Most of the water that evaporates from leaves passes out through the A. cuticle.
B. ends of xylem vessels.
C. epidermis.
D. spaces between epidermal cells. E. stomata.


Answer 1

The correct answer is stomata Which is Most of the water that evaporates from leaves passes out.

What is stomata ?

Stomata are small openings or pores found on the surface of leaves, stems, and other plant organs. They are surrounded by two specialized cells known as guard cells that regulate their opening and closing. Stomata are responsible for facilitating gas exchange in plants, allowing them to take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis while also releasing oxygen and water vapor. They also play a critical role in regulating water loss from the plant through a process called transpiration

Most of the water that evaporates from leaves passes out through the stomata, which are small openings on the surface of leaves that allow for gas exchange. The stomata are primarily responsible for the regulation of water loss from the leaves through transpiration. The other options listed do not play a significant role in the loss of water from leaves.

To know more about stomata visit :-


Related Questions

what the defintion of Homozygous?


Homozygous refers to a genetic condition in which an individual has two identical alleles (variants of a gene) at a specific locus (position) on a pair of homologous chromosomes.

In simpler terms, homozygosity refers to the inheritance of two identical copies of a particular gene, one from each parent. The term homozygous can be further divided into two categories, namely homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive.

Homozygous dominant individuals carry two copies of a dominant allele, which expresses its phenotype regardless of whether the second allele is dominant or recessive. Homozygous recessive individuals, on the other hand, carry two copies of a recessive allele, which expresses its phenotype only when both alleles are recessive.

Homozygosity is an important concept in genetics, as it can influence the expression of certain traits and the likelihood of developing genetic disorders. In general, homozygosity for a particular gene can increase the predictability of inherited traits and genetic diseases.

To learn more about Homozygous


can someone please answer 9 questions for me.

In this activity, you will need to find reliable internet or library sources about how climate change affects the stability of an ecosystem. You will pick a specific ecosystem to evaluate. You might research what is happening in an ecosystem near where you live. Or you might choose an ecosystem that you have read about. For example, you might choose the Everglades, Great Plains, Sonoran Desert, or Olympic Rain Forest. Here are a few ideas for topics:
Increased wildfires in the western United States due to droughts
Flooding and sea level rise in a coastal region, such as along the Gulf coast or in Asia
Impact of rising ocean temperatures on coral reefs, such as the Great Barrier Reef
Melting of glaciers or polar ice sheets
Stronger hurricanes along the Atlantic coast

As you research, focus on how the ecosystem you chose has been disrupted by climate change. Then look for information on how those disruptions affect the ecosystem's biotic and abiotic factors, biodiversity, and stability.
You can use a variety of sources, including primary and secondary sources.
For this topic, you might find reliable information in scientific journals, on government websites, or in university publications. Here are a few suggestions of places to look:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) website on global climate change
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website, for information on climate change indicators
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) climate website
U.S. National Park Service (NPS) website, for information about ecosystems found in the national parks

1. List at least five terms from the introduction that you can use as keywords in your search.

2.Identify at least two websites or other sources you will use to start your research. If you end up using other websites or sources to answer the questions in Part 2, add them to this list. Cross out any websites that don't end up helping you complete the activity.

3. Evaluate two of the sources you plan to use. Explain why each source seems credible and likely to contain accurate information. Evaluate the arguments they present. Do the arguments seem valid? Are they backed up by data? Identify possible sources of bias

Use the websites you listed in Part 1 to answer the following questions. Remember to add any new sources you use to your list.
4. What ecosystem did you chose? What do you already know about this ecosystem, and what do you need to learn?
5. Describe your chosen ecosystem in detail. What abiotic factors are important? What biotic factors are important? What are the keystone species? How do the interactions of these factors affect the stability of the ecosystem?
6. How has the climate been changing in your chosen ecosystem? List at least two specific changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, or other weather patterns. Include data from your research and cite your sources
7. What are the specific effects of these climate-based changes on the stability of the ecosystem? Is biodiversity changing? Be sure to connect the changes to their climate-related cause.
8. Could climate change result in ecological succession in your chosen ecosystem? Explain your reasoning
9. Do you think the explanations and conclusions about the impact of climate change on ecosystems presented in the sources you used are accurate? Justify your reasoning.


List at least five terms from the introduction that you can use as keywords in your search.

Climate change

Ecosystem stability

Biotic factors

Abiotic factors


Identify at least two websites or other sources you will use to start your research. If you end up using other websites or sources to answer the questions in Part 2, add them to this list. Cross out any websites that don't end up helping you complete the activity.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) website on global climate change

U.S. National Park Service (NPS) website, for information about ecosystems found in the national parks

Evaluate two of the sources you plan to use. Explain why each source seems credible and likely to contain accurate information. Evaluate the arguments they present. Do the arguments seem valid? Are they backed up by data? Identify possible sources of bias.

NASA website: The NASA website is a credible source because it is a government agency that specializes in space exploration and aeronautics. The website contains accurate information and data on climate change that has been peer-reviewed and published in scientific journals. The arguments presented on the website are valid and backed up by data. The website also includes possible sources of bias, such as political pressure and funding sources.

U.S. National Park Service (NPS) website: The NPS website is a credible source because it is a government agency that is responsible for preserving natural and cultural resources in the national parks. The website contains accurate information on ecosystems found in the national parks that has been peer-reviewed and published in scientific journals. The arguments presented on the website are valid and backed up by data. The website also includes possible sources of bias, such as political pressure and funding sources.

What ecosystem did you choose? What do you already know about this ecosystem, and what do you need to learn?

I chose the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem. I know that it is the world's largest coral reef system and is located off the coast of Australia. I need to learn more about the abiotic and biotic factors in this ecosystem, the keystone species, and how climate change is affecting its stability.

Describe your chosen ecosystem in detail. What abiotic factors are important? What biotic factors are important? What are the keystone species? How do the interactions of these factors affect the stability of the ecosystem?

The Great Barrier Reef ecosystem is a complex system of coral reefs, islands, and shallow waters. Some important abiotic factors in this ecosystem include water temperature, water quality, light levels, and salinity. Some important biotic factors include corals, fish, sea turtles, sharks, and dolphins. The keystone species in this ecosystem are the corals, which provide habitat and food for a diverse range of species. The interactions between these factors are important for the stability of the ecosystem. For example, changes in water temperature or quality can harm the corals, which in turn can affect the populations of other species that rely on them for food and habitat.

How has the climate been changing in your chosen ecosystem? List at least two specific changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, or other weather patterns. Include data from your research and cite your sources.

According to the NOAA climate website, the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem has experienced an increase in sea surface temperature of 0.9°C since the late 1800s. This increase in temperature has led to more frequent and severe coral bleaching events, which can lead to coral death. The website also states that the Great Barrier Reef has experienced more frequent and intense cyclones, which can damage the corals and disrupt the ecosystem.

bernard was born without cone cells in his retina. what effect will this most likely have on his vision?


Bernard, who is born without cone cells in his retina will have difficulty seeing color, which will affect his vision.

When we look at objects, light enters the eye and is sensed by the retina, which contains two types of cells, cone cells, and rod cells.

Cone cells are responsible for color vision, while rod cells are responsible for detecting light in low-light conditions.

Bernard is unable to perceive color, which is the most significant impact of the absence of cone cells in the retina.

As a result, he will see the world in black and white or shades of gray. Cone cells are also responsible for sharp, clear images and identifying fine details.

Since they are absent in Bernard's retina, he may have reduced visual acuity or resolution.

This condition, known as achromatopsia, is an inherited genetic disorder in which an individual has no cone cells in the retina or only a few.

Learn more about retina here:


17. Which Of These Partial Proteins Was Most Likely Assembled By A Thermophile? A. Gly-Gly-Pro-Arg-Arg-Cys-Cys-Gly B. Cys-Met-Met-Arg-Asp-Asp-Asp-Pro C. Pro-Pro-Arg-His-Pro-Pro-Pro-Gly D. Met-Gly-Cys-Pro-Arg-Arg-Pro-Arg


The answer is option D: Met-Gly-Cys-Pro-Arg-Arg-Pro-Arg. This is due to the fact that the thermophile's body temperature is raised, and the enzymes and proteins required for the survival of the organism must work optimally in this environment.

A thermophile is an organism that can survive and flourish in hot environments. Such organisms are able to generate proteins that can endure high temperatures. To cope with the high temperatures, thermophiles produce specialized proteins, such as heat shock proteins, which are effective at ensuring the structural stability of other proteins within the organism. Due to the strong intermolecular forces and lower entropy, the bonds that maintain the three-dimensional shape of the protein are more likely to be preserved. The organism is then able to function optimally in this hot environment, and the protein is known as a thermostable protein.

However, Met-Gly-Cys-Pro-Arg-Arg-Pro-Arg this Partial Proteins Was Most Likely Assembled By A Thermophile.

To know more about Thermophile please visit :


what is shift in vaginal flora suggestive of bacterial vaginosis meaning?


In bacterial vaginosis, the vaginal flora shifts from normal aerobic flora to anaerobic one.

Bacterial vaginosis is the condition where bacterial growth becomes excessive. The vagina normally harbors a variety of bacteria, but in limited quantities. This condition is characterized by the flow of vaginal discharge which has a distinct odor.

Vaginal flora refers to the bacteria living inside the vagina of females. These bacteria usually belong to the Lactobacillus species. The shift in there population occurs when the normal pH of the vagina is disturbed. This causes the bacteria to overgrow anaerobically and cause the disease.

To know more about bacterial vaginosis, here


your textbook described a study in which researchers used fmri to scan the brain of a dead salmon, first while the salmon was instructed to take the perspective of another species, and again during a control task. (i) describe the results of this study. (ii) explain the conclusion that the researchers drew from these results.


The results of the study discovered significant increase in brain activity and the conclusion that the researchers drew from these results is that it show apparent activation.

What are the results and conclusion of study?

Results of the study: The study discovered a significant increase in the dead salmon's brain activity when it was asked to take the perspective of another species. This was discovered in a region of the brain that is linked with the processing of emotions.

Conclusion that the researchers drew from these results: The researchers concluded that it was critical to be cautious when interpreting fMRI brain scans because a dead fish's brain could demonstrate apparent activation if statistical corrections are not applied appropriately. In other words, it's crucial to account for multiple comparisons while analyzing fMRI brain scans.

Learn more about Salmon fish here:


if the thymus shrank and stopped making hormones in a child, we would expect to see a decrease in the number of: group of answer choices b cells neutrophils t cells eosinophils


If the thymus shrank and stopped making hormones in a child, we would expect to see a decrease in the number of T cells.

What is the Thymus?

The thymus is an essential organ for T cell maturation, and its absence results in immunodeficiency. The thymus, a butterfly-shaped organ situated in the upper mediastinum, is involved in the production and maturation of T-lymphocytes. It functions primarily in early life and declines in size and activity with age; it may shrink or disappear in adults. It is also a primary lymphoid organ that functions by filtering blood-borne lymphocytes and removing old and apoptotic T cells through programmed cell death (apoptosis).

What are the T Cells?

T cells, also known as T lymphocytes, are immune system cells that protect the body from disease-causing pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. They also assist in identifying and removing aberrant or cancerous cells from the body. T cells are produced in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus, where they acquire the ability to recognize and attack antigens. They circulate throughout the body and detect specific antigens, allowing them to bind and interact with them. After binding to the antigen, T cells differentiate into various types of immune cells that can target and kill invading pathogens.

In summary, the thymus gland produces T cells, which are essential components of the immune system. When the thymus shrinks, the number of T cells decreases, increasing the risk of infections and illnesses.

The complete and understandable version of this question must be:

"If the thymus shrank and stopped making hormones in a child, we would expect to see a decrease in the number of _____.

b cells


t cells


Learn more about thymus here:


18. Which ypes of mutations positve, ngative or neutral,are mase lilely to sen i firing neutral, are most likely to be seen in offspring several generations after the mutation occurred? Explain your reasoning. 19. Consider the following scenarios. State whether the mutation is likely to be passed on to the offspring of the organism. Explain your reasoning. a. A single bacteria cell contains a positive mutation in its DNA b. A skin cell on a cat contains a positive mutation in its DNA. c. A sperm cell in a whale contains a positive mutation in its DNA.


The type of mutations, positive, negative or neutral, which are most likely to be seen in offspring several generations after the mutation occurred, are neutral mutations.

A neutral mutation is a type of genetic mutation that occurs when there is a slight alteration or shift in the genetic code of an organism that does not affect the phenotype or survival of that organism or its offspring. Neutral mutations can, however, accumulate over time, providing evolutionary raw material for later adaptation or speciation events. Neutral mutations are more likely to be passed down to the next generation because there is no selection pressure acting against them.

a. A single bacteria cell contains a positive mutation in its DNA: As bacteria reproduce by binary fission, the positive mutation is highly likely to be passed on to the offspring .b. A skin cell on a cat contains a positive mutation in its DNA: The positive mutation is unlikely to be passed on to the offspring because skin cells are not involved in reproduction. Only mutations that occur in cells that form eggs or sperm are likely to be passed down. c. A sperm cell in a whale contains a positive mutation in its DNA: As sperm cells are involved in reproduction, the positive mutation is highly likely to be passed on to the offspring.

However, Neutral mutations are more likely to be passed down to the next generation because there is no selection pressure acting against them.

To know more about Mutation please visit :


a thick rigid barrier found outside of the cell membrane in plant cells


Cell-Wall is a thick rigid barrier found outside of the cell membrane in plant cells. A cell wall is a thick, stiff layer that surrounds the cell and is located outside the cell membrane.

In addition to cellulose and protein, the cell wall also contains additional polysaccharides. The cell wall offers structural defense and support. Certain cell types have a stiff, partially permeable protective coating called a cell wall. In the majority of plant cells, as well as those of fungi, bacteria, algae, and certain archaea, this outer layer is situated close to the cell membrane (plasma membrane).

Nevertheless, animal cells lack a cell wall. A plant cell's cell wall is its outermost layer. It protects the cell while stiffening it. Cell walls are absent from animal cells. Every cell has a membrane around it as a form of defense.

Learn more about cell membrane Visit:


Correct Question:

_____ is a thick rigid barrier found outside of the cell membrane in plant cells.

a giant rabbit is tied to a pole in the ground by an infinitely stretchy elastic cord attached to its tail. a hungry flea is on the pole watching the rabbit. the rabbit sees the flea, jumps into the air and lands one mile from the pole (with its tail still attached to the pole by the elastic cord). the flea gives chase and leaps into the air landing on the stretched elastic cord one inch from the pole. the rabbit, seeing this, again leaps into the air and lands another mile away from the pole (i.e., a total of two miles from the pole). undaunted, the flea bravely leaps into the air again, landing on the elastic cord one inch further along. once again the rabbit jumps another mile and the flea jumps another inch along the cord. if this continues indefinitely, will the flea ever catch up to the rabbit? (assume the earth is flat and extends infinitely far in all directions.)


Yes, the flea will catch up with the rabbit.

In this question, a giant rabbit is tied to a pole in the ground by an infinitely stretchy elastic cord attached to its tail. A hungry flea is on the pole watching the rabbit. The rabbit sees the flea, jumps into the air, and lands one mile from the pole (with its tail still attached to the pole by the elastic cord). The flea gives chase and leaps into the air landing on the stretched elastic cord one inch from the pole. The rabbit, seeing this, again leaps into the air and lands another mile away from the pole (i.e., a total of two miles from the pole).

Undaunted, the flea bravely leaps into the air again, landing on the elastic cord one inch further along. Once again the rabbit jumps another mile, and the flea jumps another inch along the cord. This process continues indefinitely.To solve this problem, we need to know that the total distance jumped by the rabbit is given by the sum of the infinite geometric series. 

Here, the first term of the sequence is one mile, and the common ratio is 1/12.

Therefore, the sum of the sequence is: 

a/1-r = (1/1 - 1/12) = 12/11.

The rabbit will land at a total distance of 12/11 miles from the pole. If the flea makes the same series, it would be the infinite geometric sequence, 

b/1-r = (1/12)/(1 - 1/12) = 1/11 of the distance.

Thus, the flea will make the series and cover 1/11 of the distance each time. Thus, the flea will cover the entire distance between the rabbit and the pole eventually the flea will catch up with the rabbit.

"giant rabbit",


With properly selected cultivars and timely mowing, fertilization, and irrigation, which of the following diseases still have the potential to decimate a lawn on a site that receives ample sunlight? (multiple)
- brown patch
- powdery mildew
- red thread
- pythium blight
- slime mold
- fuzzy leaf


The diseases that still have the potential to decimate a lawn that receives ample sunlight are brown patch, powdery mildew, pythium blight, and slime mold.

Which diseases can decimate the lawn?

Brown patch is a common summer lawn disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani. It usually appears as circular patches in the lawn. It can be prevented with proper fertilization, proper watering, and proper mowing. Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that affects many plants, including grasses. It appears as a white, powdery coating on the blades of grass.  

Pythium blight is a common disease of grass that can cause significant damage to lawns. It is caused by a fungus that thrives in warm, wet conditions. It can be prevented by maintaining proper watering and mowing practices. Slime mold is a type of fungus that can cause a slimy, moldy substance to form on the surface of grass blades. It can be prevented by keeping the grass dry, avoiding over-fertilizing, and pruning trees and shrubs to allow for good air circulation.

Learn more about Diseases here:


what nutrient do aphids provide that is not present in the control group?


Aphids can be regarded as an important source of nutrition for many organisms, including ants, spiders, and other insects. Aphids contain a lot of nutrients that are important for the survival of these organisms, especially proteins and sugars.

When aphids are present, they provide a rich food source for these other animals. It is therefore important to understand what specific nutrients aphids provide that are not present in the control group.In general, the main nutrient that aphids provide that is not present in the control group is their high sugar content. Aphids feed on plant sap, which contains high levels of sugar. When they are present, they excrete a sugary substance called honeydew, which attracts other insects and animals to feed on it.

This honeydew is a rich source of carbohydrates, which can be used for energy by these other organisms. In particular, ants are known to "farm" aphids, collecting their honeydew and providing protection in exchange for this valuable food source.There may be other nutrients present in aphids that are not present in the control group, such as vitamins or minerals. However, these are likely to be present in such small amounts that they are not significant. Therefore, it is the high sugar content of aphids that is most important in terms of their nutritional value.

For more such questions on Aphids


Blank are organism that get their enegry from blank resources meaning they get their own food. These organism are called blank


Autotrophs are living things that produce their own food and obtain their energy from nonliving sources. The another name for these organisms is Producers.

Because organism eat producers or other consumers, heterotrophs are referred to as consumers. Humans, dogs, and birds are all instances of heterotrophs. In a food chain, a group of creatures that supply energy and nutrients to other organisms, heterotrophs occupy the second and third levels.

The two main ways that organisms obtain energy are through exposure to light or chemical oxidation. Autotrophic organisms, or producers, transform light or chemicals into energy-rich organic molecules starting with carbon dioxide, which has a low energy content (CO2). The other species, the heterotrophs, receive their energy from these autotrophs.

Learn more about organism Visit:


Correct Question:

___ are organism that get their energy from blank resources meaning they get their own food. These organism are called _____.

if you mate a dog with a bbee genotype to a dog with a bbee genotype, what percent of each phenotype would you expect over the course of many litters?


If you mate a dog with a bbee genotype to a dog with a bbee genotype, you can expect 25% of each phenotype over the course of many litters.

What is a phenotype?

A phenotype is an observable characteristic that arises from an individual's genotype. For example, the color of an individual's eyes, fur, or feathers is a phenotype, as is their ability to taste certain foods or produce specific enzymes. The phenotype is determined by the genotype, or the genetic makeup, of an individual.

How are phenotypes determined?

A single gene or a group of genes determines an organism's phenotype. The expression of a gene is referred to as its genotype, while the physical, observable characteristics that arise as a result of that expression are referred to as the phenotype.

A Punnett square is a tool used to calculate the possible results of a genetic cross between two parents with known genotypes. A Punnett square can be used to determine the probability of each phenotype or genotype for their offspring when given the parents' genotypes.

In the question, the two parent dogs have a Bbee genotype, which implies they both possess one dominant B allele and one recessive b allele, as well as two copies of the recessive e allele. A Punnett square can be used to determine the possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring. When crossing the two parent dogs in the Punnett square, the following results are obtained:


The following phenotypes are expected to occur in the offspring:

brown with eyes that are not white: 1/4 or 25%

brown with eyes that are white: 1/4 or 25%

black with eyes that are not white: 1/4 or 25%

black with eyes that are white: 1/4 or 25%

Thus, in the course of many litters, you can expect a 25% occurrence of each phenotype.

Learn more about phenotype here:


eliminating invasive plants and replacing them with native plants is one aspect of


Eliminating invasive plants and replacing them with native plants is one aspect of urban management.

When a forest is cut down or destroyed, the best reforestation practices call for immediate planting. According to regulations issued by governments in numerous nations, companies that cut down trees are required to reestablish the equilibrium by planting new trees after logging.

Animals and plants from other parts of the world that don't belong in their new environment are known as invasive species. Ship ballast water, accidental release, and most frequently, people can all introduce them to an area.

The rapid expansion of cities and towns, also known as urban sprawl or suburban sprawl, is often characterized by low-density residential housing, single-use zoning, and an increased reliance on the private automobile for transportation.

To learn more about urban management here


Oxygenated hemoglobin releases oxygen more readily when the pH is more basic.T/F


It is false that the oxygenated hemoglobin releases oxygen more readily when the pH is more basic.

Oxygenated hemoglobin releases oxygen more readily when the pH is more acidic. We know that the hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that binds to oxygen and carries it to the body's tissues and the binding then release the oxygen to and from hemoglobin which is then affected by the surrounding pH. In a more acidic environment, the hemoglobin molecule is more likely to release oxygen, while in a more basic environment, it is more likely to bind oxygen which is because hemoglobin is an acidic protein, and its affinity for oxygen increases as the pH around it decreases.

To learn more about hemoglobin click here


Can you identify the major theme illustrated by each of the following examples? If necessary, you may review the themes in Chapter 1 of your book. Match the themes on the left with the examples on the right. Not all themes will be used Reset Help Pathways that transform energy and matter The fact that glycolysis occurs in almost all organisms suggests that it was used by very early ancestors common to all the domains of life Interactions within biological systems Electrons captured from food by the NADH formed in the first two stages of electron transport are stripped of their energy, a little bit at a time, until they are finally combined with oxygen to form water. Evolution Information flow For many endurance athletes, the rate at which oxygen is provided from the lungs, to the blood, to Relationship of structure to function working muscles, is the limiting factor in their performance The inner membrane of a mitochondrion is folded within the outer membrane. The space between the membranes acts as a temporary reservior for hydrogen ions, which cannot pass through the membranes Submit Request Answer


Pathways that transform energy and matter

Electrons captured from food by the NADH formed in the first two stages of electron transport are stripped of their energy, a little bit at a time until they are finally combined with oxygen to form water.

Evolution: The fact that glycolysis occurs in almost all organisms suggests that it was used by very early ancestors common to all the domains of life.

Information flow: For many endurance athletes, the rate at which oxygen is provided from the lungs to the blood, to working muscles, is the limiting factor in their performance.

Relationship of structure to function: The inner membrane of a mitochondrion is folded within the outer membrane. The space between the membranes acts as a temporary reservoir for hydrogen ions, which cannot pass through the membranes.


2. Compare the environment in which physical weathering is dominant to the
environment in which chemical weathering is dominant.



chemical weathering is more dominant in the regions where there is abundant limestone rock.


hope this helps

true or false diseases brought on via mosquitos (such as west nile) are considered an example of what water pollution.'


Diseases brought on via mosquitos (such as West Nile) are not considered an example of water pollution because mosquito-borne illnesses are not caused by pollution, but rather by the presence of mosquitoes in the environment. So the correct answer is "false"

Water pollution is the contamination of water in bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater sources by human-made or natural substances. Pollution can come from a variety of sources, including industrial and agricultural activities, oil spills, and human waste disposal, among others. Some of the key problems caused by water pollution are the death of aquatic organisms, habitat destruction, the spread of waterborne diseases, and a decrease in water quality. As a result, water pollution is a significant environmental concern throughout the world.

Learn more about  water pollution:


________________ can readily swarm a plate, overwhelming other, more slowly growing organisms. The potential presence of this organism makes it advisable to use selective media in initial cultures.


The organism that can readily swarm a plate, overwhelming other, more slowly growing organisms is Proteus vulgaris. The potential presence of this organism makes it advisable to use selective media in initial cultures.

Proteus vulgaris is a rod-shaped, gram-negative bacterium that is part of the Enterobacteriaceae family. It is capable of movement through the production of flagella and is known to be highly motile. Due to its swarming ability, it can rapidly move across a surface and colonize it, leaving little space for other, more slowly growing organisms.

Proteus vulgaris can cause urinary tract infections, wound infections, and sepsis. In initial cultures, it is advisable to use selective media to identify the presence of Proteus vulgaris. This will ensure that other organisms are not grown on the media, thus allowing for an accurate identification of the bacterium. Selective media works by inhibiting the growth of unwanted organisms and promoting the growth of the desired organism.

For example, MacConkey agar is commonly used as selective media for enteric bacteria. It inhibits the growth of gram-positive bacteria and promotes the growth of gram-negative bacteria, making it useful for isolating Proteus vulgaris.

Therefore, using selective media in initial cultures is important for accurately identifying the presence of Proteus vulgaris.

Here you can learn more about Proteus vulgaris


if a substance in the plasma is filtered but not produced, metabolized, reabsorbed, nor secreted by the kidney, which of these must be true?


If a substance in the plasma is filtered but not produced, metabolized, reabsorbed, or secreted by the kidney, then it means that it will be completely excreted in the urine.

The kidneys are organs that filter waste and toxins from the bloodstream. The kidneys work by filtering out substances in the blood that are harmful to the body or have served their function. The kidneys, for example, filter out excess water, urea, and minerals from the blood.

Substances that are present in the plasma but are not produced, metabolized, reabsorbed, or secreted by the kidney are excreted in the urine after filtration. This implies that the substance is not reabsorbed by the kidney since that is the only process that can lead to the substance's return to the bloodstream from the glomerular filtrate.

Only substances that are not filtered by the glomerulus or are filtered and then secreted or reabsorbed by the tubules are excluded from the urine.

Learn more about plasma:



Long hair in Irish Setters is dominant
(L) to short hair (I). A male homozygous
for long hair is crosses with a female
heterozygous for long hair

1.What genotypes and in what proportion could this cross produce ?

2.what phenotypes and in what proportions could this cross produce


Not really sure the answer for this but I tried, if it’s wrong please let me know in the comment.
The male is LL and the female is Ll.

The possible genotypes of the offspring are: LL and Ll, in a 1:1 ratio.

The phenotype is determined by the genotype, so the possible phenotypes of the offspring are:

Long hair (LL and Ll genotypes) - 100% or 1:1 ratio

No short hair (II genotype) will be produced because the short hair allele is recessive and not present in either parent.

keratin is a protein expressed in skin but not in white blood cells. how many alleles for keratin are in gametes?


In gametes, there are either one (if the person is homozygous) or two keratin genes (if the individual is heterozygous).

The number of alleles for keratin in gametes depends on the genetic makeup of the individual. Keratin is a protein that is expressed in skin cells but not in white blood cells. It is encoded by a gene that is present in the genome of an individual, and each person inherits two copies of this gene (one from each parent).

These two copies, or alleles, may be identical or different, and they determine the individual's genetic information for keratin. If both alleles are the same, the individual is homozygous for that gene. If the alleles are different, the individual is heterozygous.

During meiosis, the process by which gametes are formed, the two alleles for each gene segregate, meaning that each gamete receives only one of the two alleles.

Therefore, the number of alleles for keratin in gametes is either one (if the individual is homozygous) or two (if the individual is heterozygous).

To learn more about gametes refer to


1. What stage of production are the calves kept with their mothers? a. Cow/Calf Production b. Backgrounding C. Feedlot d. Both A & B​


the answer is a..hope this helps

Choose the option that best matches the description given.
These scientists do research analyzing DNA of different strands of marijuana:


Botanist becuase marijuana is a plant

The option that best matches the description given is botanists.


Botanists are scientists who study plants, including their genetics and DNA. Therefore, botanists are likely to be the scientists who analyze the DNA of different strands of marijuana.

HELP ASAP Emma created a table to describe the weather conditions in her area on a specific day. What units of measurement can be used for precipitation with mm or inches being correct?

Precipitation Air Temperature
25 °C

7 mm and 25 kg
24 mph and 5 mm
West and 20 mph
10 inches and 50%


Answer: 10 inches and 50%


There would be 10 inches of rain and 50% chance of rain. Unlike wind, rain is not measured in mph or direction. Also, no one ever measures the weight of rain.

The correct units of measurement for precipitation are mm or inches.

the structure of the dna determines which amino acids are put together to form a specific protein which is used to carry out out the essential functions of life.


The statement in question "the structure of the DNA determines which amino acids are put together to form a specific protein which is used to carry out the essential functions of life" is true. So the answer to that statement is true.

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is the biological molecule that carries genetic information. In living organisms, DNA is the genetic material that is passed down from one generation to the next. DNA has a unique structure that allows it to store and transmit genetic information in a specific order. DNA contains the genetic code that determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein. Each amino acid is coded for by a specific sequence of three nucleotides in DNA called a codon, the sequence of codons in DNA determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein.

Learn more about DNA:


root cells in a plant completely lack chloroplasts, whereas leaf cells have many chloroplasts. which difference will be seen in these two types of cells?


The differences that will be observed in the two types of cells, root cells and leaf cells, are as follows: Root cells do not have chloroplasts whereas leaf cells have many chloroplasts.

The root cells are specialized cells that are responsible for absorbing water and nutrients from the soil. Root cells are capable of performing their functions with the aid of root hairs, which are elongated projections of root cells. The primary function of leaf cells is to produce food.

The chloroplasts present in leaf cells are responsible for photosynthesis, which converts light energy into chemical energy that is stored in the form of glucose. Water and minerals are transported to the leaf cells from the root cells through the xylem.

Sugars and other nutrients produced in the leaf cells are transported to other parts of the plant through the phloem. Root cells and leaf cells are examples of specialized cells that are adapted to perform specific functions.

For such more question on chloroplasts:


A young snake eats and digest a mouse. The increase in the snakes mass equals


The increase in the snake's mass will depend on several factors, such as the size and weight of the mouse, the efficiency of the snake's digestive system, and the snake's own size and weight.

Assuming that the snake is still growing and has not yet reached its maximum size, the increase in its mass will likely be significant. This is because the mouse represents a substantial amount of food relative to the size of the snake.

In general, when an animal eats food, the increase in its mass can be calculated using the following equation:

Increase in mass = Mass of food consumed - Mass of waste produced

In the case of the snake eating a mouse, the mass of food consumed would be the weight of the mouse, and the mass of waste produced would be the weight of the indigestible parts of the mouse (such as fur and bones) plus any metabolic waste produced by the snake's body as it processes the food.

Learn more about snake's mass


In the context of conservation biology, what does genetic diversity mean? a. The total number of species in a given region. b. Number and relative frequency of alleles in a population, species, or lineage. c. A quantity summarzing the average genetic difference between two randomly chosen individuals in a population. d. The number and relative frequency of species in a given region.


In the context of conservation biology, genetic diversity refers to the number and relative frequency of alleles in a population, species, or lineage. So, option B is correct.

The variety in genetic material within and between populations of a species is reflected by genetic diversity, which is a crucial component of biodiversity. Populations with genetic diversity can adapt to shifting environmental conditions, fend off disease, and avoid the detrimental consequences of inbreeding, genetic drift, and other factors that can make populations less fit. For species and ecosystems to survive over the long term, genetic diversity must be preserved.

Option (b) correctly defines genetic diversity as the number and relative frequency of alleles in a population, species, or lineage, while the other options are incorrect.

To know more about genetic diversity


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