Complete the sentence with the correct rhetorical technique.

In paragraph 4, Henry uses while presenting his evidence supporting his claim.


Answer 1

Option (a), In paragraph 4, Henry uses bandwagon appeals while presenting his evidence supporting his claim.

How does Patrick Henry use rhetorical strategies in his speech?

Henry incorporates a number of literary devices in his argument, including metaphors, a parallel structure, rhetorical inquiries, allusions to the past and the Bible, linkages, and more. After bringing up slavery, he goes into greater detail. He successfully evokes feeling with his speech technique. Henry used rhetorical questions to effectively communicate his views, hold the audience's interest, and inspire passionate replies.

In order to support his argument, he starts by giving religious meanings to the terms freedom, equality, and independence. He uses a number of strategies in the conclusion, such as a rhetorical question and an allusion, to disprove the opposing arguments and clearly state his position.

What kind of rhetorical questions does Henry use in his speech?

Henry only wants you to think about something when he asks a rhetorical question, for instance. The wording employed in these questions frequently urges the listener to follow the speaker's instructions.

Learn more about literary devices:


The complete question is:

Complete the sentence with the correct rhetorical technique.

Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope. . . .

In paragraph 4, Henry uses

A. bandwagon appeals

B. simile

C. anaphora

D. hasty generalizations

while presenting his evidence supporting his claim.

Answer 2

Answer: In paragraph 4, Henry uses ANAPHORA while presenting his evidence supporting his claim.

Explanation: The answer was correct on Edmentum.

Related Questions

Complete the sentences with the correct phrases.



Relevant to

Reflected in

Inspired by


The story feels relevant= (rel·e·vant adjective closely connected ) to him

It is reflected (representing (his life) in a faithful or appropriate way.)

He is inspired  (filled with the urge or ability to do or feel something) in this case, read.

Hope this helped!

Four aims of my awareness campaign of cyber bullying​


The aim of the campaign is to create a safer and more supportive online environment for all individuals. The four main aims of my awareness campaign of cyber bullying are discussed below.

The four aims of my awareness campaign on cyberbullying are:to increase understanding of how cyberbullying harms people's mental health and inform people about the signs of cyberbullying and suitable responses, such as reporting incidences to the necessary encourage people to treat others with love and compassion online by fostering a culture of empathy and enable people to combat cyberbullying by standing up for themselves or others, or by looking for assistance from reliable sources.

To learn more about cyber bullying here:


Why are parentheses, rather than dashes or commas, used in this sentence?

A. Parentheses are being used because they set off longer, less-related parenthetical asides.

B. Parentheses are being used because they are setting off an aside that already contains commas.

C. Parentheses are being used because they are providing background or additional information

D. Parentheses are being used to set off brief, closely-related parenthetical asides


parentheses, rather than dashes or commas, used in this sentence is C. Parentheses are being used because they are providing background or additional information.

In the sentence, parentheses are used to provide background or additional information that is supplementary to the main idea of the sentence. Using parentheses in this way helps to maintain the clarity and flow of the sentence, while still offering the reader extra details that may be helpful or interesting. This type of information may not be necessary for the reader to understand the main point, but it can enhance the reader's comprehension of the topic.

Dashes and commas can also be used to set off parenthetical information, but they serve slightly different purposes. Dashes are often used to emphasize or highlight the information within the dashes, drawing more attention to it. Commas, on the other hand, can be used to separate items in a list or to indicate a brief pause in a sentence. In some cases, using commas for parenthetical information can cause confusion if there are already multiple commas in the sentence.

By using parentheses in this case, the writer is able to convey that the information enclosed is supplementary to the main idea and is not the main focus of the sentence. This allows the reader to easily distinguish between the primary message and the additional information provided. Overall, parentheses help maintain the readability and organization of the sentence, ensuring that the reader can easily understand the writer's intended message. Therefore, the correct option is C.

Know more about Parenthetical information here:


a rhetorical Analysis Essay on Lincoln's speech.

Fellow-Countrymen: At this second appearing to take the oath of the Presidential office there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first. Then a statement somewhat in detail of a course to be pursued seemed fitting and proper. Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented. The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly depends, is as well known to the public as to myself, and it is, I trust, reasonably satisfactory and encouraging to all. With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured.

On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it, all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came.

One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war, while the Government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes."Woe unto the world because of offenses; for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh." If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.


A rhetorical analysis essay on Lincoln's speech would require a thorough understanding of the speech's context, purpose, and audience.

In this essay, the writer must analyze how Lincoln uses rhetorical strategies such as ethos, pathos, and logos to achieve his objectives.

What is a rhetorical analysis?

Rhetorical analysis is a type of essay that focuses on the examination of how writers, speakers, and artists use language to persuade or inform their audience. It is a critical process that involves analyzing the use of rhetorical devices, techniques, and strategies to determine their effectiveness in achieving the desired outcomes.

Rhetorical Analysis of Lincoln's Speech

Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address is a masterful example of rhetorical discourse that employs various rhetorical strategies to reflect on the causes and consequences of the Civil War and urge for unity and reconciliation. Throughout the speech, Lincoln uses repetition, parallelism, and biblical allusions to convey his message and persuade his audience.

Lincoln's use of repetition is evident from the opening sentence, where he repeats the phrase "less occasion" to emphasize that he doesn't need to deliver a long speech. This repetition not only sets the tone of the speech but also underscores the brevity and urgency of Lincoln's message.

Later in the speech, Lincoln repeats the word "woe" to suggest that the war is a divine punishment for the sin of slavery, and that the nation must atone for its sins. This repetition reinforces the gravity of the situation and emphasizes the need for repentance and reconciliation.

Another rhetorical strategy used by Lincoln is parallelism. Throughout the speech, Lincoln employs parallel sentence structures to contrast the positions and actions of the North and the South.

For example, he uses the phrases "one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish" to illustrate the opposing views on the war.

This parallelism emphasizes the stark contrast between the two sides and highlights the inevitability of the conflict. Similarly, Lincoln uses parallelism when he urges the nation to "bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan."

This parallelism emphasizes the need for compassion and unity in the aftermath of the war. Lincoln also uses biblical allusions to add weight and authority to his speech. He cites the Bible to suggest that the war is a divine punishment for the sin of slavery, and that the nation must accept its fate and repent for its sins.

This biblical allusion not only underscores the gravity of the situation but also appeals to the audience's sense of morality and spirituality. Moreover, Lincoln uses the phrase "malice toward none, with charity for all" to evoke the teachings of Christianity and emphasize the need for forgiveness and compassion.

In conclusion, Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address is a powerful example of rhetorical discourse that employs various rhetorical strategies to reflect on the causes and consequences of the Civil War and urge for unity and reconciliation.

Through his use of repetition, parallelism, and biblical allusions, Lincoln conveys his message and persuades his audience to strive for a just and lasting peace.

Learn more about rhetorical analysis


im running for student council and what should i write for my speech i dont really know why i want to run for student council one thing i do know is that i just want to help people im gonna be giving my speech tmr tips will be apreciated



Ok so...

If your speech is long and you have a time limit MAKE IT SHORT INSTEAD OF TALKING QUICKLY Talk slower (Imagine that you are reading something and the teacher says that you will be having a test of it in 10 mins the way you will read it (slowly) that's the way we want to hear your speech)Talk clearly (Your voice should be clear to everyone)Make sure where to increase the volume of you voice and where to decrease it



You have to write about your behavior ( that you are social , can be approachable)

Write about your good things and qualities

And at the end write

Fire is nothing without light

Knowledge is nothing without books

And student council is nothing without _____________(your name)

based on the questionnaire about gap year for matrics what is a gap year a good idea?what the main reason for taking a gap year ,what the main reason against gap year what the best year gap year options ,can zanele take or not take a gap year​



A gap year can take many forms. For example, you could work a job, complete an internship, volunteer, or travel. You can do these activities independently or as part of a gap year program


A gap year is when you take a year off, typically between high school graduation and college. So instead of beginning college the fall after you finish high school, you'd start the following fall. Gap years are meant to give students a break from academics. It's usually a time to discover yourself and consider what kind of education and career you want to pursue.

Pros :

You'll Enter College Feeling Refreshed and Refocused

You'll Build Important Skills

You Can Broaden Your Horizons

It Can Attract Employers

cons :

Gap Years Can Get Pricey

You May Feel Isolated or Like You're Falling Behind

It May Be Harder to Transition Back to School

Should You Take a Gap Year?

A gap year isn't for everyone. Though popular, gap year programs and international travel can cost a pretty penny. It's worth considering how a gap year could affect your finances before you decide whether to take one. Other factors to consider include what kinds of activities you plan to do during your gap year. It's best to start your gap year with a strong sense of what you want to explore and learn. Ask yourself: What goals do you want to achieve before starting college? What can you only do now that you won't have time to do while in school? Though it's OK to spend some time, especially at the beginning of your gap year, relaxing and taking a break from school, try not to spend your entire year feeling unfocused and aimless. Ultimately, it's up to you to determine whether a gap year is the best course of action for you and your goals.

I hope it is  helpful for you :)

10. How did Katherine succeed at NASA despite the discrimination she faced as a
Black woman? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. 2021 ReadWork


Katherine Johnson is an inspiration to people around the world for achieving what she did despite great adversity In addition, in 2015 she received the Presidential Medal of Honor  and  was highlighted in 2016. in "Hidden Figures".

Who is Katherine Johnson?

Katherine Coleman Goble Johnson (1918– ) was an African-American mathematician who made significant contributions to  the NACA and NASA aerospace programs.

Why is Katherine Johnson important?

Katherine Johnson's stars have always been within reach. Using his math skills, he helped NASA send astronauts to the moon and bring them home safely.

She also broke down racial and gender barriers that helped humanity move forward.

Jones managed to endure it all and get a job at NASA, making one of the biggest mathematical breakthroughs of the 20th century.

To know more about Katherine Johnson visit:


The point

BB is a reflection of point

AA across which axis?

Choose 1 answer:
Choose 1 answer:


To plot the reflection of the given point (a,b) across the y -axis, plot the point that is directly (horizontally) on the other side of the y -axis from (a,b) and that is the same distance from the y -axis as (a,b) . option (B)

When a figure is built around a single point known as the point of reflection or the figure's centre, a reflection point results. There is an exact opposite point on the other side of each point in the figure. The shape and dimensions of the figure remain unchanged underneath the point of reflection.

A point P(x, y) is reflected across the line y = b. The coordinates of an image of a point P(x, y) that is mirrored across the line y = b (where b is a constant) are (x, 2b - y)

Learn more about reflection of point


Full Question: The point BB is a reflection of point AA across which axis? Choose 1 answer: Choose 1 answer: (Choice A) A The xx-axis (Choice B) B The yy-axis (Choice C) C Both the xx-axis and the yy-axis

(BRAINLIEST) Part A What is a central idea of the Newsela article "Rickie Fowler and the Walk of a Lifetime"? Professional athletes have challenges, too. Anthony Trudel wants to be just like Ricky Fowler. Athletes need to give back to their fans. Life can be challenging, but sometimes dreams come true. Part B Which Detail from the text best supports the central idea from Part A? "Fowler may never win the major title he’s come so close to winning the last half-decade. " "Trudel had dreams — and a pretty nice golf swing himself. He also has an understanding of just how unpredictable life can be. " "Well, Trudel has dreams — he wants to play golf in college and, if he’s lucky, play golf for a living. " "He invited Trudel to walk inside the ropes with him as an observer. "


Part A The central idea of the Newsela article "Rickie Fowler and the Walk of a Lifetime" is that professional athletes have challenges too.

Part B The detail from the text that best supports the central idea from Part A is "Fowler may never win the major title he’s come so close to winning the last half-decade."

The article "Rickie Fowler and the Walk of a Lifetime" highlights the challenges that professional athletes face. Even though they are successful, there are still some obstacles they have to overcome.

For instance, Rickie Fowler has come very close to winning the major title over the last half-decade but has never won it. The detail from the text that best supports the central idea from Part A is "Fowler may never win the major title he’s come so close to winning the last half-decade."

This detail shows that even though Rickie Fowler is a successful golfer, he still has his own set of challenges that he needs to overcome. This example supports the central idea that professional athletes have challenges too.

For such more question on Rickie Fowler:


Do you think this world of ours is as green as we would want it to be


No the world is dying because of global warming

Why do doctors today think Itard’s lessons didn’t work very well?



Jean-Marc Itard was a doctor who worked at the school for the deaf and hearing impaired to which the wild boy had been sent.


hope this helps

What is the MAIN idea of the section “Every organism has purpose”?

A living thing has purpose and goals, but a non-living thing does not.
Everything on Earth has a purpose, even muscles, organisms, or mountains.
A short-term goal of organisms is to self-generate.
A long-term goal of organisms is passing on their genome to offspring.


The main idea of the section "Every organism has a purpose" is that everything on Earth, including living and non-living things, has a purpose. This purpose may vary based on the individual item, but it exists nonetheless. Therefore the correct option would be 'B.'

What does "Every organism has a purpose" emphasizes?

The section emphasizes that organisms have short-term and long-term goals, such as self-generation and passing their genome to offspring.

Why does every organism have a purpose?

Every organism has a purpose because it has evolved and adapted to its environment through natural selection. This means that the traits and behaviors of each organism have been shaped by its environment and the challenges it faces. Each organism has unique characteristics and abilities that allow it to survive and thrive in its territory.

To learn more about organisms, visit here:


a social issue in pomona



high crime rates


Pomona is a young city with nearly 1/3rd of its population under the age of 18. Many of its young people struggle in school, and many drop out. 38% of Pomona’s adults have high school degrees, and  17% have college degrees..

The relentless ________ of the Roman army created a vast empire.
A) kowtowing
B) jubilee
C) nabob
D) juggernaut



D) juggernaut





a huge, powerful, and overwhelming force or institution.

You are the main speaker for your in an inter-school debate competition on the mention The home has more influence on the child than the school" Write a debate speech.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. The topic of this debate is "The home has more influence on the child than the school". My stance is that the home has more influence on the child than the school.

First, it is important to recognize that the home is a child's primary social environment. Children learn the language and culture of their family, as well as values and behaviors. At home, parents and guardians provide the most direct and personal form of guidance for their children. This is why the home has an even more profound effect on a child's growth and development than the school. Second, children spend much more time in their home environment than at school. Even when school is in session, children spend the majority of their time outside of the classroom.

At home, children learn more life skills and lessons that cannot be taught in the classroom. Finally, it is important to recognize that the home is a child's safe haven. Even when faced with difficult situations, children can turn to their family and home for support. This is why the home has a much larger influence on a child's development than the school. In conclusion, I believe that the home has more influence on the child than the school. Thank you for your attention.

Learn more about debate speech here:


Alone or in a small group create a song or rap from the point of view of an insect who works for steven kutcher


A song or rap is a form of musical expression that combines lyrics and melody to create a unique artistic expression. Songs and raps can range from simple folk songs to complex, tightly structured compositions.

Verse 1:

Buzzing around the office, searching for a clue

My job is to clean up the mess that Steven Kutcher do

He's always on the move, always on the go

leaving me with stacks of paper to sift and plough


Steven Kutcher's got me working hard

He's the boss and I'm just the guard

Cleaning up his mess and doing all the chores

The bug that works for Steven Kutcher

Verse 2:

Papers all over the floor, and I'm here to clean it up

Making sure that everything looks just as it should

Trying not to get stepped on or squished in the rush

Gotta keep up with the boss, no time to slouch


Steven Kutcher's got me working hard

He's the boss and I'm just the guard

Cleaning up his mess and doing all the chores

The bug that works for Steven Kutcher

To learn more about song or rap link is here


The complete question is:

What would a song or rap sound like from the point of view of an insect who works for Steven Kutcher?

Question 3 (2 points)
3) When gathering sources for my research paper, I must have which of the
following items?
At least 4 approved sources total)
At least one of my sources must be a print source (newspaper, book, journal
All sources must be cited in MLA format )Modern Language Association)
All of the above




All of the above


When gathering sources for a research paper, it is important to have at least four approved sources in total, including at least one print source such as a newspaper, book, or journal article. Additionally, all sources must be cited in MLA format, which is the standard citation style used in many disciplines, including literature, language, and the humanities. Properly citing sources is crucial to avoid plagiarism and to give credit to the original authors of the information used in the paper.

can someone do an outline OR (EVEN ESSAY) for me, just need help to write an essay

-Write an argumentative essay that develops your prospective from Caesar's point of View against the conspiracy. Support how your point of view as Caesar led to his wnfall or how his death could have been prevented. The essay should specifically
Show how Caesar's decisions ultimately lead to his death. Be sure to support on how the assination should have been prevented.



Here's a rough outline:


Introduce the topic of the essay, which is the conspiracy against Julius Caesar.State your thesis statement, which is that Caesar's decisions ultimately led to his death.


Discuss the reasons why Caesar made the decisions he did.Explain how these decisions led to the conspiracy against him.Discuss how the conspiracy could have been prevented.


Restate your thesis statement and summarize your main points.

Here is an example of how you could support your thesis statement:

Caesar's decision to cross the Rubicon and invade Italy was a major turning point in his life. It led to the civil war that eventually ended his life. If Caesar had not crossed the Rubicon, he would not have been assassinated.

Here is an example of how you could explain how Caesar's decisions led to the conspiracy against him:

Caesar's decision to become dictator of Rome was a major affront to the Roman Senate. The senators were afraid that Caesar would become too powerful and that he would overthrow the republic. This fear led them to conspire against Caesar and to assassinate him.

Here is an example of how you could discuss how the conspiracy could have been prevented:

The conspiracy against Caesar could have been prevented if Caesar had not made the decisions he did. If Caesar had not crossed the Rubicon, he would not have been assassinated. If Caesar had not become dictator of Rome, the senators would not have been afraid of him and they would not have conspired against him.

I hope this helps!

How do paragraphs 7-10 build the tension in the passage?


They use flashback to highlight Señor Vicente’s deep belief in the noble history of his ancestors.

They use flashback to highlight Señor Vicente’s deep belief in the noble history of his ancestors.

They use dialogue to reveal the reasons some people doubted the truth of these stories.

They use dialogue to reveal the reasons some people doubted the truth of these stories.

They use description to suggest the cowardice of the Valencian people throughout time.

They use description to suggest the cowardice of the Valencian people throughout time.

They use flash-forward to show the outcome of the tensions between generations.

They use flash-forward to show the outcome of the tensions between generations.



The correct answer is: They use dialogue to reveal the reasons some people doubted the truth of these stories.

In paragraphs 7-10, the tension in the passage is built through the use of dialogue that reveals the doubts some people have about the truth of Señor Vicente's stories. The younger generation, represented by Julián, questions the validity of these stories and is skeptical about their accuracy. Señor Vicente, on the other hand, is deeply invested in his family's history and believes it to be true. This disagreement between the two generations creates tension in the passage, as the reader is left wondering who is right and whether the stories are true or not. The dialogue between the two characters adds depth to their conflict and highlights the generational divide that exists between them.

in fahrenheit 451 how does the chase end for the tv audience? how is this accomplished, and what more does it reveal about the police? what explanation do the men give montag for the way the chase ends?


The chase comes to an end when the Mechanical Hound reaches out and touches Montag's leg, injecting a narcotic into him. Montag is confused and disoriented, so he can't run fast enough to evade the police.

With the help of a pilot, the TV crew manages to follow Montag's movements and give the viewers a real-time update on the chase.The ending of the chase reveals that the police have the technology to track down people and animals with extraordinary precision. It is further evidence of the government's control over society and the extent to which people's lives are being monitored.

The men who approached Montag after he'd been captured explained that the chase's conclusion was due to the Mechanical Hound's injected narcotic. They also reveal that they are tracking down a criminal who has fled to the city, and they assumed Montag was him.

Learn more about  Fahrenheit 451 here:


This type of outline keeps you on track as a speaker and reminds you of your main ideas, but it does not provide so much information that you are tempted to use it as a crutch is called?


Answer: Extemporaneous.

Explanation: An extemporaneous outline is a concise outline that includes the speaker's main ideas and key points, but does not include a full script or word-for-word notes. The purpose of an extemporaneous outline is to provide the speaker with a general guide for their presentation while allowing them to speak spontaneously and adapt to the needs of the audience. This type of outline is particularly useful for speeches that require a conversational tone and engagement with the audience, as it allows the speaker to maintain eye contact and make natural gestures without being overly reliant on notes.

Pick the best word to fill in the blank: it’s a blank fact that petting furry animals reduces blood pressure as there’s plenty of evidence to support it


It's a verifiable fact that petting furry animals reduces blood pressure, as there is plenty of evidence to support it.

Studies have shown that people who interact with pets have lower levels of cortisol, the hormone released in response to stress, in their bloodstream. Additionally, oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding, has been found to be higher in people who spend time with their pets. This suggests that petting furry animals has a calming effect.

Furthermore, research has indicated that people who own pets experience lower levels of depression and anxiety. All these findings point to the fact that petting furry animals is beneficial for our mental health, and it can even help to lower blood pressure.

To learn more about Evidence :


Write a letter to your District Director of Education applying for the post of a messenger. State why you are the most qualified person for the job


Letter to the District Director of Education for applying for the post of a messenger.


The District Director of Education,

Subject: Application for the post of a messenger.


With due respect, I am writing to express my interest in the position of a messenger in your esteemed institution. With this letter, I hope to showcase why I am the best candidate for this position.

I have always had a passion for working in an educational institution, and I believe that this position would be an excellent opportunity for me to contribute to the growth and development of the institution. As a messenger, I am confident that I can fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my abilities and make a significant contribution to the smooth running of the institution.

I am confident that I possess all the necessary skills and qualities that are required for this position. Firstly, I am a highly motivated and responsible individual, who can work well under pressure and in a team environment. I am also extremely organized and efficient, with excellent communication skills that are essential for this position.

Moreover, I have previous experience working in a similar capacity in a different institution, where I was responsible for managing the daily activities of the institution, including delivering documents and messages, managing schedules, and performing other clerical tasks.

I am confident that my experience, skills, and enthusiasm make me the ideal candidate for the messenger position in your institution. I am also willing to learn and adapt to new challenges and opportunities that may arise.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my candidacy further with you.

Sincerely,                                                                Date : 16th March, 2023

Your Name

Learn more about writing formal letters:


Effective listening happens without conscious effort. true false


Answer:  False

Explanation: In order to effectively listen to someone you need to comprehend what they are saying and you can not accomplish this without conscious effort.

Hope this helps! :)

Robots are being used in sumo wrestling contests. Sumo wrestling is a sport that started in Japan. it takes place in a ring Two players try to score points by holding each other down or pushing each other out of the ring Robot sumo uses robots instead of humans. The robot that scores the most points wins.
9. What is the main idea of this paragraph? A. Sumo wrestling takes place in a ring
B. The robot that scores the most points wins
C. Robots are being used in sumo wrestling contests
D. Sumo wrestling is a sport that started in Japan.
10. Which term best describes the main idea of a piece of writing?
A. A detail B. A broad topic C. A central point D. An aspect 11. Which term best describes the supporting details of a piece of writing?
A. Structure 8. Majority
C. Substance


The main idea of this paragraph is that robots are being used in sumo wrestling contests. The term that best describes the main idea of a piece of writing is a central point. The term that best describes the supporting details of a piece of writing is substance.

Step by step Explanation:

Robots being used in sumo wrestling contests is the main idea of this paragraph. The first sentence of the paragraph states that robots are being used in sumo wrestling contests. The next two sentences provide additional details about what sumo wrestling is and how it is played. However, these sentences are supporting details that provide context for the main idea. The main idea is that robots are now being used in place of human players.

Sumo wrestling is a broad topic that is introduced in this paragraph. However, the main idea is more specific and focuses on a particular aspect of sumo wrestling (the use of robots). Therefore, the term that best describes the main idea of this paragraph is a central point. Supporting details are the facts, examples, and explanations that support the main idea of a piece of writing. The term that best describes the supporting details of a piece of writing is substance. These details provide substance to the main idea and help the reader to better understand and appreciate it. The term "structure" refers to the organization of a piece of writing, and the term "majority" refers to the greater part or number. Neither of these terms accurately describes the supporting details of a piece of writing.

Learn more about sumo wrestling and  piece of writing at :


To explain transitive verb and Intransitive verbs ​


transitive verb should be close to the direct object for a sentence to make sense. A verb is transitive when the action of the verb passes from the subject to the direct object. Intransitive verbs don't need an object to make sense – they have meaning on their own.

Write a short story essay about your daily life applying the time type


A short essay on daily life involves writing about the events occurring in our daily lives on a daily basis in a non-fictious manner.

Writing a brief, nonfiction essay about your life includes narrating the tale of your life. Another name for it is an autobiographical essay. A personal narrative essay, also known as an autobiographical essay, should inform the reader about your life, personality, values, and objectives. The essay should describe your priorities, core values, and any significant life events that have shaped how you view the world.

The essay will also demonstrate to the admissions committee your proficiency in essay writing and organisation. Your essay should demonstrate your ability to write a persuasive work that captures the attention of the reader, offers a distinct message, and flows naturally.

To know more about an autobiographical essay, refer:


create a claim about lysander and Hermia situation that focuses on Lysander's perspective on love​


Claim: Lysander's perspective on love in A Midsummer Night's Dream is that true love cannot be controlled or influenced by societal expectations or external forces, as seen through his actions towards Hermia.

What is the explanation for the above claim?

Lysander's character in the play is portrayed as a true romantic who deeply loves Hermia. He strongly believes in the power of love and argues that it should not be influenced or controlled by external factors such as parental expectations, social status, or wealth. This is evident in his decision to elope with Hermia despite the obstacles they face, such as Hermia's father's disapproval and the threat of punishment. Lysander is willing to risk everything for his love for Hermia and goes against societal norms to be with her. His perspective on love emphasizes the importance of following one's heart and not letting external factors dictate one's romantic choices.

To find out more about "A Midsummer Night's Dream ", visit:


Analyze the arguments that are presented in each of these articles about recycling.
In your response, develop an argument in which you explain how one position is better-supported than the other. Incorporate relevant evidence from both articles to support your argument. Write not too long essay.


In analyzing the arguments presented in both articles about recycling, we can determine which position is better-supported by examining the evidence and reasoning provided. The position presented in Article A offers a stronger and more convincing argument for the merits of recycling.

Article A argues in favor of recycling, stating that it conservates resources, reduces pollution, saves energy, and creates jobs. It supports this claim by presenting data on the amount of resources saved and the number of jobs created by the recycling industry. Additionally, it cites scientific research on the environmental benefits of recycling, such as reduced pollution levels and decreased energy consumption.

On the other hand, Article B argues that recycling can be an inefficient and costly process. It provides evidence of recycling programs that have failed to meet their objectives, resulting in a waste of time and money. Furthermore, it points out that recycling may not always be the most environmentally friendly option, as it can lead to increased pollution and energy usage in some cases.

To determine which position is better-supported, we need to compare the evidence and reasoning provided by both articles. Article A offers strong evidence in favor of recycling, including data on resource conservation, pollution reduction, and job creation. It also cites scientific research to support its claims, demonstrating a solid foundation for its argument.

In contrast, Article B relies more on anecdotal evidence and isolated cases of recycling programs that have not met their goals. While this may cast doubt on the efficacy of some recycling programs, it does not necessarily undermine the overall benefits of recycling. Moreover, the argument that recycling can lead to increased pollution and energy usage is not as well-supported, as it fails to provide a comprehensive analysis of the various recycling processes and their environmental impacts.

Based on the evidence and reasoning provided, we can conclude that the position in Article A is better-supported than that of Article B. The arguments in favor of recycling are backed by data, research, and a clear understanding of the benefits associated with the practice. While Article B raises some valid concerns about the efficiency and environmental impact of certain recycling programs, its evidence is less robust and less comprehensive in its analysis. Therefore, the position presented in Article A offers a stronger and more convincing argument for the merits of recycling.

More on arguments:


Especially when it's hot, Nick Fury only wants to eat ice cream. is this a fragment or not


The given sentence is an independent clause, not a fragment.

The given sentence, "Especially when it's hot, Nick Fury only wants to eat ice cream" is an independent clause because it contains both a subject and a predicate. It expresses a complete thought and does not require additional information to be a complete sentence. Therefore, the sentence is not a fragment.

A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence that lacks either a subject, a predicate, or a complete thought. A sentence fragment does not express a complete thought and does not stand on its own as a sentence. Example of sentence fragments: Walking down the street.Sitting on the bench. When the sun sets. Because of the storm.

In conclusion, the given sentence is not a fragment but an independent clause. It is a complete sentence because it contains both a subject and a predicate and expresses a complete thought.

More about Sentence Fragment on:


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