Match the following words with their definitions. 1 . a short story teaching a spiritual lesson 2 . to pretend to be more virtuous than one is 3 . a habitually lazy person 4 . material added to the end of a book 5 . having the form of a short story teaching a spiritual lesson 6 . to act according to what is right 7 . similar; matching in form 8 . lazy; sluggish 9 . alike in meaning 10 .to make an indirect reference 11 .Hebrew word translated proverb in English 12 .an implied reference 13 . to repeat a passage found elsewhere 1 . parabolic
2 . parable 3 . allude 4 . synonymous 5 . quote 6 . appendix
7 . hypocrisy 8 . parallel 9 . sluggard 10 . allusion 11 . slothful 12 . righteous 13 . mashal


Answer 1

The question asks to match the following words with their definitions.

Here is the match:
1. Parabolic - Having the form of a short story teaching a spiritual lesson
2. Parable - A short story teaching a spiritual lesson
3. Allude - To make an indirect reference
4. Synonymous - Alike in meaning
5. Quote - To repeat a passage found elsewhere
6. Appendix - Material added to the end of a book
7. Hypocrisy - To pretend to be more virtuous than one is
8. Parallel - Similar; matching in form
9. Sluggard - A habitually lazy person
10. Allusion - An implied reference
11. Slothful - Lazy; sluggish
12. Righteous - To act according to what is right
13. Mashal - Hebrew word translated proverb in English

More Words Synonym on:


Related Questions


One theme in "To Build a Fire" by Jack London is that inexperienced people are likely to make more errors. Which passages from Part 2 of the text provide evidence for this theme?

Please select all that apply.

"He made a new foundation for a fire, this time in the open, where no treacherous tree could blot it out. Next, he gathered dry grasses and tiny twigs from the high-water flotsam. He could not bring his fingers together to pull them out, but he was able to gather them by the handful."

"Perhaps the old-timer on Sulphur Creek was right. If he had only had a trail-mate he would have been in no danger now. The trail-mate could have built the fire. Well, it was up to him to build the fire over again, and this second time there must be no failure. Even if he succeeded, he would most likely lose some toes."

"It was his own fault or, rather, his mistake. He should not have built the fire under the spruce tree. He should have built it in the open. But it had been easier to pull the twigs from the brush and drop them directly on the fire."

"When he touched a twig, he had to look and see whether or not he had hold of it. The wires were pretty well down between him and his finger-ends. All of which counted for little."​



A. One theme in "To Build a Fire" by Jack London is that inexperienced people are likely to make more errors. Which passages from Part 2 of the text provide evidence for this theme?


One theme in "To Build a Fire" by Jack London is that inexperienced people are likely to make more errors. Which passages from Part 2 of the text provide evidence for this theme?

Please select all that apply.

"He made a new foundation for a fire, this time in the open, where no treacherous tree could blot it out. Next, he gathered dry grasses and tiny twigs from the high-water flotsam. He could not bring his fingers together to pull them out, but he was able to gather them by the handful."

"Perhaps the old-timer on Sulphur Creek was right. If he had only had a trail-mate he would have been in no danger now. The trail-mate could have built the fire. Well, it was up to him to build the fire over again, and this second time there must be no failure. Even if he succeeded, he would most likely lose some toes."

"It was his own fault or, rather, his mistake. He should not have built the fire under the spruce tree. He should have built it in the open. But it had been easier to pull the twigs from the brush and drop them directly on the fire."

"When he touched a twig, he had to look and see whether or not he had hold of it. The wires were pretty well down between him and his finger-ends. All of which counted for little."

Describe four aspects of a Dystopian Society that are prevalent in The Hunger Games novel. Use complete sentences and be sure you give specific text examples to support the four aspects that are evident in Panem. You might cite examples of how the government works, how people act, and what citizens in different districts value as well as how the Capitol controls the districts.



Describe four aspects of a Dystopian Society that are prevalent in The Hunger Games novel. Use complete sentences and be sure you give specific text examples to support the four aspects that are evident in Panem. You might cite examples of how the government works, how people act, and what citizens in different districts value as well as how the Capitol controls the districts.


The Hunger Games novel portrays a dystopian society with several prevalent aspects, including oppression, propaganda, surveillance, and inequality. These aspects are evident in the fictional world of Panem through the government's control, the behavior of citizens, and the values and beliefs of different districts.

Oppression: The government of Panem is a dictatorship that oppresses its citizens, especially those in the districts. The government's power is centralized in the Capitol, which controls all aspects of life in the districts. The citizens of the districts are forced to work in dangerous and difficult conditions, with little to no compensation or rights. For instance, Katniss, the protagonist, describes the mining work in District 12 as "dirty and dangerous, and the pay is never enough" (Collins, 4). Moreover, the government uses violence and fear to maintain control, as evidenced by the Hunger Games, which requires two children from each district to participate in a fight to the death. The Hunger Games serve as a reminder of the government's power and keep the citizens in line.

Propaganda: The government uses propaganda to manipulate the citizens and maintain control over them. The Capitol portrays the Hunger Games as a way to bring the districts together and honor the sacrifices made during the rebellion. However, in reality, it is a cruel and oppressive system that serves to keep the citizens of the districts in line. The propaganda is evident in the Capitol's control of the media and their ability to spin the narrative in their favor. For example, Katniss notes that the commentators in the Hunger Games are "talking about the Capitol like it's heaven on earth" (Collins, 185).

Surveillance: The government of Panem uses surveillance to monitor its citizens and maintain control over them. The Capitol has the technology to track the movements of citizens and monitor their communications. The citizens of the districts are always under surveillance, and any rebellion or disobedience is quickly suppressed. For example, Katniss notes that the Peacekeepers, the government's enforcers in the districts, "have the right to kill anyone who speaks out against the Capitol" (Collins, 10).

Inequality: The society of Panem is highly unequal, with the Capitol and the citizens of the districts living vastly different lives. The citizens of the Capitol live in luxury, with access to food, entertainment, and technology that are denied to those in the districts. In contrast, the citizens of the districts live in poverty and struggle to survive. For instance, Katniss describes the difference in lifestyles between the Capitol and District 12, stating that "they don't have to worry about food as we do" (Collins, 30).

In summary, The Hunger Games novel portrays a dystopian society with several prevalent aspects, including oppression, propaganda, surveillance, and inequality. These aspects are evident in the government's control, the behavior of citizens, and the values and beliefs of different districts, highlighting the harsh reality of life in the world of Panem.

Work with a partner to correct subject-verb agreement errors in the following paragraph. Find the five verbs that do not agree with their subjects, and correct them. Write your corrected paragraph on a separate sheet of paper.

¹CD sales has been slumping since 2000, "One reason for this slump is that people download songs from the Internet for free. Many teens share music with their friends. "Music industry leaders is upset with the loss of money and is proposing new laws. "A new guide tells parents the legal issues about downloading music. Parents have been sued because their children has downloaded music. 'Music companies does not want to offend their customers. This issue is complicated.​


Since 2000, CD sales have been declining. People downloading songs for free via the Internet is one factor contributing to the downturn.

Why does subject-verb agreement exist?

The grammatical rule of subject-verb agreement stipulates that the subject and the accompanying verb of a phrase must agree in number (i.e., singular or plural). . and a p.p.g.., and the bets, and the bets. P.. and the P.g.. p. and.

The conflict between the subject and the verb can result in grammatical faults that can make the phrase unclear or challenging to grasp. To make sentences that are understandable and grammatically acceptable, it is crucial to make sure that the subject and verb have the same amount of parts.

Learn more about subject-verb agreement with the help of the given link:




A  robot is any automatically operated machine that replaces human effort, even if it does not look like a human or perform functions in a humanlike manner.


It had been a pleasant evening after school. My father was carrying a large box into our house as I exited my study room. It was a surprise for me. When he opened the box, he discovered an electronic car with a remote control. When I began to use all of the options. When I selected an option, the car began to transform into something else. The car soon transformed into a tiny man robot. It had the ability to dance, shout, and flip. I was able to control its walking speed and direction. There were numerous options. The wheels of the car were extremely fast. The car robot was navy blue, and the man robot was a combination of navy blue and steel. The robot had sensors that could detect the opaque objects and change its direction on its own.I just couldn't leave the robot. I was overjoyed to receive such a thoughtful gift.

To know more about Robot, click on the link :


re-read the poem the red wheelbarrow by william carlos williams and answer the question that follows: so much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens what type of figurative language is being used?


The type of figurative language is being used is imagery.

What is the figurative language used?

The figurative language used in "The Red Wheelbarrow" by William Carlos Williams is imagery. The poem paints a vivid picture of a scene with a red wheelbarrow, rainwater, and white chickens, using sensory details to create a visual image in the reader's mind.

The use of the phrase "glazed with rainwater" adds a sense of texture and shine to the image, making it more vivid and memorable. Overall, the poem is a great example of how effective imagery can be in creating a powerful and evocative piece of writing.

Learn more about figurative language on;


Throughout history, literature has been used as a form of protest. Read Common Sense by Thomas Paine OR The Declaration of Independence. Explain what he was protesting and what rhetorical device he uses to formulate his protest. Be sure to provide examples from the writer's work you studied in this unit.


Common Sense is a 47-page pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775-1776 in support of the Thirteen Colonies' independence from Great Britain.

Summary of "Common Sense"

Thomas Paine makes an independent America case in Common Sense.His argument begins with broad, theoretical reflections on government and religion before delving into the specifics of the colonial situation. Paine begins by distinguishing between government and society. Society, according to Paine, is everything constructive and good that people work together to achieve. Government, on the other hand, is an institution whose sole purpose is to protect us from our own vices. Government is a necessary evil that stems from man's evil. The sole purpose of government, according to Paine, is to protect life, liberty, and property, and a government should be judged solely on how well it achieves this goal.

To know more about Common Sense,click on the link :


How does accomodating skills might resolve conflict and contribute to harmonious relationship during your grade 12 academic year


By utilizing accommodating skills, grade 12 students can effectively resolve conflicts and promote harmonious relationships.

Accommodating skills can be an effective way to resolve conflicts and promote harmonious relationships during the academic year in grade 12. Accommodating skills involve being flexible and willing to compromise with others, even if it means sacrificing one's own interests or preferences.

In the context of grade 12, conflicts can arise between students due to differences in opinions, goals, and expectations. For example, students may disagree on how to complete a group project, which classes to take, or what extracurricular activities to participate in. If conflicts are not resolved, they can escalate and lead to negative consequences such as stress, resentment, and reduced academic performance.

By using accommodating skills, students can approach conflicts in a positive and constructive way. This may involve actively listening to others' perspectives, finding common ground, and being open to alternative solutions. When conflicts are resolved in a respectful and collaborative manner, students can build stronger relationships based on mutual understanding and trust.

Furthermore, by practicing accommodating skills, students can develop important social and emotional competencies such as empathy, communication, and problem-solving. These skills can be valuable not only during grade 12, but also in future academic and professional contexts where collaboration and conflict resolution are essential for success.

Learn more about the accomodating skills here:


ain’t I woman?

What is the tone of Truth in her speech? Support your answer with evidence from the Speech



The tone of Sojourner Truth in her speech "Ain't I a Woman?" is assertive and passionate. She speaks with conviction and determination, using rhetorical questions and powerful imagery to challenge gender and racial inequality.

Throughout her speech, Truth employs a variety of rhetorical strategies to convey her message, including repetition, metaphor, and parallelism. For example, she repeatedly asks the question "Ain't I a woman?" to emphasize the absurdity of the idea that women are somehow less deserving of rights and respect than men. She also uses the metaphor of a plough to describe the challenges faced by African American women, stating that they have "ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns" as much as any man.

Additionally, Truth's use of parallelism, such as when she says "I have as much muscle as any man, and can do as much work as any man" helps to underscore her argument that women are just as capable and deserving of respect and equal treatment as men.

Overall, the tone of Truth's speech is one of righteous indignation, as she passionately and eloquently argues for the rights and dignity of women and African Americans. Her powerful rhetoric and unwavering conviction make her message all the more compelling and persuasive.

mrs. homer's usually incorporates literature that reflects various cultural and literary traditions into literacy instruction for her english language learners. which of the following is the greatest benefit to this practice? A. Students are better able to understand perspectives, values, and beliefs beyond those that are familiar.
B. Students are exposed to repeated and meaningful vocabulary.
C.It helps maintain the students' interest in literature study by continually presenting them with new settings, characters, and situations.
D. It promotes the students' critical thinking skills by encouraging them to analyze the author's purpose, point of view, and voice.


Mrs. Homer usually incorporates literature that reflects various cultural and literary traditions into literacy instruction for her English language learners. The greatest benefit to this practice is that (A) Students are better able to understand perspectives, values, and beliefs beyond those that are familiar.

Mrs. Homer's technique of incorporating literature from various cultures helps students to better understand their language and to understand the language and cultures of other countries in a more complex and meaningful manner. Students will be exposed to new phrases, phrases, and ideas as a result of this strategy.

This technique of incorporating literature from various cultures into literacy instruction for English language learners exposes students to new contexts, characters, and situations, enabling them to learn and gain from the experiences of people in other cultures.

Thus, option (A) is correct.

Learn more about literature:


55 points pls help it’s English I’ll send u 45 more points if you help me and do it right answer the following….

Brainstorm a few multiple meaning words and words that sound similar, but I have a different meaning that you can use in original puns. Write a brief dialogue

(like a conversation between two people).



Person 1: "Hey, did you hear about the guy who stole a calendar?" Person 2: "No, what happened?" Person 1: "He got twelve months!"

Person 1: "I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high." Person 2: "What did she say?" Person 1: "She looked surprised."

Person 1: "Why did the tomato turn red?" Person 2: "I don't know, why?" Person 1: "Because it saw the salad dressing!"

Person 1: "I just got a job at a bakery." Person 2: "That's sweet! What will you be doing?" Person 1: "Making a lot of dough."

Person 1: "Why don't scientists trust atoms?" Person 2: "I don't know, why?" Person 1: "Because they make up everything!"

Person 1: "What do you call a belt made out of watches?" Person 2: "I have no idea." Person 1: "A waist of time!"


Do you really think that _______ will make him like or respect you?
A) trekking
B) maelstrom
C) juggernaut
D) kowtowing



D) Kowtowing


The question is asking if doing a particular thing will make someone like or respect you. The only option that is related to showing respect is "kowtowing," which means showing excessive respect or obedience to someone in authority. The other options, "trekking," "maelstrom," and "juggernaut," do not relate to actions that would make someone like or respect you.

How do Charles' blindness and Christina's illiteracy impact the plot of the drama?
A. They show the mystery game is not fair. B. They force the characters to give up. C. They create obstacles for the characters. D. They make the characters work faster


Answer:C, they create obstacles for the characters

Explanation: she is blind

______ states have filed suit against the SALT deduction cap


Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, and New York had filed a lawsuit against the SALT deduction cap. However, it's possible that more states have joined the lawsuit since then.

The fact that people cannot deduct more than $10,000 in state and local taxes on their federal returns has been a major concern for certain politicians in high-tax states. Repealing the SALT deduction cap, meanwhile, could be difficult in the absence of an united programme and limited opportunities for a vote.

The SALT deduction can cover the costs you incurred for local income tax, sales tax, personal property taxes (such those on autos and boats), and real estate and property taxes. Both sales taxes and income taxes are not deductible.

Learn more about lawsuit


In the context of visual perception, the _____ suggests that people in Western cultures focus more on representations on paper than do people in other cultures, and in particular spend more time learning to interpret pictures. a) vertical-horizontal line theory
b) symbolizing three dimensions in two theory
c) foreign concept theory
d) carpentered world theory


In the context of visual perception, the (d) carpentered world theory suggests that people in Western cultures focus more on representations on paper than do people in other cultures, and in particular spend more time learning to interpret pictures.

The carpentered world theory is a theory of perception that argues that the environment that a person grows up in influences the manner they perceive space. This theory is founded on the idea that the environment is constructed with rectangular items such as furniture, doors, windows, and walls.

According to the carpentered world theory, the brain receives visual data and interprets it based on previous experience with the built environment's rectangular shapes. This theory has been utilized to describe why people from Western cultures are more susceptible to optical illusions that depend on the context of the lines that make them up.

Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about context:


Superstition is prevalent in Every Walk of life ? essay ​


One could argue that superstition does exist in all facets of existence. There are superstitions in almost every culture and group in the globe since they are a frequent component of human conduct.

Superstition is common because it gives people a sense of security or control in circumstances that may be unsettling or beyond their comprehension. When faced with the uncertainty, superstitions can provide people a sense of optimism or reassurance as well as a sense of significance or purpose. In addition, social or cultural pressures to adhere to the customs and beliefs of one's community may serve to promote superstitions. Superstition is also very common since it is frequently deeply embedded in human nature. Many superstitious practises and beliefs have their origins in instincts or wants that are fundamental to humanity, such as the desire for security.

Lean more about Superstition here:


Accustomed to having people of all walks of life _____ to him, the Hollywood _______ almost went berserk when someone told him that he'd have to wait in line just like everybody else.
A) trek...juggernaut
B) kowtow...nabob
C) kowtow...maelstrom




The correct answer is:

B) kowtow...nabob


The sentence describes a Hollywood personality who is used to having people of all walks of life "kowtow" (meaning to show overly respectful or obedient behavior) to him. The sentence also mentions that the person almost went berserk (meaning to become extremely angry or agitated) when he was told that he had to wait in line like everybody else. "Nabob" refers to a wealthy, influential person, often with a connotation of ostentatiousness or arrogance. Therefore, the word "nabob" is the best fit for the context of the sentence.

The Slough of Despond in The Pilgrim's Progress is ordered to be cleaned.
A. True
B. False


True a fictional, deep bog in John Bunyan's allegory The Pilgrim's Progress, into which the protagonist Christian sinks under the weight of his sins and his sense of guilt for them

Physical size is often a determinant of power; however, what are some other factors, physical or otherwise, that enable a select group of people to have power over others? Referring to Gulliver’s experiences in Parts 1 and 2, discuss as a group the characteristics, traits, and so on that make one group or species more powerful than another. What do you think Swift is trying to say about the nature of power in this section? Your response should draw upon evidence from the text for support.


In Gulliver's Travels, physical size is indeed a primary determinant of power, as seen in the encounters between Gulliver and the Lilliputians and then the Brobdingnagians. However, Swift also highlights other factors that enable one group to have power over another.

In the case of the Lilliputians, their power comes from their unity and organization. Despite being small in stature, they are able to control Gulliver through their military and political might. On the other hand, the Brobdingnagians are physically larger than Gulliver but also possess a moral superiority over him. They view Gulliver as a curious specimen rather than a threat and are able to dominate him through their intellect and ethical standards.

Swift is trying to illustrate that power is not just determined by physical size, but also by other factors such as unity, organization, intellect, and moral standards. He is suggesting that those who possess these traits can gain power over those who do not, regardless of physical size. Additionally, Swift is criticizing the arbitrary nature of power and the ways in which it is often abused by those who possess it.

when did christianity become the official religion of rome


Christianity become the official religion of Rome in 313 AD.

Christianity was declared the official religion of Rome in 313 AD, when the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which granted Christians the right to practice their faith without fear of persecution. The edict also made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, although it was not until 380 AD that Christianity was declared the state religion of the empire by the Emperor Theodosius I.

The edict was issued in 313 AD, during the reign of Emperor Constantine I, and is considered to be one of the most important documents in the history of Christianity. It granted religious freedom to all people, regardless of their faith, and allowed Christians to practice their religion openly without fear of persecution. The edict also forbade the persecution of Christians and granted them certain legal rights, such as the right to own property and to be involved in political life.

To learn more about Rome link is here


the speaker gestured dramatically and paced around the stage, his voice sometimes soft but more often loud, sometimes a deep baritone and at other times a high-pitched squeal. in light of the transactional model of communication, how should we evaluate his delivery?


According to the transactional model of communication, the way a message is delivered is just as crucial as its content.

This speaker gestured dramatically and paced around the stage, his voice sometimes soft but more often loud, sometimes a deep baritone and at other times a high-pitched squeal.How should we assess the delivery of the speaker in light of the transactional model of communication?

In the light of the transactional model of communication, we should evaluate the delivery of the speaker in terms of the following characteristics: The sender and receiver are the main components of the transactional model of communication. There are two-way communications in this model.

The message is encoded and decoded by the sender and the receiver, respectively, and the feedback loop is completed. The channels of communication include verbal and non-verbal communication.

Learn more about communication studies here:


Which two reasons best support the author's claim that

Modern Mexican art was an art of social protest?


The assertion of the author that modern Mexican art was a form of social protest supports the idea that art for art's sake started to die.

In the 19th century, "art for the sake of art" emerged as a bohemian credo, defying those who believed that the worth of art was to serve some moral or didactic purpose, from John Ruskin to the Communist supporters of socialist realism decades later.

All art is quite useless, as he famously stated in the introduction to his somber masterpiece The Portrait of Dorian Gray. According to Wilde, art need only express itself. Above all else, he valued creativity and saw life as a form of art that should be lived brilliantly.

To know more about the art, visit,


What is Gregor's metamorphosis a metaphor for?
the meaninglessness of his existence
O his unsatisfying family life
O his resentment toward his father
the way he feels about his sister


Oh, how miserable his family life is. He was made to feel unimportant and like an insect. Gregor's transformation into his new shape has left him grotesque and unlike himself.

Gregor metamorphosis: What is it?

The futility of his existence The primary character of the narrative is Gregor, who is unhappy with his family life and harbors animosity towards his father because of how he feels about his sister. He supports his sister and parents by working as a traveling salesperson. One morning, he awakens to discover himself changed into an insect. After the transformation, Gregor loses his ability to work and spends the majority of the remaining chapters sequestered in his room.

The Metamorphosis: A Disability Metaphor?

We can observe how Samsa's situation in The Metamorphosis serves as a literary parallel for the pitiful plight of disability in a social framework, from his physical and mental transformations to how his family treats him.

to know more about Gregor's metamorphosis here:


Write a paragraph that evaluates Odysseus’s qualifications as an epic hero.????? HELP BRO HELO


Odysseus meets all the criteria for a heroic figure and then some. He shows off his ability to talk clearly, and his elegance helps him move forward.

What determines whether Odysseus qualifies as just an epic hero?

His never-ending curiosity has put him in difficult situations, but his incredible feats of strength & cunning have allowed him to escape danger with the support of his crew. A person who excels above the average human being is regarded as an epic hero. Intelligence, loyalty, plus bravery are the characteristics of an epic hero. In Homer's epic poem The Odyssey, Odysseus embodies all the characteristics of an epic hero and more.

To know more about Odysseus visit:


How does the author organize the selection?

o A. By explaining the origin of the Keep Calm

motto and its current popularity, the author

emphasizes how the motto's use has changed

over time.

o B. By comparing the way the Keep Calm motto

was used during World War II with the way it is

used today, the author suggests that the

motto's effectiveness has diminished.

C. By describing in detail each reason the Keep

Calm motto has become an important part of

popular culture today, the author identifies why

the motto's popularity has increased.

D. By stating the cause of the development of the

original Keep Calm motto, the author shows

how the motto has become an answer to many



The author organize the selection, "A. By explaining the origin of the Keep Calm motto and its current popularity, the author emphasizes how the motto's use has changed over time."

The selection begins with the history and origin of the Keep Calm motto during World War II, and then transitions to its current popularity in popular culture. The author describes the various ways in which the motto has been used over time, from its original purpose of boosting morale during the war to its current use as a trendy slogan on merchandise.

This organizational structure allows the reader to understand how the Keep Calm motto has evolved and adapted to different contexts, highlighting its enduring relevance and appeal.

Hence the correct answer is option A.

To learn more about World War II here:


The given question is incomplete the complete question is:

Based on the way the Keep Calm motto continues to be

received by the public, How does the author organize the selection?

o A. By explaining the origin of the Keep Calm

motto and its current popularity, the author

emphasizes how the motto's use has changed

over time.

o B. By comparing the way the Keep Calm motto

was used during World War II with the way it is

used today, the author suggests that the

motto's effectiveness has diminished.

C. By describing in detail each reason the Keep

Calm motto has become an important part of

popular culture today, the author identifies why

the motto's popularity has increased.

D. By stating the cause of the development of the

original Keep Calm motto, the author shows

how the motto has become an answer to many


how many Division I basketball conferences are there?


There are 32 Division I basketball conferences in the United States.

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the premier basketball league in the United States and Canada. The NBA has thirty teams divided into two conferences, the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference. Each conference is further divided into three divisions.

The Eastern Conference is composed of the Atlantic Division, the Central Division, and the Southeast Division. The Western Conference is composed of the Southwest Division, the Northwest Division, and the Pacific Division. The divisions are based on geographical locations of the teams. The NBA also has two affiliated minor leagues, the NBA G League and the NBA 2K League.

To learn more about basketball conferences link is here


(my mother enters the work force) with a partner discussing which of the poem speak to you most directly about the subject of work


In the main lines of 'My Mother Enters the Workforce,' the speaker starts by portraying her mother's way to "ABC Business college" which was paid for through her mother's hard work.

She saw a recruiting sign, applied, was tried, and landed the position working as a sewer. She was perfect at her specific employment, working hard and continuously finishing her work as well as could be expected.

Notwithstanding the consistent sewer work, her mother actually needed to do "piecework," or more modest individual undertakings, to assist with covering the bills. Frequently, the speaker takes note of, their nights were loaded up with her mother working at her sewing machine. The words "train," "lit," and "way" are utilized to recommend the consistent development of a train down the tracks. While this work was being finished, the speaker observed the various textures. They included "fabric" and "velvet." The writer utilizes a metaphor to depict the velvet as "profound as a woodland."

to know more about the speaker click here:


like other business messages, reports can range from informal to formal depending on their purpose, audience, and setting. which of the following contributes to an informal writing style?check all that apply. passive-voice verbs familiar words use of contractions


Informal writing style of business messages and reports is determined by their purpose, audience, and setting. Passive-voice verbs, familiar words, and use of contractions contributes to an informal writing style.

Step by step explanation:

What is an informal writing style?

Informal writing style is a communication method that is appropriate for personal communication, blogs, webpages, and in some instances, business and technical writing. The objective of informal writing is to communicate to readers in a relaxed and conversational tone with everyday language. While an informal writing style is ideal for specific contexts, formal writing is required for academic or business writing.Why are passive-voice verbs informal?The use of passive-voice verbs is informal because they conceal who is performing the action. Passive-voice verbs represent weaker writing than active verbs, and they are more often used in an informal context to conceal who is performing the action.

Why do contractions make a writing style informal?

Contractions create an informal tone in business writing because they indicate the use of everyday spoken language. Contractions are generally avoided in formal writing as they convey a colloquial tone, which is unacceptable in business communication.

Why is using familiar words informal?

Familiar words are less formal because they are less technical than their specialized counterparts. Using familiar language in a report might be appropriate when it is written for a general audience, however, for business and technical reports, specialized vocabulary is needed. Familiar language is used when the purpose of the report is to present and communicate technical concepts to a non-technical audience.

Learn more about passive-voice, verbs and contractions at:


What would you do if you had a magic pencil? How would you used it And why? Explain pls



To begin with,

if I would have a magic pencil I will get all my favorite food wherever and whenever I want.

I would have all my superhero toys.

I will also get all the things that my friends would want and make them happy.

I can done my all homework.

I help others.

I will always top in my exam's..

Question 3 of 5
Which revised research question best responds to the information found in
the source?
Original research question: What are the main sources of food waste
in America?
Findings in a source: The United States wastes more than 90 million
tons of food every year, and most of that comes from households.


Revised research question: What are the main reasons for household food waste in America?

More about the question:

The revised research question, "What are the main reasons for household food waste in America?" is better aligned with the information found in the source. The source states that the majority of food waste in the United States comes from households, indicating that there are underlying reasons why households are wasting so much food. By focusing on the reasons for household food waste, researchers can identify potential solutions to reduce food waste.

There are several potential reasons for household food waste, including overbuying or purchasing more food than needed, not using food before it expires, and improper storage of food. Additionally, cultural expectations around food and meal portions may contribute to excess food waste. By exploring these potential reasons and identifying patterns in household food waste, researchers can develop strategies to encourage more mindful purchasing and consumption behaviors, reduce overproduction of food, and promote better food storage practices.

In conclusion, understanding the reasons for household food waste in America is essential in developing effective solutions to reduce the amount of food that is wasted every year. By implementing targeted strategies, households can become more efficient with their food consumption, which will lead to a reduction in food waste and promote sustainability in the food system.

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