To assemble a team and hold it together is necessary for the leader to take a somewhat authoritarian approach and exert power over people. (T/F).


Answer 1

The given statement "To assemble a team and hold it together is necessary for the leader to take a somewhat authoritarian approach and exert power over people" is not entirely true. It is False.

Step by step Explanation :

What is team?

A team is a group of individuals who share a common goal and work together to accomplish it. A team is characterized by cooperation, communication, coordination, and mutual respect. A team leader's role is to ensure that the team is performing effectively and efficiently. The team's success is determined by the leader's ability to encourage and motivate team members to work together to accomplish a common goal.

What is authoritarian approach?

An authoritarian approach is characterized by the use of absolute power to enforce obedience to authority. It is an approach in which one person makes decisions without the input of others. Authoritarian leaders demand obedience and do not accept any questioning of their authority. To assemble a team and hold it together, it is not necessary for the leader to adopt an authoritarian approach. A team leader who embraces a democratic leadership style would encourage team members to participate in the decision-making process. In a democratic style, the leader shares power and listens to the team members' opinions and ideas, which fosters cooperation and collaboration.

Therefore, the statement is false.

Learn more about authoritarian approach and team at :


Related Questions

why isn't friar laurence to blame for the deaths of romeo and juliet



He is not to blame for Romeo and Juliet's death because his intention in giving the poison to Juliet was simply to prevent her from marrying Paris; he did not want to cause any conflict, such as death. He was only trying to assist Romeo and Juliet in getting married; it was not his fault that they died.

2. Improve the clarity and conciseness of the following sentences by changing passive voice to active voice. a. The salary increase will be seen in your next pay check. b. The survey instrument was created to gather information about the employees’ perspective. c. The report will be delivered tomorrow so that a decision can be made before the end of the week.


There are three sentences given in the question which are needed to be improved to enhance clarity and conciseness by changing passive voice to active voice

a. You will see the salary increase in your next pay check when you get it.

b. The HR team created the survey instrument to gather information about the employees’ perspective.

c. We will deliver the report tomorrow so that you can make a decision before the end of the week.

to improve the clarity and conciseness of the given sentences

Let's discuss them one by one;

a. The salary increase will be seen in your next pay check.

Change: You will see the salary increase in your next pay check when you get it.

b. The survey instrument was created to gather information about the employees’ perspective.

Change: The HR team created the survey instrument to gather information about the employees’ perspective.

c. The report will be delivered tomorrow so that a decision can be made before the end of the week.

Change: We will deliver the report tomorrow so that you can make a decision before the end of the week.

Conclusion: The purpose of the answer is to provide the desired changes in the given sentences to make them more clear and concise.

The above sentences are changed from passive voice to active voice

learn more about active voice and passive voice at :


Sabal was being called by kirti active voice​


Active voice: Kirti called Sabal. The subject of a sentence performs the action of the verb in the active voice grammatical construction.

What is active voice​?

Active voice is a type of sentence construction in which the subject performs the action expressed by the verb. In other words, in an active voice sentence, the subject is the doer of the action. The active voice is frequently used to make sentences shorter, more direct, and more engaging.

For example, in the sentence "The cat chased the mouse", the subject "cat" performs the action of chasing the object "mouse". This is an example of an active voice sentence because the subject is doing the action expressed by the verb.

Learn more about active voice with the help of the given link:


write an snspiration speech



write an snspiration speech


Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to talk about inspiration. Inspiration is a powerful force that can change our lives for the better. It is the driving force behind every successful person. It is what motivates us to keep going when we feel like giving up.

Inspiration comes from many sources. It can come from our families, our friends, our teachers, or even from within ourselves. But no matter where it comes from, it has the power to transform our lives.

So, I want to encourage you to find your inspiration. Whatever your dreams may be, whatever your goals may be, I want you to find that thing that motivates you to keep going. That thing that makes you get out of bed every morning, ready to take on the day.

And when you find that inspiration, hold onto it. Cherish it. Let it guide you on your journey to success. Because there will be times when things get tough. There will be times when you feel like giving up. But if you hold onto your inspiration, you will find the strength to keep going.

And as you pursue your dreams, remember that inspiration is contagious. When you are inspired, you inspire others. You become a beacon of hope for those around you. You show them what is possible when we believe in ourselves and never give up.

So, my challenge to you today is to find your inspiration. Let it guide you on your journey to success. And never forget that you have the power to inspire others. Together, we can achieve great things. Together, we can change the world.

Thank you.

Desktop computers are a better option for students than laptops, which usually have less power and lower-resolution displays.
A. Students need top-notch equipment to excel, and desktop computers don't fit the bill because they are completely out of date.
B. Laptop computers fit in most backpacks and bags, so they are better option for busy students who need computers at home and at school.
C. Laptops may have less power and shorter lives than desktops, but their popularity and higher prices prove that they are the better option.


Option B is incorrect. The statement is directly opposing the premise which clearly indicates that desktop computers are a better option for students than laptops. The reasoning given for laptops being better is not justified and also contradictory to the statement provided.

Step by step explanation:

Option C is incorrect. The reasoning given for laptops being better is not justified and also contradictory to the statement provided. The popularity of laptops may be true but that does not prove them to be a better option than desktop computers.

Option A is incorrect. The reasoning given here is also contradictory to the statement provided. Desktop computers are not outdated as they are still widely used for various purposes. This is not the reason why they are considered to be a better option for students. Hence, option D is correct.

Option D is correct. The statement is clear in its meaning that desktop computers are a better option for students than laptops. The reasoning for this could be that desktop computers have higher computing power and better resolution displays which are important for students especially for those who are into programming, designing, etc. It may be true that laptops are more portable but that is not a necessity for students who can use desktops at their homes or institutions.

Hence, desktop computers are still considered to be a better option for students.

Learn more about reasoning and contradictory at :


Hi What is the difference between have to and must




Have mainly is when you are giving more general tasks or obligations. For example you have to ride th bus home 2 times a week. That’s something more of general and can be done over a time period. And not really necessary. But must is something that is needed to be done right then and there and very important.

After sharing with the director your choice on how to use advertising to increase sales, she says, "Now I would like you to consider something else. We want to use geodemography to further segment and understand our consumers." She continues, "What would be the best way to use this technique?" What would be the best way to use geodemography to further segment and understand consumers? Select an option from the choices below. A.Segment consumers by combining data on consumer expenditures and other socioeconomic factors with geographic information about the areas in which people live to identify consumers who share consumption patterns. B.Segment consumers by combining data on consumers' age with geographic information about the areas in which people live to identify consumers who share both age patterns and location. C.Segment consumers by combining data on consumers' income level with geographic information about the areas in which people live to identify and describe consumers who share both income patterns and location.


The best way to use geodemography to further segment and understand consumers would be to (A) Segment consumers by combining data on expenditures and socio-economic factors with geographic information.

Geodemography is a statistical technique for identifying demographic characteristics of people and lifestyles based on where they live.

The technique of geodemography is used by businesses to understand their customer's behavior and buying habits. The company can create more targeted advertising campaigns and optimize sales through such a technique.

Therefore, the correct option is (A), that is, to segment consumers by combining data on consumer expenditures and other socio-economic factors with geographic information about the areas in which people live to identify consumers who share consumption patterns.

Learn more about the technique:


Mention 3reasons why grade 11 could experience positive changes whinin friendship due to their reviewed focus on academic


Three reasons why grade 11s could experience positive changes within friendships due to their renewed focus on academics are maturity, adolescence and puberty.

Adolescence is a time of transitional physical and psychological growth that typically occurs between puberty and adulthood. Although adolescence is typically thought of as occurring during the teenage years, its physical, psychological, or cultural manifestations might start or conclude earlier or later. Nowadays, especially in females, preadolescence is when puberty usually starts.

During adolescence, physical and mental development can continue. Adolescence can only be roughly defined by age, and academics do not agree on a standard description. Some definitions have beginning and ending dates as early as 10 and 25 or 26. Adolescents are officially defined by the World Health Organization as being between the ages of 10 and 19. Puberty is a period of rapid physical development and psychological transformation that ends in sexual maturity.

Learn more about Changes here:


the poor state of facilities in your school is causing the student great concern as the senior prefect write a letter to the chairman of the board of the government highlighting the problems and requesting him to come to the aid of the school



Dear Chairman of the Board of Government,

I am writing to you on behalf of the student body of our school to express our great concern regarding the poor state of facilities in our school. As the senior prefect, I feel it is my duty to bring this issue to your attention and request your urgent intervention.

Our school is in dire need of repairs and maintenance, particularly in our classrooms, laboratories, and library. Many of the chairs and tables in our classrooms are old and broken, making it difficult for us to sit and study comfortably. The laboratory equipment is outdated and often malfunctioning, which has led to a decline in the quality of science education in our school. Additionally, our library lacks modern resources, which limits our ability to access information and conduct research.

The poor state of our school facilities is not only affecting our academic performance but also our general well-being. We believe that every student deserves access to a safe and conducive learning environment, and it is disheartening to see the state of our school facilities.

Therefore, we urge you to intervene and provide the necessary resources to upgrade our school facilities. We believe that with your support, we can create a better learning environment for all students in our school. We look forward to your prompt response and action on this matter.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Senior Prefect, [School Name]

How it would be profitable for us if the customers we mainly plan on selling to are students


Moreover for students, when they carry on like customers, it influences how they learn. Being a customer moves the obligation of learning onto the instructors, passing on students with a detached task to carry out.

However, we realize students need to take dynamic responsibility for own learning. Various examinations exhibit grades endure - and students learn less - when they are uninvolved students.

Customer profitability is definitely more than the net or net edge produced on an exchange, or even customer lifetime esteem. Customer profitability is the benefit (customer spend - customer cost) across each touch point that a customer has with your image, including customer administration contacts, returns, and custom satisfaction expenses, from there, the sky is the limit.

Running a customer profitability analysis will permit you to see your customer profitability exhaustively.

Profitability is each business' objective. Many variables can impact how feasible and practical it is, and the key component is your customer profitability. Estimating customer profitability is significantly significant, and it very well may be an edifying activity.

to know more about obligations click here:


which best describes the genre of this play? responses aa comedy that criticizes people's sillinessa comedy that criticizes people's silliness ba realistic drama with serious themesa realistic drama with serious themes ca serious, weighty, and moral tragedya serious, weighty, and moral tragedy da lighthearted and nonsensical comedy


The genre of the play, Saving the Thrift Store, is best described as a drama that portrays life in a realistic manner and touches on serious themes in the process. So, the answer is option B. a realistic drama with serious themes.

What is a realistic drama?

A realistic drama is a genre of drama that portrays life in a realistic manner, rather than in a fantastical or exaggerated manner. Realistic dramas, unlike other dramas, portray life in a serious way. Furthermore, realistic dramas attempt to mimic reality as closely as possible. They portray characters as they would appear in real life, with real-life issues and difficulties. They also show how life is intertwined with a variety of issues that affect it.

The plot, characterization, themes, and other aspects of the play, Saving the Thrift Store, are all examples of realistic drama with serious themes. The story follows the lives of different characters and their struggles as they try to save the thrift store. Along the way, themes such as friendship, loyalty, honesty, trust, and perseverance are explored.

More about Genre:


In the "The Giver" What was in Jonas's instruction folder?​



When Jonas opens his Assignment folder, he reads the following rules listed for the position of Receiver of Memory. Jonas must go immediately to the Annex after school, which is located behind the House of the Old. Jonas must go immediately to his dwelling each day after completing the required Training Hours.

Write a letter to the commissioner for education intimating him of the havoc done by unsupervised sport activities and how the situation can be rectified


The letter to the commisioner should be a formal letter and to the point. It can be written as follows:

The Commissioner

Education Department

New York

28th March 2023.

Subject: Request to resolve the havoc created by unsupervised sports activities.


     This is to bring to your attention that the unsupervised sports activities have wreaked havoc in our institution. Lack of guidance and supervision had led to many forms of indiscipline causing destruction to the property and multiple instances of fights.

Multiple fights have started due to lack of supervision and many sportsmen have been admitted to hospitals. Properties have been damaged and cannot be replaced due to a lack of funding. I request you to look into the matter due to its severity and take necessary action.  Professional coaches and guides can be hired to supervise the activities and a complaint cell can be made to hold a person responsible for indiscipline. I hope that you will take the necessary steps to resolve the matter.

Thanking you,


To learn more about formal letters, refer to:


On page 125, why does Nick describe Tom as "feeling the hot whips of panic"?


Tom is in a panic because, for the first time in his life, he feels as though he no longer has control over the women in his life.

What adjectives does Nick use to describe Daisy and Tom?

Nick characterizes Tom as being incredibly affluent, forceful, aggressive, sturdy, violent, hostile, and ruthless. As his cousin, Nick describes Daisy as a woman with a captivating voice who is charming, friendly, yet sad. Nick has little more than a passing connection to the Buchanans.

When Tom exits Wilson's garage, why does he feel anxious?

They observe Myrtle looking out her window at the automobile as they emerge from the garage. She assumes Jordan is Tom's wife, so she looks at Jordan with a jealous, terrified gaze. the impression that his mistress and wife Tom becomes anxious and impatient as things seem to be slipping away from him.

To know more about Nick Tom visit:


help me pls

part a
in the passage from revived , how does the description of Mason help develop his character?
A: by revealing that he is weary of being responsible for the narrator as part of his assignment
B: by indicating that his appearance hides his physical strength
C: by establishing that he has become increasingly comfortable with his position over time
D: by suggesting that his concern for the narrator is more than just part of his job
Part b
select 2 excerpts from paragraph 10-28 that best supports part a
a - "mason, in his recurring role as Loving Father"
b - with his tired green eyes and messy dark but prematurely graying hair he fits the role he's played it for 11 years now
c- you were probably out about eight hours Mason says as plainly as if he's giving me a weather report
d- Mason treats me like a partner, not a daughter
e- there's a flicker of some thing like where we in the green eyes, and then it's gone f-"I'm merely advising you to take precautions."


Answer: D


Part a of the question asks how the description of Mason helps develop his character in the passage from "Revived." The answer is D: by suggesting that his concern for the narrator is more than just part of his job.

To support this answer, the two excerpts from paragraphs 10-28 that best support Part a are:

D- "Mason treats me like a partner, not a daughter" - This suggests that Mason sees the narrator as more than just a job and that he values her input and ideas.

E- "There's a flicker of something like where we in the green eyes, and then it's gone" - This implies that there is a deeper emotional connection between Mason and the narrator that goes beyond their professional relationship.

.Which statement best describes the central idea
of the article?



newspaper and magazine

Peter was really looking forward to the weekend because



we will never know lol


need answers to choice from

Lol who knows you would have to figure that out on your own

what is the correct pronunciation for the last name of romantic pianist sergei rachmaninoff?



intermediate sanctions fit the concept of , which is a range of punishments that vary in intrusiveness and control. group of answer choices continuum of sanctions primary sanctions widening the net pretrial diversion


The concept that intermediate sanctions fit is the continuum of sanctions, which is a range of punishments that vary in intrusiveness and control.

Intermediate sanctions can be defined as a set of sanctions used as an alternative to imprisonment or probation to offer a range of intermediate consequences that are less intrusive than imprisonment and more severe than probation.

The continuum of sanctions is a range of punishments that varies in intrusiveness and control. The term "continuum" refers to a spectrum of potential penalties for a crime or offence, ranging from minor to serious sanctions.

This approach entails recognizing that no single sanction is appropriate for all offenders and that the severity and nature of the penalty should correspond to the severity and nature of the crime.

The continuum of sanctions includes everything from pretrial diversion, community service, probation, intermediate sanctions, and imprisonment, with intermediate sanctions being the group of punishments that fall between probation and imprisonment.

Learn more about sanctions


State and explain the four function of money.​


Money has a lot of value and functions in society. It is a medium of exchange, a unit of account, store of value and a standard of deffered payment.

How does it perform these functions?Medium of exchange: Money serves as a medium of exchange, which means that it can be used to purchase goods and services. Without money, people would need to rely on bartering or exchanging goods for goods.Unit of account: Money provides a standard unit of measurement for the value of goods and services.Store of value: Money serves as a store of value, which means that it can be saved and used to purchase goods and services in the future. Standard of deferred payment: Money serves as a standard of deferred payment, which means that it can be used to pay off debts or obligations in the future. This is possible because money is generally accepted as a means of payment.

To find out more about money, visit:


State ONE way in which each of the examination writing skills below could effectively assist you when writing your examinations
7.1 Read the question
7.2 Plan the response
7.3 Answer the questions (3×1)​



7.1, could help you understand it more

7.2, could reduce mistakes made or make your answer more coherent

7.3, could give you a chance to attain the marks allocated for a better overall mark

Read the question: This makes it easier for you to comprehend what the examiner is asking.Prepare your response in advance to better arrange it and to better organise your thoughts.Answer to the questions: Answering the question entails giving thorough, accurate solutions to all of its components.What are Examination writing skills?

Exam writing skills are a collection of aptitudes necessary for successful and efficient composition in an exam setting. These abilities include attentively reading the question, organizing your answer, producing a clear and succinct response, utilizing acceptable terminology, supplying evidence to back up your claim, and presenting your response logically and orderly.

Examinations enhance a student's personality, memory, and study techniques in general. Students typically administer written and oral tests in their schools and institutions. People hold the false opinion that an exam is not needed, but if they strive to think positively and in depth, they will be able to see the advantages of exams.


Read the question: This makes it easier for you to comprehend what the examiner is asking.Prepare your response in advance to better arrange it and to better organise your thoughts.Answer to the questions: Answering the question entails giving thorough, accurate solutions to all of its components.

Learn about exam strategy, here:


2 On your own, do the following activities. a Make a list in your notebook of the facilities you would expect a language school to have. b Which of the facilities and services on your list are the most important to you?f


a. The following are some of the facilities and services that students usually expect from language schools and that you can include on your list:

Learning materials and equipment such as textbooks, workbooks, audio and video materials, and computers

Teaching aids, such as blackboards or whiteboards, overhead projectors, and LCD projectors

Classes and meeting rooms equipped with comfortable seating arrangements and ample space to move around in

A library with a wide range of resources, including dictionaries, thesauruses, and books, to help students improve their language skills.

A language laboratory that allows students to practice their speaking and listening skills with authentic audio and video material, as well as to access online resources for learning the language.

Language exchange programs in which students can practice their conversation skills with native speakers of the language.

b. Some of the facilities and services that you might consider important are:

Learning materials and equipment.

Teaching aids.

Language exchange programs.

Learn more about language skills here


Select the passage that has a more affectionate tone.

A. Then, as the darkness closed in, the daughter laid her head down in the hard ground close at the father's side, and watched him. The darkness deepened and deepened, and they both lay quiet, until a light gleamed through the chinks in the wall.

B. The girls gave their hearts into their mother's keeping, their souls into their father's. and to both parents, who lived and labored so faithfully for them, they gave a love that grew and bound them tenderly together by the sweetest tie which blesses life and outlives death.


The passage presented in option B has a more affectionate tone.

What is the tone of a text?It is a resource that promotes immersion in reading.It is a resource that promotes sensations and feelings.

An affectionate tone is seen in a text that emphasizes the feeling of affection for the reader. We can see this feeling in the text shown in option B, where the girls feel cared for and supported by their parents in an affectionate way.

Learn more about tone:


What does the cat say when she talks to Jack and Jill?

O That Jack and Jill should eat their vegetables.

O That the mouse was right; their mom is in danger.

O That Jack and Jill should listen to their mom.

O That she wants to eat the mouse.


When the cat talks to Jack and Jill, she says, "That Jack and Jill should listen to their mom."

This means that the cat believes it is important for Jack and Jill to pay attention to what their mom says. By following their mom's guidance and instructions, they can make good choices and stay safe. The cat is emphasizing the importance of listening to their mom's advice and taking it seriously.

In this scenario, the cat is acting as a wise character, offering guidance and reminding Jack and Jill of the importance of respecting their mom's wisdom. The cat understands that their mom has valuable knowledge and wants to help Jack and Jill make the right decisions.

It's worth noting that while this answer provides a clear and concise explanation for one of the options presented in the question, it is possible that the cat could say different things in different situations. The context of the story or scenario would determine the cat's response. However, based on the given options, the answer "That Jack and Jill should listen to their mom" aligns with the cat's role as a helpful and wise character.

To know more about Jack and Jill refer to


which statement best describes an author's perspective
A. The author grew up in a different country
B. The author aims to persuade the audience to agree with an opinion
C. The author wants readers to believe that lying can cause problems.
D. The author wants to entertain the readers


Answer: B. The author aims to persuade the audience to agree with an opinion


What does Pony's premonition about the rumble mean?​



In "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton, Ponyboy has a premonition about the upcoming rumble between the greasers and the Socs. He feels that the rumble will not solve anything and will only result in more violence and pain. Ponyboy fears that someone will get hurt or killed during the fight, and that the cycle of violence will continue. His premonition reflects the larger theme of the novel, which is the senselessness and tragedy of violence and the need for empathy and understanding between different social groups.

13 How does the author try to convince people that the entire community will benefit
from a dog park?
A He includes the advantages of a dog park for people who do not have pets.
B He restates the fact that the town has a law requiring dogs to be leashed.
C He mentions that dog owners should have a fence around their yard for their dog.
D He proves that most dog owners feel that their dog is safer on a leash.





Write an Original Poem 14 Lines.


Answer: I know that living there for a limited period of time would feel like we were going to stay there permanently because it didn’t feel like we were getting anywhere close to the house mom and dad told us we would have forever one day. Papa was always coming home late, he never had more than 20$ in his hand, mama would cook for us, but the food wasn’t enough to last me, my sister, and my brother for a day. I envied the kids in my neighborhood, every time I played with them, they would ask me where I lived,  I would hesitantly point “there”, the place that was supposed to be the house papa always talked about. I was ashamed when pointing “there”, because we probably had the ugliest house in the neighborhood. The other kid’s homes looked better than mine, fences looked larger, some had cars that could fit in the garage, but we had a car that wasn’t even ours yet. Every day felt like we’d spend more and more time in mango street and I started to lose hope, hope for the big white shiny house papa kept talking nonstop about, hope for a better neighborhood, and hope for more food for more than a week.


This is a narrative from Marin from The House on Mango Street, that I created. Its basically me continuing the story in the vignette marin.

Close to a poem.

In what ways does the struggle for freedom change with history? In what ways do these poems comment upon the issues at stake in the complex struggle for freedom by African Americans?


The poems of African American poets reflect the different aspects of this struggle and comment on the issues at stake in this complex fight for freedom.

What is moral of African American poets ?

African American poets address a variety of themes and morals in their works, which can vary depending on the specific poem and poet. Some common themes include the struggle for freedom, the African American experience, racism, discrimination, inequality, social justice, love, and hope.

For instance, in the early days of slavery, the struggle for freedom was a fight for the abolition of slavery itself. Poems like "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" by Langston Hughes and "I, Too" by Langston Hughes speak to the need for freedom from the yoke of slavery and the desire for equal treatment and representation. In these poems, the African American is portrayed as someone who has a rich history and a deep connection to the land, and is not defined by the conditions of slavery.

Learn more about African American poets from given link


identify two camp rules in this passage. explain what effect these rule have on determining main idea of the passage "dishwashing".


The two rules are It is important to wash dishes immediately after use and  you are allowed to use 2 buckets of hot water per day.

Other rule in the passage:

1.Dish water must be diluted compulsorily.

What is the main idea of Dishwashing?

The main idea of dishwashing is to save water and use it properly only when needed. That is the reason only why they are several rules in it.

There will be no machines including only humans must do it.

Here neatness is also mentioned by usage of the hot water.

To know more about paragraph questions visit:


Other Questions
Q1. Sulphur burns in air upon gentle heating with a pale blue flame. Itproduces colourless and poisonous sulphur dioxide gas. a) What are the reactants and products in this reaction? Write as aword equation. Match the conic equations to the descriptions. A. StartFraction (x + 5) squared Over 100 EndFraction + StartFraction (y minus 4) squared Over 225 EndFraction = 1 B. StartFraction (x minus 4) squared Over 16 EndFraction minus StartFraction (y + 5) squared Over 9 EndFraction = 1 C. StartFraction (y + 5) squared Over 64 EndFraction + StartFraction (x minus 4) squared Over 81 EndFraction = 1 D. StartFraction (y minus 4) squared Over 16 EndFraction minus StartFraction (x + 5) squared Over 9 EndFraction = 1 Choose the letter of the equation from the drop down menu. Ellipse with center at (4, 5): Ellipse with center at (5, 4): Hyperbola with center at (5, 4): Hyperbola with center at (4, 5): DJs were particularly influential in the early days of these two genres, when hit records often came from what was played at the club rather than on the radio:Group of answer choices:a)Heavy Metal and Punkb)Disco and Hip-Hopc)New Wave and Hardcored)Soft Rock and New PopAlso, I couldn't find the music subject so I picked a random one. there's a reason fish live in saltwater. pepper makes them sneeze. what is the text's most likely purpose? qizzlet identify one example of political moderniaztion/westernization by the ottoman empire in the nineteenth century ways of the world ivanhoe company manufactures and sells three products. Relevant per unit data concerning each product are given below.ProductA B CSelling price $9 $12 $15Variable costs and expenses $3 $10 $12Machine hours to produce 2 1 2Required:a. Compute the contribution margin per unit of limited resource (machine hours) for each product.b. Assuming 3,000 additional machine hours are available, which product should be manufactured?c. What is the total contribution margin if the hours are (1) divided equally among the products and (2) if they are allocated entirely to the product identified above. which one of the following attributes of a well-designed visual aid helps your audience to retain more of your speech? in the 1840s, a growing religious revival called on people to rejectmultiple choice question.the continuation of serfdom.T/F a compacted sample of hma contains 5.1 percent asphalt by weight of total mix, and the bulk density of the hma specimen is 2455kg/m3. the specific gravity of aggregate and the asphalt binder are 2.735 and 1.022, respectively. determine the vma, vtm, and vfa, neglect-ing absorption. draw sketch and write out full equations used. no sketch and missing full equations written out, minus -5 points. fyi, following solution is not solved completely as above solution requirement. Find the slope of the line passing through the points (-9, 2) and (-9, -6) teddy's pillows had beginning net fixed assets of $472 and ending net fixed assets of $552. assets valued at $320 were sold during the year. depreciation was $44. what is the amount of net capital spending? Indicate how a positive personal lifestyle plan May promote meaningfulness of life What would the best cost to each person in the United States given that the total cost is 10^14 dollars Fiona, the manager of a retail store, wants to know whether she is maximizing her return on space investment. She will have to calculate the _____ for the area of the store. A. sales per employee B. sales per square foot C. QR correlation coefficient D. return on investment E. cost-benefit ratio When Maxwell completes this W-4, who should he submit it to? A. Big City Office Furniture B. The IRS C. No one - he keeps it for his records. D. His spouse. The population of Toledo, Ohio, in 2000 was approximately 500,000. Assume the population is increasing at a rate of 5% per year. a. Write the exponential function that relates the total population as a function of t. b. Use a. to determine the rate at which the population is increasing in t years. c. Use b. to determine the rate at which the population is increasing in 10 years. Pick out greatest and smallest numbers from 9929 , 9829 , 9289 , 9982. which of the following is not true about tps information systems? group of answer choices tps captures and processes data from day-to-day business activities. batch processing processes all collected data as a group. oltp is used for routine processing tasks, such as printing monthly invoices. examples of a tps include deposits, payments, orders, and reservations. which of the following is used to process and display browser database application forms, reports, and queries? Jason is going to invest $720 and leave it in an account for 6 years. Assuming the interest is compounded continuously, what interest rate, to the nearest hundredth of a percent, would be required in order for Jason to end up with $930