Sứ mệnh của giai cấp công nhân hiện nay có thay đổi không vì sao


Answer 1
Theo quan điểm duy vật lịch sử, sứ mệnh lịch sử của một giai cấp không phải do ý muốn chủ quan quy định mà trái lại, được quy định bởi những điều kiện khách quan của lịch sử; đồng thời cũng chính điều kiện lịch sử khách quan đó là cơ sở khách quan tạo cho giai cấp đó có được những đặc điểm chính trị - xã hội mang tính cách mạng có thể thực hiện được sứ mệnh lịch sử ấy.

Chứng minh:

Thứ nhất, theo lý luận hình thái kinh tế - xã hội, nhân tố quyết định sự phát triển của xã hội là sự phát triển của lực lượng sản xuất; trong đó, người lao động là lực lượng sản xuất hàng đầu. Trong xã hội tư bản chủ nghĩa hay trong bất cứ một xã hội nào dựa trên sự phát triển của nền đại công nghiệp thì lực lượng sản xuất hàng đầu của nó vẫn là người công nhân. Chính người công nhân là đại biểu cho sự phái triển của lực lượng sản xuất tiên tiến nhất của thời đại ngày nay; không có một giai cấp nào có thể thay thế địa vị đó.

Chú ý: ở đây là nói người công nhân với tư cách là sản phẩm của nền sản xuất đại công nghiệp tư bản chủ nghĩa hay xã hội chủ nghĩa; nó đại biểu cho sự phát triển của lực lượng sản xuất tiên tiến của xã hội hiện thời và xã hội tương lai.

Thứ hai, trong các giai cấp, tầng lớp xã hội đối lập (mâu thuẫn) giai cấp tư sản thì chỉ có giai cấp công nhân là giai cấp ở vào địa vị mâu thuẫn trực tiếp nhất và có tính đối kháng. Điều này khiến cho giai cấp công nhân trở thành giai cấp có tính cách mạng triệt để nhất trong cuộc đấu tranh chống lại ách thống trị, áp bức và bóc lột của giai cấp tư sản. Trong cuộc đấu tranh để tự giải phóng mình và giải phóng toàn thể nhân dân lao động khỏi ách thống trị, áp bức, bóc lột của giai cấp tư sản, giai cấp công nhân (với tư cách là giai cấp vô sản) không mất gì cả, ngoại trừ mất xiềng xích, còn nếu được thì dược cả thế giới.

Thứ ba, xuất phát từ đặc điểm của nền sản xuất công nghiệp, nhất là nền công nghiệp hiện đại, khiến cho giai cấp công nhân có được tính tở chức cao với kỷ luật chặt chẽ. Đồng thời, với sự phát triển mở rộng, có tính xã hội hoá cao của nền sản xuất công nghiệp khiến cho giai cấp công nhân có được mối quan hệ liên minh mang tính quốc tế của nó từ cơ sở của nền công nghiệp phát triển và nền kinh tế thị trưòng mở rộng có xu hướng quốc tế hoá. Mặt khác, đội ngũ của nó cũng không ngừng lớn mạnh nhờ quá trình phát triển của công nghiệp hoá ngày càng mở rộng trong phạm vi một quốc gia cũng như ở nhiều quốc gia khác nhau.

Thứ tư, giai cấp công nhân là giai cấp thuộc những người lao động, điều đó là cơ sở khách quan cho sự liên minh vững chắc và lâu dài giữa giai cấp công nhân với các giai cấp và tầng lớp lao động khác trong toàn xã hội, tạo thành lực lượng cách mạng của công cuộc cách mạng xoá bỏ xã hội cũ, xây dựng xã hội mới - xã hội xã hội chủ nghĩa.

Thứ năm, giai cấp công nhân là giai cấp có được hệ tư tưởng khoa học của nó - đó là chủ nghĩa Mác - Lênin.

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Horizontal mobility


Something develops when a persons personal employment changes but overall basic social status remains the same. For example, a doctor's employment may move from prescribing medications to instructing at a medical school, but their reputation and social position are expected to stay the same.

A mob enforcer shot a pawnshop owner in the kneecap, intending to put him in the hospital because he was not paying his protection fees to the mob. However, the pawnshop owner hit his head on the edge of the counter when he fell. He suffered a blood clot and died as a result. A statute in the jurisdiction provides that a criminal homicide constitutes murder in the first degree when it is committed by an intentional and premeditated killing, murder in the second degree when it is committed while the defendant is engaged in the commission of a dangerous felony, and murder in the third degree for all other types of murder at common law. Another statute provides that manslaughter is a killing in the heat of passion on adequate legal provocation or a killing caused by criminal negligence. The crimes below are listed in descending order of seriousness. If the enforcer is charged with the pawnshop owner's killing, what is the most serious crime for which he can be convicted?



Murder in the second degree, because the killing occurred during the commission of the felony of assault with a deadly weapon.


When a murder is deemed as intentional and premeditated, then it means the accused actually wanted to take the life of the slain person and had planned the activity well ahead of time before carrying out the action. However, in this case, there isn't any evidence of premeditated shot. However, there is an act of felony in this case, whereby a mob assault a pawnshop owner for the payment of non-legal fees. This act of felony was then carried out with the use of a deadly weapon like a gun, when an assault is perpetrated with a weapon such as a gun, then the death of the victim is a distinct possibility.

Aztec society was Group of answer choices an egalitarian democracy. primarily involved in the trading of slaves. a purely theocratic society. a hierarchical dictatorship, with a privileged upper class and a downtrodden majority. unique in giving women major political power.



i dont know



successful of competition policy​


being a fair team player and maintaining sportsmanship attitude throughout the entire competition

Which of the amendments applies most to you? Explain in detail.


Answer: Depends

Explanation: I do not know which amendment applies most to YOU in particular, that is for you to evaluate. Try to keep these following questions in mind when answering: Which amendment(s) allows me to do certain things; Which amendment(s) upholds my rights; Which amendment would I be most affected by if taken down; etc.

how does the policy of centralisation of industries disadvantage rural communities​



Decentralisation is unlikely to prove a panacea for weak central government but decentralised government could do more to create an enabling framework for private sector provision of services previously provided by the state. The appropriate level of subsidiarity is an empirical question related to the size of a country, its resource endowments, the number of levels of government and the particular characteristics of different goods and services. Applying this to the decentralised provision of agricultural services, the key determinants appear to be the existence of economies of scale, the nature of any externalities or spillover effects, and the characteristics of rural communities. Although decentralisation reduces agro-ecological diversity it may accentuate divisions between ‘gainers’ and ‘losers’ in local communities through the public provision of certain services suggesting that many ‘collective’ goods assume the characteristics of ‘club’ goods at the local level. This makes private provision through farmers’ associations and the payment of user fees economically rational. The paper concludes with an examination of ways in which local government can provide the enabling environment required for the private provision of agricultural services.

family is one of the primary influences on our values and personal lifestyle choices. true or false​


I’m pretty sure it’s true if you really think about it. (Please let me know if I’m wrong)

1.1.1. Define and describe the human rights violation that you have chosen.gender based violence ​



human rights-a right which is believed to belong to every person


gender based violence is a violence that directed at an individual based on his or her biological sex or gender identity it includes physical,sexual verbal,emotional and psychological abuse

what is regilon rituals​



A religious ritual is any repetitive and patterned behavior that is prescribed by or tied to a religious institution, belief, or custom, often with the intention of communicating with a deity or supernatural power.


base on my search

Sử dụng kĩ thuật 5W1H để trình bày nội dung 1 cuốn sách
Vẽ sơ đồ cuốn sác đó




Để bắt đầu nghiên cứu, học hỏi hoặc viết về một vấn đề nào đó,  Xin trích đăng lại bài hướng dẫn một kỹ thuật tư duy đơn giản mà  Để trình bày một ý tưởng, tóm tắt một sự kiện, một cuốn sách hoặc  Ai kiểm tra và duyệt nội dung?  kiện,​5W1H cũng có thể sử dụng chung với Bản đồ tư duy để giải

3. Why do you think your society is developing? Write two reason​



Good road is under construction.


Public awareness

According to the text and classroom discussions, the law enforcement position of _______________ is a person who identifies crime patterns, suspect characteristics, demographic information as it relates to certain crimes. They prepare reports, graphs, and maps that communicate crime trends.
a. Police Officer
b. Dispatcher
c. Crime Analyst
d. Property Clerk



c. Crime Analyst


Law enforcement is defined as an activity of some government officials who prevent the society form any harmful elements in the society. A law enforcement officer protects the citizens of a country from any harm and danger and maintains law and order of a place.

The law enforcement officer acts as a crime analyst who identifies any form of crime pattern, or identifies the suspects and also the demographic information where the crime took place and does the investigation.

The position of the law enforcement officer also have the responsibility to prepare any report or graphs related to the crime and communicate them.

Thus he is a crime analyst who analyzes the crime and communicate them to prevent the occurrence of crimes in the city and maintains law and order in a place.

Discuss TWO negative effects of unequal power relations on one's health as
well as one's general well-being​




Research on factors associated with partner violence against women is often framed within the context of gender inequality and power imbalances between husbands and wives—inequalities that are considered products of broader structural systems. Tanzania, a patriarchal society where high levels of partner violence exists, has gone through rapid economic and social changes over the past two decades. Increasing numbers of women are seeking paid work, and men’s ideals of manhood have reshaped with evidence of extra marital relations and alcohol use. Nationally representative population-based data documents 46.2% of ever-married women have experienced physical or sexual partner violence in their lifetime; 29.6% in the past year. In order to plan appropriate interventions to end violence against women, factors consistently associated with abuse need to be understood.


This study uses “couples” data from the 2015 Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey to examine correlates of past year partner violence against women. Multivariate regression analysis was used to explore individual and relational-level variables—including socio-demographic characteristics and history of abuse among women, partner behavioural characteristics, and indicators of gender and economic inequality—among 1278 married and cohabiting couples.


At the individual level, women’s experiences of non-partner violence (sexual abuse by a non-partner and witnessing violence in childhood) was strongly associated with risk and highlights that all forms of violence against women serve to keep them subordinated. Partner behavioural characteristics (polygamy and problematic alcohol use) were also associated with risk. Household socio-economic status, however, was not significantly associated with women’s risk in the final multivariate model. At the relational-level, men’s age difference of 10 or more years; and any employment (compared to none/unpaid) were associated with lower risk. When considering attitudes tolerant towards wife abuse, the strongest association with risk of violence was when both partners held tolerant views.


The findings support the assertions of

Violence Against Women And rigid gender roles are the negative effects of unequal power relations.

What is Unequal Power Relation?

Unequal power offers one individual or group of people more authority or privileges than others, an uneven system or circumstance is unfair. The unequal power connections between men and women were among the many extremely oppressive, unfair, and polarizing aspects of this nation's political structure.  

Gender inequality, which includes unequal power relationships between men and women, rigid gender roles, conventions, and hierarchies, and assigning women a lower place in society, is the root cause of violence against women.

There are many Causes of Gender Inequality,

1. Lack of employment equality.

2. Job segregation. ETC.

Hence, unequal power relation is not good for society.

To learn more about Unequal Power Relation follow the link.



Mariam has had hardly any contact with snakes, and she can't even go to the zoo because of her phobia. According to the two-process theory of avoidance, which of the following maintains Mariam's fear

a. positive pulment when wround snakes.
b. negative reinforcement for rolding snakes.
c. negative punishment for thinking snakes.
d. positive reinforcement for escaping from snakes.



Option A


In simple words, positive pullment refers to the situation under which an individual falls suddenly into scare and phobia when surrounded by a certain environment. This happens due to some inherent characteristics or some self generated phobias due to actions of subconscious mind.

Thus, from the above we can conclude that the correct option is A.

2 'While there are people who protest to get their rights back, a large number of
people might join protests for completely different reasons.
Critically discuss THREE negative reasons why some people join protest actions​



money race power

to steal

to get elected

some undercover police incite violence to entrap

Who was a first lady who lobbied for educational opportunities for women?
Mercy Otis Warren
Martha Washington
Martha Jefferson
Abigail Adams


Abigail Adams pls mark brainliest

Answer:Abigail Adams


Perceptual defense refers to the Question 25 options: defending of the solutions we propose. defending of the perception we have after making a decision. blocking out of bad news or information that threatens our self-concept. defending of those who agree with us when we identify a problem.



The correct answer is ''blocking out of bad news or information that threatens our self-concept.''


Perceptual defense is the selective perception that protects the individual from becoming aware of what is unpleasant or threatening, in other words, it is a psychic mechanism consisting of a resistance on the part of the person to consciously perceive those stimuli that could cause anxiety or anguish. What is intended to achieve, in any case, is that disturbing or anxious information is diverted from the field of consciousness to the unconscious.

Compared to a few decades ago, personality psychologists today are much more likely to acknowledge the importance of biological influences on personality. This shift is partly due to:___.
a. the overwhelming influence of the trait model in personality psychology.
b. the increase in researchers with MD's getting into the field of personality research.
c. the increasing use of twin studies in all personality research improvements.
d. in research instruments that allow researchers to assess personality and biology more accurately.


A.the overwhelming influence of the trait model in personality psychology


D. Research instruments that allow researchers to assess personality and biology more accurately.

which group/people do you feel are most stigmatized in South Africa? why​


Somalia is well known as the home country of the pirates who terrorize the key trade waters near the Horn of Africa. Source: National Defense University. Civil war in the 1980s led to the collapse of Somalia's central government in 1991. Following this, various groupings of Somali factions, sometimes supported by outside forces, sought to control the national territory (or portions thereof) and fought one another. But they continued to stand their ground which is why I find this tribe the strongest.

As per the research that has been done by many researchers, the people who  belong to the category with poor financial conditions, illiteracy, and lack in basic literacy skill belong to the most stigmatized category in South Africa.

Who are researchers?

For doing any kind of research, there is a need for qualified people who are specialized in their field of research. They are called researchers. Researchers are the ones who do research in different fields. There are various fields in which research work is done.

For example, when conducting research on South Africans who fall into the stick but ice category, a sample of people from that nation, according to that research condition, has a high early rate and basic literacy skills are lacking.

Thus, for this researchers are required.

Learn more about researchers from here:



What is the central objective for which the communities and individuals strive for in a democracy​


The federal system thus has dual objectives: to safeguard and promote unity of the country, while at the same time accommodate regional diversity. Therefore, two aspects are crucial for the institutions and practice of federalism.
Governments at different levels should agree to some rules of power sharing. They should also trust that each would abide by its part of the agreement. An ideal federal system has both aspects : mutual trust and agreement to live together.

Explain the existing treatment options of psychological disorders in our society. real life examples.​


Antianxiety medications.
Antidepressant medications to improve moods.
Antipsychotic medications to treat disordered thought patterns and altered perceptions.
Cognitive behavioral therapy to work on thought patterns and behavior.

If supply and demand are inelastic,


Supply is inelastic and demand is elastic for land.

difference of buddhism and business practices,, what does buddhism believes that we shouldn’t practice on business?​



The basic doctrines of early Buddhism, which remain common to all Buddhism, include the four noble truths: existence is suffering (dukhka); suffering has a cause, namely craving and attachment (trishna); there is a cessation of suffering, which is nirvana; and there is a path to the cessation of suffering, the eightfold path of right views, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. Buddhism characteristically describes reality in terms of process and relation rather than entity or substance.

what is the purpose or objectives of competition policy?​


Answer: The primary objective of competition policy is to enhance consumer welfare by promoting competition and controlling practices that could restrict it. More competitive markets lead to lower prices for consumers, more entry and new investment, enhanced product variety and quality, and more innovation.


Hope it helps

Can Danel be regarded as a monopoly in South Africa


Hi. Your question is incomplete and we need you to provide more information for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

To determine whether Danel can be considered a monopoly, you must evaluate the characteristics of that company within a system of competition with other similar companies. A company is only considered a monopoly if it alone dominates the production and sale of a particular product or service, preventing the emergence of competing companies. In this case, if Danel has this type of characteristic, it means that it can be considered a monopoly, however, if Danel is inserted in a system where other companies produce and sell the same product as it, it means that it is not a monopoly .

Tayler pays careful attention to what her client Jack says and sorts out important facts from irrelevant ones. While maintaining eye contact and nodding her head at appropriate intervals, she communicates that she is interested in and understands what is being said. In this scenario, Tayler is engaged in


She is engaged in the conversation and is an active listener

__________ was sent to France to buy Louisiana for America.

A) Thomas Jefferson

B) James Monroe

C) George Washington



B) James Monroe

Jefferson was president but he sent Monroe.


It is New Orleans.” In addition to making military preparations for a conflict in the Mississippi Valley, Jefferson sent James Monroe to join Robert Livingston in France to try to purchase New Orleans and West Florida for as much as $10 million.

viết ba đoạn lập luận có quy tắc suy luận như sau và dùng biểu đồ Venn để kiểm tra
xem chúng có hợp logic không?
1) MeP 2) MiP 3) PaM



Sự tiến hóa và bản chất của khoa học

Khoa học là một cách đặc biệt để biết về thế giới. Trong khoa học, những lời giải thích chỉ giới hạn ở những gì có thể suy ra từ dữ liệu có thể kiểm chứng - những quan sát đã dẫn đến những lời giải thích thuyết phục về cách các sinh vật tiến hóa

what three factors should be considered when choosing a research topic? explain each factor and provide examples​



1. Your interest is important where you have burning desire to add value.

2. Your skills, background knowledge versus your interest and societal need.

3. Level and type of research-Under-graduate, Graduate student etc or just research

4. Availability of resources including Experienced Supervisor or Co-investigator, facilities/funds/Data/instrument among others


When price increases by 1%, quantity supplied increases by 2%. What does this mean?



this is law of supply

more money then more of a supply attempt


when dealing with percents its great to use the number 100 to get a better understanding

word percent means per 100

so a price is $100 and it increases 1% then its $101

if a supply is 100 and it increases 2% then it's 102

so with an increase in price there is an increase in supply

this is the law of supply

sellers want mpre profit

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