In “Fifth Fact,” why are the four facts gathered by the speaker’s young son insufficient in capturing Tubman’s life? (b) Analyze Cause and Effect What are the effects of the mother’s suggestion that her son writes that Tubman was a spy?


Answer 1



In "Fifth Fact," the four facts gathered by the speaker's young son are insufficient in capturing Tubman's life because they only provide a surface-level understanding of her accomplishments. The speaker's son had learned that Tubman was born a slave, escaped to freedom, helped other slaves escape via the Underground Railroad, and served as a nurse and a spy for the Union Army during the Civil War. While these are important facts, they do not fully capture the complexity of Tubman's life and her legacy as an abolitionist and activist.

The mother's suggestion that her son writes that Tubman was a spy has the effect of broadening the son's understanding of Tubman's life and her role in the fight against slavery. The suggestion encourages the son to think beyond the surface-level facts he had previously gathered and to consider the broader historical context in which Tubman lived. It also highlights the importance of recognizing the contributions of Black women to the abolitionist movement, which have often been overlooked or downplayed in historical accounts. By suggesting that Tubman was a spy, the mother is challenging her son to consider the ways in which Tubman used her intelligence, resourcefulness, and courage to actively resist slavery and fight for the freedom of others.

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Jose, who is 18, plans on meeting his lover, Julia over the summer. Jose wants to stay at her place for 5 days. Its a 7 hour trip by drive, but the car is quite old, and 20hr trip by buses and trains. He desperately wants to visit Julia but his parents mustn't know about it. What should he do? What could help him? What lie could be convincing to his parents?



If I were Jose, I'd tell my parents that I was visiting some friends I met and was going to visit them. I would take the train, to avoid being sus. Also, if the car broke down your folks would know something was up since he is driving far. He should keep them updated and tell them he is safe and well, every now-and-then. Take lots of pictures and and ask you friends; loyal friends to help you. IF YOU GET CAUGHT, don't lie but explain your situation, tell you folks how you really feel about her, and be calm.

Please put this in your own words. The teachers WILL check.  

Discuss how the first paragraph captures or connects with the title of the text “Nature Returns

to the Cities”. Your response should include THREE (3) discussion points.




The first paragraph of the text "Nature Returns to the Cities" captures and connects with the title in several ways, including:

The reference to "green shoots" and "fresh growth" in the first sentence suggests that nature is making a comeback in urban areas. This idea of nature returning to the city is a key theme of the article, which explores how plant and animal life are thriving in urban environments.

The mention of the COVID-19 pandemic in the second sentence highlights how the recent global health crisis has forced many people to reevaluate their relationship with nature. As the article notes, the pandemic has led to an increase in outdoor activities and a renewed appreciation for the natural world, even in the heart of cities.

The description of a "bright yellow bird" and "fluttering butterfly" in the third sentence further underscores the idea of nature's resurgence in urban areas. These specific examples help to paint a vivid picture of the ways in which plants and animals are thriving in unexpected places, from community gardens to abandoned lots.

Overall, the first paragraph of the text sets the stage for a discussion of how nature is reclaiming urban spaces and how people are adapting to this changing landscape. By highlighting specific examples of plants and animals in unexpected places, the article captures the essence of its title and invites readers to consider the ways in which nature is returning to the cities around us.

What did Mr. Dussel complain about to Mrs. Frank?




Anne begins to feel that Mr Dussel is a strict disciplinarian and has too many opinions about etiquette. Dussel is annoyed and complains about Anne's nightmares. He complains there will not be enough food for an extra person. He doesn't like Dussel's arrogant attitude.

Baseball Game Life is like a baseball game; \ Every pitch is not the same You get several chances at a hit, But pay attention Cause if you miss The game could be over quick, quick, quick.
Answer: 1. Number of lines in the poem: 2. Mark the rhyme scheme in the poem. 3. Mention an example of simile in the poem: 4. Mention the example of repetition in the poem: 5. What is the message of the poem? Answer in 1-2 sentences​




There are 4 lines in the poem.

The rhyme scheme in the poem is AABB.

An example of simile in the poem is "Life is like a baseball game".

The example of repetition in the poem is the word "quick" repeated three times at the end.

The message of the poem is that life is like a game and one must pay attention and take advantage of opportunities or else the chance may be lost, just like missing a pitch in a baseball game can lead to a quick defeat.

Admas University College of Distance Education TMA for the Course of Communicative English Language Skills II (30%) IdNo Center I. Change the following statements in to passive form. 1. The commander ordered his troops to fire at their enemies. 2. The government taking measures on tax reduction to help the private sector. 3. The electoral board is getting ready to conduct election. 4. Most Ethiopian people eat Injera. 5. Police handovers the robbery's case to the attorney. II. Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate modal verbs given in bracket. read when you were 4? (can, could, would) Name 1. 2. Abeba always get prizes from her school. She 3. Where is my bag? I saw it earlier, it be) study hard. (might, may, must) in the dining room. (might be, must be, may not​


   His troops were ordered by the commander to fire at their enemies.    Measures on tax reduction to help the private sector are being taken by the government.    The election is getting ready to be conducted by the electoral board.    Injera is eaten by most Ethiopian people.    The robbery's case is handed over to the attorney by the police.


   Could you read when you were 4?    Abeba always gets prizes from her school. She must study hard.    Where is my bag? I saw it earlier, it may be in the dining room.

When making a prediction about reading, students should make a(n) educational guess about what is likely to happen next. An educated prediction is one that is made based on information and experience. Hence, such a guess is more likely to be correct.


An educated prediction about reading is more likely to be correct as it is based on information and experience, and students should make such guesses about what is likely to happen next when reading.

By using information from the text and their own prior knowledge, students can make an informed guess about what will happen next, which helps to increase comprehension and engagement with the text.

Educated guesses also require critical thinking skills, as students must consider multiple possibilities and choose the most likely one based on the available information. Additionally, making educated predictions can help students to become more active readers, as they are constantly thinking ahead and anticipating what will come next.

To learn more about information and experience, here


listen to the audio clip. select all the statements that apply to this selection from the seventh movement of cantata no. 140 by j. s. bach.


All the given options are correct. It uses regular rhythms. It has a homophonic texture for four voices. Its sound is rich with full harmonies.

What was the seventh movement of Cantata No. 140 by Johann Sebastian Bach?

The movement is scored for four-part choir, two oboes, two violins, viola, and basso continuo.

The movement begins with a solemn introduction played by the orchestra, which sets the mood for the chorale to come. The choir then enters with the first verse of the hymn tune, singing in unison with the orchestra. The second verse features the choir singing in four-part harmony, with the oboes providing a counterpoint to the melody. The third and final verse returns to unison singing, with the choir and orchestra building in intensity and volume towards the conclusion of the movement.

To know more about Bach, visit:


The full question is:

From the given three statements, select all the statements that apply to this selection from the seventh movement of Cantata No. 140 by Johann Sebastian Bach.

It uses regular rhythms.It has a homophonic texture for four voices.Its sound is rich with full harmonies.

Write 2-3 sentences explaining to someone why you are never speaking to them again in a Emotionally devastated tone?


Devastatiοn is a type οf extreme sadness οr a cοnditiοn οf feeIing emοtiοnaIIy wrecked that peοpIe can experience.

What is the meaning οf emοtiοnaI tοne?

ParticuIarIy, emοtiοnaI tοne is a psychοIinguistic variabIe that distinguishes between pοsitive-emοtiοn wοrds and negative-emοtiοn wοrds tο characterize the presence οf pοsitive and negative feeIings in written text. The iIIness has wiped οut the majοrity οf the IοcaI οak trees. The isIand was tοtaIIy destrοyed by the stοrm.

If yοu sense any reIief after the tears stοp, take nοte. Tο cοnvey sadness, yοu can write in a jοurnaI, Iisten tο music, hang οut with friends οr famiIy, οr draw. Cοnsider the situatiοn that Ied tο yοur meIanchοIy emοtiοns. The prοIiferatiοn οf disease wiII resuIt in extensive destructiοn. The cycIοne Ieft a path οf destructiοn in its wake.

To know more about emotional, visit:


people in motion tend to stay in motion illustrates what idea from erik qualman's book digital leader




qualman's book

No one believes Titubta when she denies her involvement with witch craft, yet they believe Abigail. Why? A. Titubta is an easy target because she is a slave, unlike the white girls who are daughters of respected church members. B. Titubta has been known to lie in the past, while Abby has been a model citizen.




A. Titubta is an easy target because she is a slave, unlike the white girls who are daughters of respected church members. This is one of the main reasons why people do not believe Tituba when she denies her involvement with witchcraft. In the context of the time period, slaves were seen as inferior and their words carried less weight than those of white people. Additionally, the fact that Tituba was from Barbados and had a different cultural background likely made her seem more suspicious to the Puritan community in Salem. In contrast, Abigail was a young white woman from a respected family, making her more believable in their eyes. While it is true that Tituba had been known to lie in the past, this is not the primary reason why people did not believe her in this particular case.

An assignment was given in a class where the students were grouped into five different categories, with the intention that every group would leverage on the strength of their group members to come up with a robust response(s). Pathetically, however, it was realised that, at the expiration of the timeline for submission of the said assignment, only one group met the criteria. The other groups blamed their inability to meet up on so many issues that could be considered irrelevant. In your opinion, and based on your experience so far in GEN 104, identify:
A. some of the likely reasons for the failure of the other groups to meet up with the timeline; B. some of the likely reasons for the success of the only group in meeting up with the timeline; C. suggest possible solutions and ways to curb this attitude as displayed in A above.




A. Some likely reasons for the failure of the other groups to meet up with the timeline could include:

Lack of effective communication among group members: If the group members were not communicating effectively with each other, it could have led to misunderstandings, confusion, and a lack of clarity about their roles and responsibilities.

Poor time management: If the group members did not manage their time effectively, they may have procrastinated, leading to a last-minute rush that made it impossible to complete the assignment on time.

Lack of leadership or direction: If the group did not have a clear leader or direction, they may have struggled to stay focused and organized, leading to a lack of progress and missed deadlines.

B. Some likely reasons for the success of the only group in meeting up with the timeline could include:

Effective communication: The group members communicated well with each other, sharing ideas, and working together to develop a robust response to the assignment.

Strong leadership: The group had a clear leader who provided direction and guidance to the other members, ensuring that everyone was on the same page and working towards the same goal.

Time management: The group members managed their time effectively, setting clear deadlines and working steadily towards meeting them.

C. To curb this attitude as displayed in A above, some possible solutions include:

Providing clear guidelines and expectations for group assignments, including deadlines and consequences for missed deadlines.

Encouraging effective communication among group members by providing opportunities for them to meet and collaborate, such as through group meetings or online discussion boards.

Providing training and resources on effective time management skills, including strategies for setting priorities, breaking down tasks, and managing distractions.

Providing leadership training and resources to help group members develop their leadership skills and ensure that groups have clear direction and accountability.

Encouraging groups to regularly check in with each other and monitor progress towards their goals, so that they can identify and address issues early on.

How will you spend during your summer holidays? essay please​


Renovating your room, taking on a summer job, etc. are a few unique ways to modify oneself over the summer.

How I Spend My summertime holidays essay?

I enrolled in a summer camp during my break. It was the weeklong camp that my school hosted. I participated in karate, yoga, painting, singing, dancing, and other camp activities. It was 15 days program, and on the final day, my lecturers scheduled an excursion to the local park. There are many ways to make the most of a summer vacation. It can be accomplished by engaging in a variety of activities. One might enrol in a summer camp that teaches students new skills. One can even travel to see their grandparents, a freezing location, or another country.

To know more about summer camp visit:


Write an article for publication in your School magazine on the topic. My Role Model and how he or she has influenced me


As a student, having a role model is essential to shape one's values, beliefs, and aspirations. My role model is my mother, who has been a significant influence in my life.

Growing up, my mother was always there for me, providing support and guidance. She is a strong and independent woman who has overcome many challenges in her life. Despite facing adversity, she remained optimistic and resilient. Her positive attitude towards life taught me to approach every challenge with a can-do attitude.

One of the most important lessons I have learned from my mother is the value of education. She always emphasized the importance of learning and encouraged me to pursue my academic goals. She never missed an opportunity to provide me with the resources I needed to succeed.

My mother's work ethic is another trait I admire. She is a hardworking and dedicated individual who puts in the time and effort required to achieve her goals. She has taught me that success is not handed to you on a platter, and you have to work hard for it.

In addition to her work ethic, my mother's kindness and compassion have also influenced me. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and goes out of her way to make a difference in the lives of others. Her acts of kindness have taught me to be empathetic towards others and to make a positive impact in the world.

In conclusion, my mother is my role model, and I am grateful for the impact she has had on my life. Her resilience, positive attitude, work ethic, and kindness have influenced me in many ways. She has taught me the importance of education, hard work, and making a positive impact on the world. I hope to emulate these traits and make her proud of the person I become.

TRUE/FALSE.People who are considered to be attractive are also often considered to be more intelligent, kinder, and warmer than those who are not.


The right answer is True. .People who are considered to be attractive are also often considered to be more intelligent, kinder, and warmer than those who are not.

A form of cognitive bias known as the "halo effect" occurs when our overall opinion of a person affects how we feel and think about their character. In essence, your assessment of a person's general impression (He is pleasant!) affects your assessment of that person's specific characteristics (He is also brilliant!). People's perceptions of one quality can influence their perceptions of other characteristics. Our perception of celebrities as a whole is a terrific illustration of the halo effect in action. People prefer to view them as bright, kind, and amusing since they are viewed as attractive, successful, and frequently likeable. The "physical attractiveness stereotype" and the "what is beautiful is also good" premise are other names for the halo effect. However, This influence has an impact on more than simply how we judge people's appearance. Other qualities may also be included in it.

Due to the halo effect, opinions about one characteristic might sway judgements about other traits.

To know more about Halo Effect, click here:


write a letter to someone explaining which super powers your need to achiever you mission (not less than 800 word




Dear [Name],

I am writing to you today to express my thoughts on a topic that I believe is of utmost importance for achieving my mission. As you know, I am on a journey to make a difference in this world and to do that, I need superpowers. Yes, you read that right! I need superpowers to achieve my mission.

Let me explain to you why superpowers are essential for my mission. The world we live in is complex, and the problems we face are diverse and interconnected. To create meaningful change, we need to be able to navigate these complexities, think outside the box, and overcome obstacles that seem insurmountable. This is where superpowers come in. They give us the ability to do things that are seemingly impossible and to push the boundaries of what is considered achievable.

The superpowers I need for my mission are not the ones you see in comic books or movies. I am not looking for the ability to fly or shoot lasers from my eyes. Instead, I need more practical and applicable powers that can help me achieve my goals. Here are the superpowers that I believe are essential for me to make a difference in the world:

Superhuman Intelligence

To tackle the complex problems we face, I need to have superhuman intelligence. I need to be able to process vast amounts of information quickly and make connections between seemingly disparate pieces of data. This power will help me see patterns and connections that others may miss, enabling me to come up with innovative solutions to complex problems.

Superhuman Empathy

Empathy is an essential skill when it comes to creating change. I need to be able to understand the experiences of others and see the world through their eyes. This power will enable me to connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures, understand their needs and challenges, and create solutions that are tailored to their specific situations.

Superhuman Resilience

Creating change is not an easy task, and setbacks are inevitable. To succeed, I need to have superhuman resilience. This power will enable me to bounce back from failures, setbacks, and challenges quickly. It will help me stay focused on my goals and push through obstacles that may seem insurmountable.

Superhuman Creativity

To create meaningful change, I need to be able to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. Superhuman creativity will enable me to see problems from different angles, consider new ideas, and find unique solutions that others may not have thought of.

Superhuman Courage

Creating change often involves taking risks and stepping outside of one's comfort zone. To do this, I need to have superhuman courage. This power will enable me to face my fears, take bold action, and stand up for what I believe in, even in the face of adversity.

These are the superpowers that I believe are essential for me to achieve my mission. I know that they may sound like a tall order, but I am committed to doing whatever it takes to make a difference in this world. I am willing to work hard, learn new skills, and push myself to the limit to acquire these superpowers.

I hope that you will support me in my quest to acquire these superpowers and make a difference in this world. I know that with your support and encouragement, I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.


[Your Name]

The format of the letter as well as the letter is written below that is explaining the super powers your need to achiever you mission.

What is the format of letter?

Dear [Name],

I am writing to you today to express my thoughts on a topic that I believe is of utmost importance for achieving my mission. As you know, I am on a journey to make a difference in this world and to do that, I need superpowers. Yes, you read that right! I need superpowers to achieve my mission.

Let me explain to you why superpowers are essential for my mission. The world we live in is complex, and the problems we face are diverse and interconnected. To create meaningful change, we need to be able to navigate these complexities, think outside the box, and overcome obstacles that seem insurmountable. This is where superpowers come in. They give us the ability to do things that are seemingly impossible and to push the boundaries of what is considered achievable.

Therefore, Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.


[Your Name]

Learn more about letter on:






What is the alluring fear in the story where is here


In the story "Where Is Here?" by Joyce Carol Oates, the alluring fear is a sense of unease and uncertainty that permeates the narrative.

What is the story "Where Is Here?" about?

"Where Is Here?" is a short story by Joyce Carol Oates about a young couple who purchase a house in a small town, only to learn that it has a dark history. The story is about how the couple navigates the fear and uncertainty that come with living in a place with a troubled past. The story's alluring fear is created through the use of suspenseful language and descriptions. The sense of unease is pervasive throughout the story, and the reader is left wondering what will happen next. The story also explores themes of guilt, trauma, and memory. Through the couple's interactions with their neighbors, the reader learns about the town's history and how it has shaped the community's attitudes and beliefs.

In conclusion, the alluring fear in "Where Is Here?" is a sense of unease and uncertainty that permeates the narrative. Through suspenseful language and descriptions, the author creates a feeling of tension that keeps the reader engaged and interested in the story's outcome.

More about Where Is Here on:


Select a poem you have read and explain how its form contributed to its meaning.




One example of a poem where form contributes to its meaning is "Sonnet 18" by William Shakespeare. This poem is a sonnet, a form of poetry that has strict rules and conventions, including 14 lines and a specific rhyme scheme.

In "Sonnet 18," the form contributes to the poem's meaning by emphasizing the speaker's attempt to immortalize the subject of the poem, who is described as "more lovely and more temperate" than a summer's day. The use of the sonnet form, which is often associated with love poetry and is traditionally used to express intense emotions, underscores the speaker's deep affection for the subject and the importance of the message he is trying to convey.

Additionally, the rhyme scheme of the sonnet - ABAB CDCD EFEF GG - helps to structure the poem and create a sense of symmetry and balance. This contributes to the poem's overall theme of the subject's enduring beauty and the speaker's attempt to preserve it through poetry.

Furthermore, the final couplet of the sonnet - "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee" - provides a memorable conclusion to the poem, emphasizing the power of art to transcend time and preserve beauty. The couplet's rhyme and meter help to emphasize its significance and make it stand out as a memorable conclusion to the poem.

In this way, the form of "Sonnet 18" contributes to its meaning by emphasizing the speaker's deep affection for the subject, creating a sense of symmetry and balance, and underscoring the power of poetry to preserve beauty and transcend time.

List two new writing techniques that modernist writers introduced as they broke away from tradition writing styles.


The way classical or traditional painters approach nature, the environment, as well as social conventions and systems, altered with modernism. The unprecedented freedom of expression, experimentation, and discrimination were welcomed by artists.

What conventions did modernist literature and art depart from?

Modernism employed techniques including reprise, incorporation, rewriting, recapitulation, revision, and parody while overtly rejecting the notion of realism. The certainty of Enlightenment thought was likewise rejected by modernism, and many modernists disapproved of religion.

Why did modernist authors challenge established doctrines?

Worldviews: Modernists had doubts about conventional notions of culture since they thought reality was changeable and not fixed. - Society: Modernists disapproved of traditional social structures including marriage and religious organizations, considering them to be archaic.

To know more about Modernist visit:-


Which of the following are reasons Plato gives for trying to ban poetry from the ideal state he is outlining in the 'Republic'? (Choose all that apply!)

-The stories poets tell about the gods depict them as immoral, deceiving human beings with their disguises and lying to them.

- The stories poets tell about heroes depict them as less than perfect human beings, subject to emotion and error.

-The stories poets tell of human descendants of the gods depict them as immoral and thus as setting a bad example.

-Poets often present immoral people as happy and moral people as happy.

-Poets could prompt people to rebel against the state.




The stories poets tell about the gods depict them as immoral, deceiving human beings with their disguises and lying to them.The stories poets tell about heroes depict them as less than perfect human beings, subject to emotion and error.Poets often present immoral people as happy and moral people as unhappy.Poets could prompt people to rebel against the state.

These are the reasons Plato gives for trying to ban poetry from the ideal state he is outlining in the 'Republic'.

Identifying Constraints of Communication Channels Strategically selecting a communication channel means that you choose the communication channel that is best able to meet your work objectives. This process involves evaluating three qualities of communication channels: richness, control, and constraints. Richness involves two considerations: the level of immediacy and number of cues available. Control refers to the degree to which communications can be planned and recorded, thus allowing strategic message development. Constraints refer to the practical limitations of coordination and resources. You will evaluate communication channels in terms of richness, control, and constraints. Roll over each phrase to read a communication task and identify the most serious limitation. Then drag each communication task to the box associated with that limitation. Richness Control Constraints Phone conversation Phone call Team meeting Texting Webinar Break room conversation Video conference Email


The three qualities of communication channels that need to be evaluated are richness, control, and constraints. Constraints refer to the practical limitations of coordination and resources. The most serious limitation for each communication task in the given scenario needs to be identified by dragging them to the respective box.

Phone conversation and video conference have the most serious constraints because these require the coordination of schedules, equipment, and technical support. The control is medium because these communications can be planned and recorded, but not as effectively as email or text messaging. The richness is high because the conversation is immediate, and a number of cues are available, such as tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language.

Email and texting have serious control constraints because they allow for strategic message development and can be planned and recorded. However, the richness is low because there is no immediacy, and the number of cues is limited.

Webinars and team meetings are rich in both immediacy and the number of cues available. They also have a high degree of control, allowing for strategic message development. However, the constraints are moderate because they require coordination of schedules, equipment, and technical support.

Break room conversations have low control and constraints, but the richness is high because of immediacy and the number of cues available. They are not planned, and messages cannot be recorded.

To learn more about qualities of communication channels, here


Write a short introduction (approximately 5 typed sentences) in which you outline how your essay will discuss the theoretical concepts involved in analysing the written text of play and how various elements, for example characters, objects and events are represented on stage.​


The essays must be written in a way presenting format, clarity with the characters, there purposes and there main responsibilties.

What are the steps for writing?

1.Prepare by selecting a topic, conducting research, and writing an essay outline.

2.While writing, state your position in the introduction, support it with evidence in the body, and then summarise it in the conclusion.

3. Revision: Review your essay's grammer, content.

What are the things must be needed?

1.Purpose and Thesis - main motto

2.Title  - should be related to essay

3.Introduction - basic idea

4.Body of Information - the main content

5.Conclusion  -final formation

Point to be noted: Every essay or paper must go through the preparation, writing, and editing stages, but the time and work required for each stage varies depending on the type of essay.

To know more about essays visit:


Which word is the best fit to complete the following phrase? ________ is to legs as blink is to eyes.


The word "walk" is the best fit to complete the following phrase "walk is to legs as blink is to eyes".

What is the analogy between the legs and the eyes?

An analogy is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two objects or things that are seemingly different but share some similarities.

The legs are to walk as the eyes are to blink. This means that the act of taking a walk is synonymous with the use of legs, and the act of blinking is synonymous with the use of eyes.

Walk is a physical movement, which the legs aid. In contrast, blink is the act of rapidly opening and closing the eyes, which helps keep them moistened and clear. Therefore, the term "walk" is used to explain the analogy between legs and blink in the above phrase.The legs are used to take a walk, while the eyes are used to blink. Hence, the phrase "walk" is to legs as "blink" is to eyes. The analogy between the legs and the eyes is that both words represent the actions that the respective body parts perform.

More about Analog/Analogy:


why do athletes use shoes with cleats?



To help with traction when running



This helps to have more grip on the floor and chances to slip reduces. This makes it easy for sportsmen to walk or run as their grip on the ground increases.


Spikes increase the surface of the shoes & make it rough which results in an increase in friction

"We shall not always plant while others reap
The golden increment of bursting fruit,
Nor always countenance, abject and mute,
That lesser men should hold their brothers cheap;
Not everlastingly while others sleep
Shall we beguile their limbs with mellow flute,
Not always bend to some more subtle brute.
We were not made eternally to weep.

The night, whose sable breast relieves the stark,
White stars, is no less lovely being dark;
And there are buds that cannot bloom at all
In light, but crumple, piteous, and fall.
So in the dark we hid the heart that bleeds,
And wait, and tend our agonizing needs."

In context, the expression "hold their brothers cheap," is best interpreted as (5 points)

to physically restrain

to embezzle earnings

to set a low value on

to exact revenge



The expression "hold their brothers cheap" means to set a low value on. In the context of the poem, the speaker is suggesting that it is not right for "lesser men" to hold their brothers in low regard or to consider them less valuable or important.


The poem is about the idea of equality and the speaker is suggesting that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their status or position in society. The phrase "hold their brothers cheap" implies that some people may not value others as highly as they should, which goes against the idea of treating everyone equally. The speaker is arguing that it is not right for some people to consider themselves superior to others and to treat them poorly because of this belief.

Mentifying adverbs Crae te adverbe and underline the verbe Ma * Wednako; our grades from the test 2 Jack walked his deg to the park quicky 3. The balbon rose quickly in the sky * We danced merrily around the school yard​


A verb is a word that describes an action, state, or occurrence. An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb.

What are the verbs and adverbs in the given sentences?

Sentence 1:

Verb: walked

Adverb: quickly

Sentence 2:

Verb: rose

Adverb: quickly

Sentence 3:

Verb: danced

Adverb: merrily

A verb is a word that expresses an action, occurrence or a state of being. It is the main element of a sentence, and it is often accompanied by other words to create a meaningful sentence. In the sentences provided, the verbs are "walked," "rose," and "danced," respectively. These are the words that show the action or occurrence in the sentence.

An adverb, on the other hand, is a word that changes or informs a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. It provides additional information about the action or occurrence in the sentence. In the sentences provided, the adverbs are "quickly" and "merrily," respectively. These words modify the verbs "walked" and "danced," respectively, by describing how the action was performed.

To find out more about verbs and adverbs, visit:


How did McNeil and the other civil rights activists respond to their treatment at the Woolworth's lunch counter? B. Turn & Talk: How does this story support McNeil's definition of activism?


McNeil's definition of activism by showing that, by taking direct action and refusing to give up in the face of discrimination, civil rights activists can enact meaningful and necessary social change.

Social change refers to any significant alteration in the patterns of behavior, attitudes, and beliefs of individuals or groups in society. Social change can occur through various means, including technological advancements, cultural diffusion, economic developments, and political transformations. Social change can happen on a small scale, such as within a family or community, or on a larger scale, such as across an entire society or even globally. It can be intentional or unintentional, planned or unplanned.

Learn more about Social change:


In which of the following tags should a subheading be wrapped during the on-page SEO?


A subheading should be wrapped in the H2 tag during on-page SEO as it denotes the secondary level of importance in the hierarchy of headings and subheadings. Thus, Option B is correct.

When it comes to on-page SEO, the H1 tag should always be reserved for the main heading of the page, while subheadings should be wrapped in the appropriate tags that indicate their level of importance. As the H2 tag denotes the second level of importance in the hierarchy of headings and subheadings, it is the ideal tag for subheadings.

The H3 and H4 tags can be used for subsequent levels of subheadings, but it's important to use them sparingly and only when necessary to avoid cluttering the page and confusing both users and search engines. Thus, Option B is correct.

This question should be provided as:

In which of the following tags should a subheading be wrapped during the on-page SEO?

A. H1 TagB. H2 TagC. H3 TagD. H4 Tag

Learn more about on-page SEO


How does Fitzgerald further develop the mystery around Gatsby?
Chapter 3




In Chapter 3 of "The Great Gatsby," Fitzgerald further develops the mystery around Gatsby through his behavior and interactions with other characters.

First, Gatsby's absence at his own party creates an air of mystery and intrigue. Despite being the host, Gatsby remains elusive and mysterious, leaving his guests to speculate about his whereabouts and identity.

Second, Gatsby's interactions with Nick are often vague and cryptic. When Nick asks about Gatsby's background, he responds evasively, saying that he is from a wealthy family in the Midwest. Gatsby also implies that he is well-connected, mentioning his friendship with the Kaiser and his involvement in the war effort.

Finally, Gatsby's relationship with the other characters at the party is also shrouded in mystery. He is distant and aloof, seeming to observe the festivities from a distance rather than actively participating in them. His only visible act of engagement is his interest in Daisy, whom he watches from a distance.

All of these factors contribute to the mystery surrounding Gatsby and his identity. The reader is left wondering who he really is, where he came from, and what his true motivations are. The development of this mystery serves to heighten the reader's curiosity and investment in the character, setting the stage for the revelations that come later in the novel.

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Mais Sidonie le remarque et prvient Aristide, qui surprend les deux amants enlacs. Furieux, il se calme soudain en voyant que sa femme a signt l'acte de vente de sa dernire propritt. Il sen empare et quitte la pice avec son fils. Rente se retrouve seule, humilite et dsesprte.Elle s'aperut dans la haute glace de l'ar-moire. Elle s'approcha, tonne de se voir, oubliant son mari, oubliant Maxime, toute proccupe par l'trange femme qu'elle avait devant elle. La folie montait. Ses cheveux jaunes, relevs sur les tempes et sur la nuque, lui parurent une nudit, une obscnit. [...]Qui l'avait mise nue ? Que faisait-elle dans ce dbraill de fille qui se dcouvre jusqu'au ventre? Elle ne savait plus. Elle regardait ses cuisses que le maillot arrondissait, ses hanches dont elle suivait les lignes souples sous la gaze, son buste largement ouvert; et elle avait honte d'elle, et un mpris de sa chair l'emplissait d'une* sourde colre contre ceux qui la laissaient ainsi, avec de simples cercles d'or aux chevilles et aux poignets pour lui cacher la peau. [...]tiroir, 1936, huile sur toile, 110,3 x 138,2 cm, coll. prive.Et, dans l'ombre bleutre de la glace, elle crut voir se lever les figures de Saccard et de Maxime.Saccard, noirtre, ricanant, avait une couleur de fer, un rire de tenaille, sur ses jambes grles*. Cet homme tait une volont. Depuis dix ans, elle le voyait dans la forge, dans les clats du mtal rougi, la chair brle, haletant, tapant toujours, soulevant des marteaux vingt fois trop lourds pour ses bras, au risque de s'crasernts du entlui-mme. Elle le comprenait maintenant; il lui apparaissait grandi par cet effort : surhumain, par cette coquinerie norme, cette ide fixe d'une immense fortuneervez , leIssiimmdiate. Elle se le rappelait sautant les obstacles, roulant en pleine boue, et ne prenant pas le temps de s'essuyer pour arriver avant l'heure, ne s'arrtant mme pas jouir en chemin, mchant ses pices d'or en courant. Puis la tte blonde et jolie de Maxime apparaissait derrire l'paule rude de son pre : il avait son clair*. sourire de fille, ses yeux vides de catin qui ne se baissaient jamais, sa raie au milieu du front, montrant la blancheur du crne. Il se moquait de Saccard, il le trouvait bourgeois de se donner tant de peine pour gagner un argent qu'il mangeait, lui, avec une si adorable paresse. Il tait entretenu. Ses mains longues et molles contaient ses vices. Son corps pil avait une pose lasse de femme assouvie. Dans tout cet tre lche et mou, o tout le vice coulait avec la douceur d'une eau tide,en1 dansne luisait pas seulement l'clair de la curiosit du mal. Il subissait. Et Rene, en regardant les deux apparitions sortir des ombres lgres de la glace, recula d'un pas, vit que Saccard l'avait jete comme un enjeu, comme une mise de fonds, et que Maxime s'tait trouv l, pour ramasser ce louis tomb de la poche du ..spculateur. Elle restait une valeur dans le portefeuille de son mari; il la poussait aux toilettes d'une nuit', aux amants d'une saison; il la tordait dans les flammes de sa forge, se servant d'elle, ainsi que d'un mtal prcieux, pour dorer le fer de ses mains. Peu peu, le pre l'avait ainsi rendue assez folle, assez misrable, pour les baisers du fils. Si Maxime tait le sang appauvri de Saccard, elle se sentait, elle, le produit, le fruit vreux de ces deux hommes, l'infamie qu'ils avaient creuse entre eux, et dans laquelle ils roulaient l'un et l'autre.Elle savait maintenant. C'taient ces gens qui l'avaient mise nue. Saccard avait dgraf le corsage, et Maxime avait fait tomber la jupe. Puis, eux deux, ils venaient d'arracher la chemise. prsent, elle se trouvait sans un lambeau, : avec des cercles d'or, comme une esclave. Ils la regardaient tout l'heure, ils ne lui disaient pas : Tu es nue. Le fils tremblait comme un lche, frissonnait la pense d'aller jusqu'au bout de son crime, refusait de la suivre dans sa passion.Le pre, au lieu de la tuer, l'avait vole; cet homme punissait les gens en vidant leurs poches [...]. C'taient des lches. Ils l'avaient mise nue.Questions :2) Pourquoi Rene est-elle tonne de voir une trange femme ?3) Quelle image a-t-elle d'elle-mme dans cet extrait ?Procdez une comparaison avec l'incipit.4) Quels sentiments Rene prouve-t-elle envers lesdeux hommes ? Expliquez.5) Montrez que pre et fils sont prsents la foiscomme semblables et opposs.6) a. 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