When did the population of the Maya
dramatically decrease?
A at the beginning of the Classic Period
B at the end of the Classic Period
at the beginning of the Postclassic Period
at the end of the Postclassic Period


Answer 1

The population of the Maya civilization dramatically decreased B. at the end of the Classic Period.

Why did the Maya population dramatically decrease ?

There are several theories about the causes of the collapse of the Maya civilization, which may have included factors such as drought, environmental degradation, warfare, and political instability.

While the Maya civilization continued to exist in some form during the Postclassic Period, it never fully recovered from the collapse of the Classic Period and was eventually conquered by the Spanish in the 16th century thereby leading to their complete demise.

Find out more on the Maya population at https://brainly.com/question/12126039


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One of the principal effects of 9/11 was instilling in Americans a fear that their personal security was at greater risk than ever before. Many aspects of the post-9/11 world are indeed new, but the fear it evokes echoes that felt by prior generations. At times the country has met those fears while still holding fast to its core democratic principles. Other times, fear has overruled American principles, especially the protection of individual freedoms. The most important legacy of the American experience following 9/11 will not be the novelty of fear, but rather how well the country copes with that fear while adhering to its constitutional framework. Given how searing the 9/11 experience was, it is sometimes hard to remember that prior generations of Americans didn’t always sleep soundly either. Pearl Harbor is an often-cited example, but it joins many other moments of intense fear in U.S. history. During the 40-plus years of the Cold War, American school children practiced "duck and cover" drills the way today’s kids might practice school lock-downs. As a teenage in the 1980s, I joined Sting in hoping we could avert a nuclear holocaust if "the Russians love their children, too."With the collapse of the Soviet Union, other threats in the United States soon appeared: the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, and the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Park bombing, to name just a few. During the 1990s, some in the military liked to refer to the United States as a "homeland sanctuary;" after 9/11, many talk about the end of that sanctuary.True, the country has experienced fewer external threats to its population than have most other nations. But it’s a misconception to think that the American sense of external threat is new.-Kathleen Hicks, "What Will Americans Do About Their Fear of Terrorism?" The Atlantic Monthly, 2016.The experience of those who lived through 9/11 needs to create which of the following outcomes, according to the author of the passage?a. Citizens should not let their fear of another terror attack override the country’s ability to adhere to the civil liberties protections outlined in the Constitution.b. Citizens need to acknowledge that the 9/11 attack was a unique event and work to develop a new strategy to combat future terror attacks.c. Citizens have to be willing to sacrifice some civil liberties in order to protect the country from future terrorist attacks.d. Citizens can rely on the government to develop plans to protect them in the event of a future attack on the United States.


A. Citizens shouldn't let their fear of another terrorist attack stop the country from upholding the Constitution's protections for civil liberties.

How does Constitution's protections for civil liberties?

Civil liberties, which are guaranteed to every citizen as fundamental rights and freedoms, are protected by a number of safeguards in the Constitution. These safeguards consist of:

The Constitution: A set of fundamental rights that the government cannot violate were established by the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which were ratified in 1791.Fair treatment: Due process of law is guaranteed by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution. Protection for All: Equal legal protection is also guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment, which states that the government cannot discriminate based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or gender identity.

To know more about Fundamental Rights, visit:



after the civil war, southern states still controlled setting voter qualifications which permitted the creation of laws severely limiting and excluding black americans from voting.


After the civil war, southern states still controlled setting voter qualifications which permitted the creation of laws severely limiting and excluding black Americans from voting.

After the Civil War, the Southern states still controlled setting voter qualifications, and this permitted the creation of laws severely limiting and excluding black Americans from voting. This period was known as the Jim Crow era, which began in 1877 and lasted until the mid-1960s.

It was a time when many African Americans were barred from voting due to laws and regulations that aimed to prevent them from doing so.

These laws and regulations included literacy tests, poll taxes, and property ownership requirements, all of which made it difficult, if not impossible, for many African Americans to vote.

In some cases, even African Americans who met the qualifications required by law were denied the right to vote due to poll taxes, intimidation, or outright fraud. As a result, many black Americans were effectively excluded from the political process for many years.

To know more about   civil war refer here



How did the Industrial Revolution affect family life in the North? Responses It resulted in higher wages and a higher standard of living. It resulted in higher wages and a higher standard of living. It largely ended the practice of families working together in the same business. It largely ended the practice of families working together in the same business. It led to increased access to healthcare. It led to increased access to healthcare. It caused the influence of the father on the children to increase.


The Industrial Revolution had a significant impact on family life in the North

It resulted in higher wages and a higher standard of living

How the Industrial Revolution affect family life in the North

Higher wages and a higher standard of living: The Industrial Revolution created new job opportunities in factories, mines, and mills. This led to higher wages for many workers and improved their living standards. With more money, families could afford better food, clothing, and housing.

End of the family business: Before the Industrial Revolution, many families worked together in cottage industries, such as weaving, spinning, or shoemaking. However, as factories emerged, the practice of families working together declined. Instead, family members often worked in different factories, which meant less time spent together.

Learn more about Industrial Revolution at:



What does the sticker in this illustration represent to patrons of this bank? A) Restrictions on the federal government's ability to set prime interest rates B) The power of the federal government to privatize the bank in order to stimulate economic growth C) Limitations on the role of the federal government in providing home loans D) The federal government's assurance of protection on individual bank deposits


Individual bank deposits will be protected, according to the federal government.

Who or what is regarded as the federal government?The U.S. Constitution gives Congress, the President, and the Federal courts, in that order, control over the three separate branches that make up the Federal Government: legislative, executive, and judicial.The USA is a prime illustration of a federal state. After the federal government, which is based in Washington, DC, are the 50 states, each of which has its own government.Citizens are governed by federal and state governments separately. All fifty states are subject to some degree of federal control. State governments have the authority to enact laws inside their own borders.The U.S. Constitution gives Congress, the President, and the Federal courts, in that order, control over the three separate branches that make up the Federal Government: legislative, executive, and judicial.

To learn more about federal government, refer to:


How have presidents used their position to increase the power of the office? Give examples


Throughout history, presidents of the United States have sought to increase the power of their office in various ways.

Here are some examples of how presidents have used their position to increase the power of the presidency:

Executive Orders: Presidents have used executive orders to bypass Congress and implement policies unilaterally. For example, President Obama issued executive orders to create the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which allowed undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children to stay and work in the country.

Executive Privilege: Presidents have claimed executive privilege to protect certain information from disclosure to Congress or the courts. For example, President Nixon famously claimed executive privilege to withhold tapes and other documents related to the Watergate scandal.

War Powers: Presidents have expanded their powers as commander-in-chief to initiate military action without congressional approval. For example, President George W. Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq in 2003 without a formal declaration of war from Congress.

Signing Statements: Presidents have used signing statements to indicate their interpretation of a law and how it should be implemented. For example, President George W. Bush issued signing statements that challenged congressional restrictions on his authority to conduct surveillance on American citizens without a warrant.

Appointment Powers: Presidents have used their appointment powers to shape the direction of the government. For example, President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed numerous justices to the Supreme Court, which helped to shape the court's jurisprudence for decades.

These are just a few examples of how presidents have used their position to increase the power of the presidency.

Learn more about presidents



what violent incident occurred as a result of a senator’s speech opposing slavery?


There have been several incidents of violence that occurred as a result of a senator's speech opposing slavery, so the answer to your question depends on which specific incident you are referring to.

One notable incident occurred in 1856, when Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts gave a speech titled "The Crime Against Kansas," in which he criticized the pro-slavery actions of several senators, including Andrew P. Butler of South Carolina. In response to Sumner's speech, Butler's nephew, Congressman Preston Brooks, physically attacked Sumner on the Senate floor with a cane, severely injuring him.

This incident, known as the Brooks-Sumner Affair, became a symbol of the escalating tensions between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States in the years leading up to the Civil War.

To learn more about violence refer to:



in the middle ages, most important musicians were a. priests b. traveling entertainers c. peasants d. women


In the Middle Ages, the most important musicians were priests. The correct answer is option a. priest

What was the social and political structure of Europe during the Middle Ages?

During the Middle Ages, Europe was divided into a hierarchy of estates, with the king at the top, followed by nobles, the clergy, and finally the peasants. The feudal system was the backbone of European life at the time. The lord-vassal relationship was at the core of the feudal system.The Middle Ages lasted from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in AD 476 until the beginning of the Early Modern Period in the late 15th century, according to historians.

The Middle Ages is divided into three eras: the Early Middle Ages, the High Middle Ages, and the Late Middle Ages. The Early Middle Ages lasted from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in AD 476 to the coronation of Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor in AD 800. The High Middle Ages lasted from the coronation of Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor in AD 800 until the beginning of the Early Modern Period in the late 15th century. The Late Middle Ages lasted from the 14th century to the beginning of the Early Modern Period in the late 15th century.

In the Middle Ages, the most important musicians were priests. Musical notation was created in the Middle Ages, and many of the greatest composers of the time, such as Hildegard of Bingen, were nuns or members of the clergy. As a result, in the Middle Ages, most music was religious in nature, and priests were the most important musicians.

Learn more about Middle Ages here: https://brainly.com/question/15983431


what state was added after texas in order to keep a balance between the number of free and slave states?





As the Allies began closing in on Germany near the end of WWII, what happened to Hitler?


Answer: He and his mistress Eva Braun killed themselves. Hitler with a pistol to the head and Eva with a cyanide capsule.

Explanation: They did it to escape prosecution and capture.

who was the first woman to become a supreme court justice?


Sandra Day O'Connor became the first woman to serve as a Supreme Court justice in the United States.

She was appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1981 and served on the court until her retirement in 2006. O'Connor was known for her moderate views and was often a swing vote on the court.Sandra Day O'Connor is the name of the first woman to become a Supreme Court Justice. She was born in El Paso, Texas, on March 26, 1930. Her parents, Harry Alfred Day and Ada Mae (Wilkey) Day, were ranchers. O'Connor's father was a rancher who raised cattle and cotton.

Her mother was a former schoolteacher who loved to read and write. O'Connor grew up on her family's Lazy B ranch in southeastern Arizona. She helped her parents with the chores and attended a one-room schoolhouse nearby. She later attended Stanford Law School and graduated in 1952. She was one of only a few women in her class.

For such more questions on Sandra Day O'Connor :



the three ideals established by the declaration of independence include a. equality b. individual rights c. consent of the governed d. all of the above e. equal outcomes for all citizens


The three ideals established by the Declaration of Independence include: a. Equality, b. Individual Rights, c. Consent of the Governed. Option D

What is The Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, is one of the most important documents in the history of the United States. It outlines the principles and values upon which the country was founded, including the idea that all people are created equal and possess certain inalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Additionally, it established the concept of popular sovereignty, which means that the government derives its power from the consent of the governed.

Learn more about declaration of independence at https://brainly.com/question/472238


What inference can you make about European-American slave holder's willingness to kill a slave


While attitudes towards killing slaves varied among individual European-American slaveholders, the use of violence and brutality was a pervasive feature of the institution of slavery and some slaveholders believed they had the right to do with their slaves as they pleased, including using violence or killing them.

What is my inference on European-American slave holder's willingness to kill a slave?

It is difficult to make a general inference about the willingness of European-American slaveholders to kill a slave, as attitudes and actions varied among individuals and across time and place. However, it is well-documented that many slaveholders used violence and brutality as a means of maintaining control over their enslaved labor force. Some slaveholders viewed their slaves as property rather than people and believed they had the right to do with them as they pleased, including using violence or killing them. Others may have been reluctant to kill slaves due to the economic investment they represented. Ultimately, the use of violence against slaves was a pervasive feature of the institution of slavery in the United States and elsewhere, and slaveholders' willingness to use it depended on a range of individual, cultural, and economic factors.

Learn more on slavery here;



Etruscan architects designed temples that exhibited various influences, such as Greek prototypes. Which term below would be applied to the type or column order that Etruscans preferred?


The term that would be applied to the type or column order that Etruscans preferred is the Tuscan Order. The Etruscan architects designed temples that exhibited various influences, such as Greek prototypes.

These designs and structures can be seen in their urban structures and civic structures.The Tuscan Order was utilized by Etruscan architects to produce distinctive buildings.

The Tuscan Order is characterized by an unadorned, slender column with a base, capital, and shaft, as well as a simple, unadorned entablature. The Tuscan Order was influenced by Etruscan architecture's more minimal aesthetics and was derived from the Doric Order.

The Tuscan Order was widely used in the construction of public buildings and colonnades during the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. It was also commonly used in military architecture and had a powerful presence in the Renaissance.

In summary, the term that would be applied to the type or column order that Etruscans preferred is the Tuscan Order.

To know more about  Etruscans refer here



What led to the failure of the Munich putsch? tiil it lead to the rise of this leader?


The failure of the Munich putsch was due to reasons like Poor planning and execution,Inadequate support,Arrest and imprisonment,Propaganda.

The Munich Putsch was Hitler's attempt to overthrow the government of the Weimar Republic. He believed that a nationalist government would better suit Germany than the democratic government established by the Treaty of Versailles. In this attempt, Hitler and the Nazi Party were unsuccessful. The following are the reasons for the failure of the Munich Putsch:

1. Poor planning and execution:The putsch was poorly planned and executed. It was poorly organized, and there was a lack of military support. Hitler had planned for a national uprising, but it never happened. The putsch was easily quelled by the authorities.

2. Inadequate support:The putsch lacked the support of the military, the police, and the judiciary. Hitler had hoped that the army would join his cause, but this did not happen. The police quickly put down the putsch, and the judges were unsympathetic.

3. Arrest and imprisonment:

Hitler was arrested and imprisoned after the putsch. He was tried for high treason and sentenced to five years in prison. This removed him from the political scene for a period and gave him time to reflect on his plans.

4. Propaganda:The putsch did have one positive effect for Hitler. It gave him an opportunity to publicize his ideas and gain support. Hitler used the trial to gain publicity, and his speeches were reported in newspapers throughout Germany.The Munich Putsch was a significant setback for Hitler and the Nazi Party. They had failed to seize power by force and had lost a number of their leaders. However, the putsch gave Hitler the opportunity to refine his ideas and gain publicity. This would eventually lead to his rise to power in Germany.

For such more questions on Hitler:



Malcolm X was assassinated. By members of the


Answer: the Nation of Islam

what did the germans do in march of 1918? how close did the germans get to paris and who stopped them?


The Germans launched a major offensive in the March, 1918. Germans are offensive and get to Paris and they were stopped by Allied counterattack.

In March 1918, what did the Germans do?

The Germans launched a major offensive in March 1918. The Germans were determined to win the war, and they began a massive offensive on March 21, 1918. The Germans attacked the British army, which was holding the front line north of Paris, in the attack.

The Germans managed to break through the British lines and advance rapidly, reaching the Marne River in just five days. Paris was just 40 miles away at this point, and it appeared that the Germans were on the verge of capturing the city. The Germans were stopped by a combination of Allied troops, including British, French, and American soldiers. The Allied troops launched a counterattack, which slowed the German advance and forced them to withdraw. This counterattack eventually led to the end of World War I.

The German army's initial success was the result of a new military strategy called "storm trooper tactics." These tactics involved the use of small, elite units of soldiers who were trained to break through enemy lines quickly and then encircle and destroy the enemy. The Germans were able to use these tactics to great effect in the initial stages of the offensive, but they were unable to maintain their momentum and were eventually pushed back by the Allied counterattack.

Learn more about Germans here:



Which of the following political plans had as its main goal the removal of all vestiges of the old China?
A) the Long March
B) The Great Leap Forward
C) the Cultural Revolution
D) Four Modernizations
E) open door policy


C). The Cultural Revolution had as its main goal the removal of all vestiges of the old China.

What was the Cultural Revolution?

The Cultural Revolution was a massive political campaign in China from 1966 to 1976 that had far-reaching cultural, political, and economic implications. Its main goal was to purge China of all vestiges of its pre-communist past and to produce a new culture, including new forms of art, literature, and performance.

The youth were expected to lead the revolution by putting the values of the Communist Party above all else. The correct option among the given alternatives is C) the Cultural Revolution.

To Know more about Cultural Revolution refer here:



List three accomplishments that came out of the Golden Age of Islam.


1. astronomy for navigation
2.creating a calendar
3.religious practices like finding the direction of Mecca for prayer

which contribution did general john j. pershing make to world war i?


The first significant offensive in Europe by the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), led by General John J. Pershing, was launched on September 12, 1918. For the Allies, their victorious campaign marked a significant turning point in the war. In the end, American forces assisted in the earlier than anticipated defeat of Germany.

What role did American Expeditionary Forces play in the victory of the Allies?America's military forces in Europe during World War I were known as the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), which were led by General John Pershing. Only a very small number of American forces crossed into Europe before 1918 because they needed training.The AEF's participation into the conflict raised the spirits of the struggling Allies and persuaded many German leaders that, in the wake of the failed 1918 Spring Offensives, a military victory was no longer attainable. The American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) were established in May 1917, with General John Joseph "Black Jack" Pershing being named as the army's top commander in France.

To learn more about American Expeditionary Forces, refer to:


Which of the following made Egypt an attractive target for Western imperialist expansion in the late 19th century?
Select one:
a. gold deposits
b. control of Nile River trade
c. lucrative tourism prospects
d. construction and control of the Suez Canal
e. fertile land of the Nile River delta


Egypt an attractive target for Western imperialist expansion in the late 19th century was b). control of Nile River trade.

The main factor that made Egypt an attractive target for Western imperialist expansion in the late 19th century was control of Nile River trade (option b). The Nile River was an important source of trade for the region, and this allowed for a significant economic advantage for those in control of it.

Additionally, the construction and control of the Suez Canal (option d) played a role in this, as it allowed for increased trade and increased access to other parts of the world.

Other factors, such as gold deposits (option a), lucrative tourism prospects (option c), and the fertile land of the Nile River delta (option e) were also attractive, but not as influential.

To Know more about Nile River trade refer here:



because 1920s prosperity had depended on a few basic industries, one factor that likely contributed to the length and severity of the great depression was ______.


Because 1920s prosperity had depended on a few basic industries, one factor that likely contributed to the length and severity of the great depression was a lack of economic diversification .

Some of the reasons given for the Great Depression include the 1929 stock market crash, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff's effects on international trade, government policies, bank failures and panics, and the reduction of the money supply.

The Great slump was caused, in part, by the enormous stock market speculation that took place in the later half of the 1920s as well as the severely unequal wealth distribution that persisted throughout the decade. However, many other factors also contributed to the slump.

To know more about  depression visit :



What is a good job? How do jobs demonstrate ethical job labor practices?

Topic Sentence:

Detail 1

Detail 2

Detail 3


Topic Sentence: A good job is one that provides fair compensation, a positive work environment, and opportunities for growth and development, while demonstrating ethical labor practices.

What informs a good job?

Detail 1: Fair Compensation - A good job should provide a salary that is commensurate with the employee's experience, skills, and qualifications. It should also offer benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

A fair compensation package shows that the employer values the contributions of their employees and is committed to providing them with a stable and secure livelihood.

Detail 2: Positive Work Environment - A good job should provide a safe and supportive work environment that promotes employee well-being and fosters a sense of community.

This can include policies that encourage work-life balance, opportunities for socialization and team-building, and mechanisms for addressing workplace conflict and harassment. A positive work environment is critical for employee satisfaction, engagement, and productivity.

Detail 3: Ethical Labor Practices - A good job should adhere to ethical labor practices that protect the rights and dignity of workers. This includes fair hiring and promotion practices, non-discrimination and equal opportunity policies, and compliance with labor laws and regulations.

Employers should also promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace and ensure that their suppliers and business partners uphold similar ethical standards. Ethical labor practices demonstrate a commitment to social responsibility and contribute to a more just and equitable society.

learn more about a good job: https://brainly.com/question/28770262


should the federal (national) government have the power to enact these bans on consumer products? should states? should anyone?


Trade restrictions are necessary to defend home businesses from heavily subsidized imports from abroad. Protectionists also believe that certain nations "dump" their products in overseas markets to put rivals out of business.

Should the national government have the authority to impose these restrictions on consumer goods?

The FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection combats unfair, dishonest, and fraudulent business practices by gathering consumer complaints, conducting investigations, bringing legal action against offenders, creating rules to uphold a level playing field, and informing both consumers and businesses of their rights. Consumer protection laws exist to prohibit unsafe or immoral commercial activities, such as deceptive advertising or defective products.

When businesses establish monopolies, the government must regulate the free market to preserve competition. A monopoly develops when one company becomes the exclusive provider of a good and has the power to determine rather than follow prices.

To uphold corporate responsibility, save the environment, and safeguard the rights of employees, the U.S. government has implemented a number of company rules.

Learn more about consumer products:



after returning from his journey west, stephen h. long perpetuated the myth that the region between the missouri river and the rocky mountains was . multiple choice question. ideal for cotton farming easily navigable


False. After returning from his journey west, Stephen H. Long did not perpetuate the myth that the region between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains was ideal for cotton farming or easily navigable. In fact, his reports on the region were generally negative, and he described it as a "Great American Desert" that was unsuitable for agriculture and difficult to navigate.

Long's reports were based on his observations of the region during his expedition, and they were influential in shaping public opinion about the area. While Long's assessments were later criticized as overly negative, they did contribute to a general perception that the region was not suitable for large-scale settlement or agriculture.

Therefore, the correct answer to the multiple-choice question is:

C) Neither ideal for cotton farming nor easily navigable.

After returning from his journey west, Stephen H. Long perpetuated the myth that the region between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains was easily navigable. This was not necessarily true, as the region was difficult to traverse due to its mountains, rugged terrain, and lack of navigable rivers. However, Long did suggest that the region was ideal for cotton farming.

For such more questions on Agriculture



Among African Americans at the beginning of the twentieth century, Booker T. Washington's ideas were ______ they had been at the end of the nineteenth century.


Among African Americans at the beginning of the twentieth century, Booker T. Washington's ideas were more popular than they had been at the end of the nineteenth century.

What were T. Washington's ideas?

Booker T. Washington was an educator, speaker, and writer who founded Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, which is now Tuskegee University, in Tuskegee, Alabama.

Washington was a significant figure in the African American community during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and he was well-known for his advocacy for racial uplift and educational development.

In his speech, he proposed that Southern whites and African Americans should work together to build a self-sufficient Southern economy in which blacks and whites would be equal but separate.

This meant that African Americans should concentrate on acquiring practical skills, especially in agriculture and industrial trades, rather than fighting for full civil rights and social equality.

So, Among African Americans at the beginning of the twentieth century, Booker T. Washington's ideas were more popular than they had been at the end of the nineteenth century.

To know more about T. Washington's ideas refer here



what forms of transportation were improved or invented at this time?


The forms of transportation that were improved or invented in the 1800s were :

Steamboats Railroads Automobiles

What forms of transport came in the 1800s ?

The first steamboat was invented by Robert Fulton in 1807, which revolutionized river transportation and enabled faster and more efficient transportation of goods and people.

The first steam locomotive was invented by George Stephenson in 1814, which led to the development of railroads as a means of transportation.  The first gasoline-powered automobile was invented by Karl Benz in 1885, which marked the beginning of the automotive industry.

Find out more on transport at https://brainly.com/question/19969195


The full question is:

The 1800s were a time of great scientific change. What forms of transportation were improved or invented at this time?

How does strong show he supports the theory of evolution?


Answer:This is difficult to answer because there is so much evidence available to support evolution and natural selection. Notice I left out “Darwin’s theory” because theories are tested and evaluated independently of the person(s) who first formulated them. When we say “the theory that DNA is a double helix” we don’t refer to Watson and Crick. We don’t say “Schwann and Schlieben’s cell theory”, but just “cell theory”. “Evolution” is just evolution, or if you want to be more precise “biological evoluti


the treaty of versailles formally blamed germany for the war. this phrase is known as the


The Treaty of Versailles formally held Germany accountable for the war. This sentence is known as a war crime. ”

One of the treaty's most controversial provisions was the War Guilty Clause, which clearly and directly accused Germany of the outbreak of hostilities.

Allies and a peace treaty between the Allies and Germany. English version cover. Signed. June 28, 1919.

After the devastation of World War I, the victorious powers imposed a series of treaties on the defeated powers. Among the treaties, the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 accused Germany of starting the war. Germany was held responsible for extensive property damage.

The greatest responsibility lies with the federal government. German rulers fostered the Balkan Wars by encouraging Austria-Hungary to invade Serbia. Without German support, Austria-Hungary probably would not have taken such drastic action. 

Know more about Treaty of Versailles here:



Which Georgia activist worked closely with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., eventually becoming an executive director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference?
Andrew Young
B)Jesse Jackson
C)Barbara Jordan
D)Thurgood MarshallWhich Georgia activist worked closely with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., eventually becoming an executive director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference?
Andrew Young


Answer: Andrew Young


Andrew Young worked closely with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and eventually became an executive director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

who was elected president of south africa in 1994 after spending 30 years in prison for challenging apartheid?


Nelson Mandela  was elected president of south africa in 1994 after spending 30 years in prison for challenging apartheid. Because of their complexions and physical characteristics, apartheid enforced prejudice against people

Mandela assisted in negotiating the end of segregation after being freed, and he went on to become the nation of Africa's first freely chosen president.  He was speaking out against a regime that was horrifyingly violating the human rights of South Africans of color.  Nelson Mandela was detained for planning to "topple the government". Because of their complexions and physical characteristics, apartheid enforced prejudice against people of pigment. During that time, the Christian faith served as both a major source of motivation for those fighting for equality and a justification for the Segregation regime.

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As mentioned in the text, managers in companies with no foreign operations of any kind still need a global perspective for all of the following reasons except a) help them to be watchful for new foreign competitors preparing to invade b) enable them to be effective leaders across diff. cultures & political systems T/F. When parties agree to an accord and satisfaction, the original obligation subject to the accord is immediately discharged. Betty operates a beauty salon as a sole proprietorship. Betty also owns and rents an apartment building. In 2021, Betty had the following income and expenses. You may assume that Betty will owe $2,624 in self-employment tax on her salon income, with $1,312 representing the employer portion of the self-employment tax. You may also assume that her divorce from Rocky was finalized in 2016.Interest income$ 14,975Salon sales and revenue88,760Salaries paid to beauticians46,550Beauty salon supplies23,640Alimony paid to her ex-husband, Rocky7,200Rental revenue from apartment building35,540Depreciationon apartment building14,100Real estate taxes paid on apartment building12,060Real estate taxes paid on personal residence6,937Contributions to charity5,029b-1.Complete Schedule 1 of Form 1040 for Betty Which of the following statements would NOT be true about the characteristics of automated execution systems used for securities transactions? Assignment: 01.03 Ancient Origins - A Nomad's Life Advanced offering employee benefits as an entitlement could undermine competitive advantage question 2 options: true false 8. for each of the given sample data sets below, calculate the mean, variance, and standard deviation. (a) 79, 52, 64, 99, 75, 48, 52, 24, 76 mean In which of the following groups of trade blocs does most of today's world trade take place?A) Middle East, China, and IndiaB) North America, Africa, and CanadaC) Western Europe, Asia, and the AmericasD) Saudi Arabia, Western Europe, and the Gulf A triangle has sides with lengths of 7 inches, 14 inches, and 16 inches. Is it a right triangle? You need 1 1/4 cups of sugar to make cookies. To make 16 cookies you will need how many cups of sugar list another trait that you would expect to vary with beak length in a bug population. The Federal Reserve System acts as lender of last resort to what group? A. Businesses in general. B. Consumers C. Federal government When Beth returns from holiday she changes 120 back into pounds. The exchange rate is now 1 = 1.16 (b) Work out how many pounds () Beth receives. The bureaucratic principles proposed by Fayol and Weber are most likely to apply to an organization that: Are four seats on the FOMC are allocated to Federal Reserve Bank presidents on a rotating basis? 17. When preparing a sweet, sugar and flour are mixed in the ratio 2:3 and flour and butter are mixed in the ratio 3:1. If 200 g of sugar is used, find the mass of butter used to make the sweet. Michelle asked 30 people entering a movie theater how many movies they had seen over the past year. Here are the results of her poll. 0, 5, 3, 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, 11, 16, 0, 3, 4, 7, 2, 0, 1, 9, 6, 4, 4, 8, 14, 16, 17, 18, 5, 3, 6, 8 (a) Create a frequency table for the data with 5 classes. (b) Create a histogram from your frequency table. Label the axes and give the histogram a title. Answer: (c) Number of movies Frequency According to the text, one important reason why adolescents need to learn self-regulation is to regulateA) individualism. B) sexual impulses. C) political beliefs. D) moral development. I need help asap I just need atleast one of these explained and I can do the rest If thrice a number increased by 11, the result is 35. What is the number?