeking a better life, while also ensuring that our immigration policies are fair, just, and humane.

Learn more about US History on Immigration:

previous types of education in south africa




South Africa has a complex history of education that has been influenced by various factors, including colonialism, apartheid, and post-apartheid reforms. Here are some of the major types of education that have existed in South Africa throughout history:

Traditional African education: Before the arrival of European colonizers in South Africa, indigenous communities had their own systems of education that were focused on teaching practical skills and social norms. These systems were usually informal and involved learning through observation and participation in daily life.

Missionary education: During the colonial period, Christian missionaries established schools that were intended to convert African populations to Christianity and introduce Western culture and values. These schools often provided basic literacy and numeracy skills but were also criticized for promoting cultural assimilation and reinforcing colonial power structures.

Bantu education: In 1953, the South African government introduced the Bantu Education Act, which established a separate system of education for black South Africans. This system was designed to limit black access to education and promote segregation. Bantu education provided a limited curriculum and few opportunities for further education or advancement.

Apartheid-era education: During the apartheid era, education was further segregated and controlled by the government. White South Africans had access to high-quality education, while black South Africans were limited to inferior schools that offered a limited curriculum and limited opportunities for further education.

Post-apartheid education: Following the end of apartheid in 1994, the South African government introduced a series of reforms to improve access to education and promote equality. These reforms included the abolition of the Bantu education system and the establishment of a more inclusive and diverse education system that aimed to provide quality education for all.

Today, South Africa's education system still faces significant challenges, including funding shortages, teacher shortages, and disparities in access to education. However, there have been some positive developments, including improvements in literacy and numeracy rates, and increased access to tertiary education.

African Religion and Ethnicity Nigeria Religions and Ethnicity H 5 According to the pictograph provided, what is the largest defined ethnic group (not including "other") in Nigeria? 4 4 A Muslim B Igbo C Yoruba ** D law What might explain the existence of differences between percentages of religious beliefs and the percentages of ethnicities in Nigeria labeled in the pictograph? A The ethnic groups listed are subgroups of the unified religious groups provided. B Religious beliefs are a potential characteristic of ethnicity for any group Across Africa, religious groups legally may not be from similar ethnic groups. The ethnic groups listed are denominations (like Baptists or Methodists for Christians) of the need help Theresa two separate questions



African Religion and Ethnicity Nigeria Religions and Ethnicity H 5 According to the pictograph provided, what is the largest defined ethnic group (not including "other") in Nigeria? 4 4 A Muslim B Igbo C Yoruba ** D law What might explain the existence of differences between percentages of religious beliefs and the percentages of ethnicities in Nigeria labeled in the pictograph? A The ethnic groups listed are subgroups of the unified religious groups provided. B Religious beliefs are a potential characteristic of ethnicity for any group Across Africa, religious groups legally may not be from similar ethnic groups. The ethnic groups listed are denominations (like Baptists or Methodists for Christians) of the need help Theresa two separate questions


The largest defined ethnic group (not including "other") in Nigeria, according to the pictograph provided, is Yoruba.

As for the differences between the percentages of religious beliefs and ethnicities in Nigeria labeled in the pictograph, there could be several reasons. One possibility is that the ethnic groups listed may not necessarily have a one-to-one correspondence with particular religious groups. For example, while a majority of Yoruba may identify as Muslim or Christian, there may also be some who practice traditional African religions or who do not identify with any particular religion. Additionally, some individuals may identify with multiple ethnic or religious groups, or may have mixed ancestry. It is also possible that the data presented in the pictograph is incomplete or inaccurate, or that there may be other factors at play that are not accounted for. Ultimately, further research and analysis would be needed to fully understand the relationship between religion and ethnicity in Nigeria.

Someone do this for me


The League of Nations' response to the Manchurian incident set a dangerous precedent because it demonstrated the limits of international cooperation and the consequences of appeasement.

Why did the League of Nations' response to Japan set a dangerous precedent ?

The League condemned Japan's invasion of Manchuria as a violation of international law, but it was unable to take any meaningful action to stop the aggression due to the lack of support from major powers like the United States and Great Britain.

This lack of action by the League emboldened Japan and other aggressive powers to pursue their expansionist agendas, as they realized that they could act with impunity without fear of international consequences.

Find out more on the League of Nations at https://brainly.com/question/9930169


it is believed that hyper sanitation may lead to an allergy epidemic. True or false


The statement that It is believed that hyper sanitation may lead to an allergy epidemic is true.

What is the justification?

There is some evidence to suggest that hyper-sanitation or excessive cleanliness may contribute to an increase in allergies and other immune-related disorders. This theory is known as the hygiene hypothesis, and it suggests that exposure to certain microorganisms early in life is necessary for the proper development of the immune system.

According to the hygiene hypothesis, when children are exposed to a diverse range of bacteria and other microbes, their immune systems are better able to develop and differentiate between harmless and harmful substances. This exposure may also help to prevent the development of allergies and other immune-related disorders later in life.

Learn more about epidemic at:



Which of the following aspect of possible culture do we find in the Neanderthal fossil record?
A Mythology
B Music
C Funerals
D Weddings


Funerals is the aspect of possible culture that we find in Neanderthal fossil record.

What is culture?

Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society. It includes both tangible and intangible aspects, such as language, art, music, religion, food, clothing, and social norms. Culture is shaped by various factors, such as history, geography, environment, politics, and technology. It serves as a framework for social interaction, providing individuals with a sense of identity, belonging, and meaning. Culture is not static and evolves over time through contact with other cultures and internal changes. Understanding and respecting different cultures is essential for building relationships, promoting diversity and inclusion, and achieving global cooperation.

To learn more about culture, visit:



In the Treaty of London, 1915, Italy ultimately sided with the Allied powers consisting of Britain, France and Russia. Italy ultimately sided with the Allied powers of Britain, France and Russia due to the land she would gain as a result.


In the Treaty of London, 1915, Italy ultimately sided with the Allied powers of Britain, France and Russia due to the land she would gain as a result.

Italy was initially a member of the Triple Alliance alongside Germany and Austria-Hungary. The Triple Alliance was formed in 1882, and Italy joined in 1882. The main purpose of the alliance was to maintain the balance of power between the European powers. The Triple Alliance was based on the Treaty of Berlin, signed in 1878, which had guaranteed Austria-Hungary's occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Italy hoped that the alliance would help her to achieve her territorial goals in the Balkans and to challenge the rising power of France in the region. However, the alliance did not bring Italy the benefits she expected.In May 1915, Italy joined the war on the side of the Allies, primarily because she was promised large territorial gains. In the Treaty of London of 1915, the Allies agreed to cede to Italy large areas of Austria-Hungary, including the Trentino, Trieste, Istria, and parts of Dalmatia, as well as a part of the Ottoman Empire, including what is now Libya. Italy saw this as an opportunity to expand her territory, gain access to the Balkans and the Mediterranean, and increase her power in the region. Italy also hoped to gain control of the Adriatic Sea and to establish a sphere of influence in Albania, Serbia, and Montenegro. The Treaty of London was seen as a significant victory for Italy, as it guaranteed her large territorial gains and a dominant position in the region.

for more such question on alliance



Which of the following best describes the shift to modernism in late-nineteenth-century European cultural and intellectual life?


The late-nineteenth-century European cultural and intellectual life was marked shift to modernism by a rejection of values and creative conventions, as well as a desire to experiment with new and ideas.

Modernism in the fine arts refers to a break with the past as well as a quest for new forms of expression. From the late nineteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries, modernism encouraged artistic experimentation, especially in the years following World War I.

Modernists felt an increasing alienation from Victorian morality, optimism, and convention in an era marked by industrialization, nearly global adoption of capitalism.

The roots of Modernism in the visual arts are often traced back to painter Édouard Manet, who, starting in the 1860s, not only depicted scenes of modern life, but also broke with tradition by making no effort to mimic the real world through perspective.

Learn more about European culture



Part A What can be inferred about the excerpt? The structure is chronological. It describes similarities between individuals. The text provides a solution to a problem.​




None of the options provided accurately describes what can be inferred about the excerpt, as the excerpt itself was not provided. Please provide the excerpt so I can assist you better.

Which of the following did the French National Assembly not do?

a. Eliminate barriers to trade.

b. Vote to execute the king.

c. Abolish the nobility as a hereditary class.

d. Seize church lands.

e. Draft a new constitution.


The French National Assembly, formed in 1789, played a crucial role in the French Revolution.

It was a representative body that was created to draft a new constitution for France and to make significant political and social changes. Among the actions taken by the Assembly were the elimination of barriers to trade, the abolition of the nobility as a hereditary class, and the drafting of a new constitution. However, it did not vote to execute the king.

The execution of King Louis XVI was a controversial issue that deeply divided the Assembly. Some members argued that he should be put on trial and executed, while others believed that he should be exiled or imprisoned. After a long and heated debate, the Assembly voted to put the king on trial, which ultimately led to his execution by guillotine on January 21, 1793.

In addition to these actions, the Assembly also seized church lands, which were then sold to help pay off the country's debts. This move angered many Catholics and led to a significant backlash against the Assembly. Despite this, the Assembly continued to push forward with its agenda of reform and modernization, setting the stage for many of the political and social changes that would define the French Revolution.

To know more French Revolution, visit :



l need serious help!!!!



I can try to help you but . . . .


with what? You didn't add any work here. Have a good day!

Which describes literature during the Goryeo dynasty?

It was controlled by rulers that would not tolerate any religion except Confucianism.It was controlled by rulers that would not tolerate any religion except Confucianism.

It contained very little poetry or drama but was focused on history, philosophy, and religious teachings.It contained very little poetry or drama but was focused on history, philosophy, and religious teachings.

It was mostly the domain of Chinese-born monks and scholars sent to Korea by the Tang dynasty.It was mostly the domain of Chinese-born monks and scholars sent to Korea by the Tang dynasty.

It included books on history, sacred texts, and legends by both Buddhist and Confucian scholars.It included books on history, sacred texts, and legends by both Buddhist and Confucian scholars.



It lacked poetry and drama, instead focusing on history, philosophy, and religious precepts. It lacked poetry and drama, instead focusing on history, philosophy, and religious precepts.


brainliest pls

Match the the term with the definition.
D. Epicurean
B. Cynicism
Moving to another question will save this response.
MacBook Pro
A Rejection of materialistic world or the strong physical or emotional connection to it
B. Believe in self-control, a Universal God / reason, rational world, we are all one in
spite of our current diversity
C. His view on our linear history and connection to each of us today, especially for
themes of religion, culture, economics, and power being assimilated and evolving in
a cycle that repeats, over and over and over
D. Ok to seek out joy and pleasure, enjoy what you can and share it, but avoid
discomfort or overindulgences
Question 26 of 42 >>



Stoicism - B. Believe in self-control, a Universal God / reason, rational world, we are all one in spite of our current diversity

Epicurean - D. Ok to seek out joy and pleasure, enjoy what you can and share it, but avoid discomfort or overindulgences

Cynicism - A Rejection of materialistic world or the strong physical or emotional connection to it

Bobbyism - This term is not related to any philosophical school of thought or idea

(Note: "His view" mentioned in option C does not specify whose view it is referring to, so it cannot be matched with any particular philosophical idea or school of thought.)

how did Dr. Neubauer and the louise Wise Services adoption agency manage to pull off the study


Dr. Neubauer and the Louise Wise Services adoption agency were able to pull off the study on twins by separating twins and maintaining confidentiality.

What did Dr. Neubauer do ?

Dr. Neubauer and the Louise Wise Services adoption agency conducted a study on twins in the mid-twentieth century that aimed to investigate the relative influence of nature and nurture on personality development.

To carry out the study, Dr. Neubauer worked with Louise Wise Services, a prominent adoption agency in New York City that specialized in placing Jewish children with adoptive families. The agency helped to identify twins who were available for adoption and matched them with adoptive families that were similar in socioeconomic status, religion, and other factors.

Find out more on other studies on twins at https://brainly.com/question/27507042.


Peter's name means:



Your answer is: B) rock


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