Assignment: 04.05 Ancient Greece - Empire of Alexander

Assignment: 04.05 Ancient Greece - Empire Of Alexander


Answer 1

The sources mentioned, "Map of Alexander's empire" and "Alexander by the numbers," provide some evidence of Alexander's achievements and influence during his lifetime, which contributes to the argument that he was a great leader.

How can you say Alexander was great?

The map of Alexander's empire shows the vast extent of his conquests, which spanned across much of the known world at that time. Alexander was able to defeat powerful empires such as the Persians, which demonstrated his military prowess and strategic genius. His empire also facilitated cultural exchanges between different regions, leading to spread of Hellenistic culture and knowledge.

"Alexander by the numbers" provides numerical data that further emphasizes the scale of Alexander's achievements. Alexander led his army on a march of over 22,000 miles, established over 70 cities, and conquered territories that encompassed over 5 million square miles of land.

To know more about Alexander, refer


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___ happens when a bud is formed on the outside of a spongebuddingfragmentationregenerationmolting


When cell divide at a specific location to form a new organism from an outgrowth or bud, the process is known as asexual reproduction, or budding or blastogenesis.

As an illustration, the term "bud" refers to the tiny, bulbous protrusion that develops from the yeast cell. With the exception of mutations, asexual reproduction produces clone of the parent organism that are genetically identical to the original. In order to reproduce, creatures like hydras need regenerative cells during the budding process.

As a result of repeated cell division at one specific location, a bud develops as a protrusion. These buds develop into little individuals after they are fully matured, and these new, independent individuals eventually separate from the parent body.

Learn more about budding process here:


You are studying a population of sea jellies. You take DNA samples and sequence a specific locus with two alleles for each individual, and get the following genotype frequencies:KK=0.16,Kk=0.59, and kk=0.25a) Is this population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? Defend your answer b) Could these allele frequencies happen in a real population? Why or why not?



The Among Us Game. Made by the Space.INC company.


Space, the final frontier, is a vast and mysterious realm that has captivated human imagination for centuries. It has been the subject of countless works of literature, movies, and scientific research, and yet we have only scratched the surface of what lies beyond our planet.

The exploration of space has been one of the most significant endeavors in human history. It has expanded our understanding of the universe and our place in it, and has led to numerous technological advancements that have benefited humanity in countless ways. The exploration of space has also fostered international cooperation and collaboration, bringing people from different countries and backgrounds together in pursuit of a common goal.

The study of space has revealed a universe that is both fascinating and awe-inspiring. From the massive and colorful gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn, to the rocky and rugged terrain of Mars, to the icy and distant reaches of the Kuiper Belt, space is filled with wonders that have challenged our understanding of the world around us.

Perhaps the most significant discovery in the study of space has been the existence of exoplanets – planets that orbit other stars. With the help of powerful telescopes like the Kepler Space Telescope, scientists have discovered thousands of exoplanets in our galaxy alone, some of which may be capable of supporting life as we know it.

The study of space has also revealed the violent and destructive forces at work in the universe. From the intense radiation and magnetic fields of black holes, to the explosive power of supernovae, to the destructive force of asteroids and comets, space is a place of both beauty and danger.

Despite the risks involved, human exploration of space has continued to push the boundaries of what is possible. The first human spaceflight took place in 1961 when Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the Earth. Since then, humans have set foot on the Moon, launched numerous missions to Mars and other planets in our solar system, and even established a permanent human presence in space through the International Space Station.

The International Space Station is a testament to the power of international cooperation in the pursuit of scientific discovery. It has been continuously inhabited by astronauts from various countries since 2000 and has served as a platform for numerous scientific experiments in a variety of fields, from physics and biology to medicine and technology.

Space exploration has also led to numerous technological advancements that have benefited society in countless ways. Satellites, for example, have revolutionized communications, navigation, and weather forecasting, while space-based telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope have given us unprecedented views of the universe and helped us better understand our place within it.

In conclusion, space is a vast and wondrous realm that has captured human imagination for centuries. The exploration of space has expanded our understanding of the universe and our place in it, and has led to numerous technological advancements that have benefited humanity in countless ways. The study of space has also revealed a universe that is both fascinating and awe-inspiring, filled with wonders that have challenged our understanding of the world around us. Despite the risks involved, human exploration of space has continued to push the boundaries of what is possible, and will undoubtedly continue to do so for generations to come.

if i'm walking down the riverbank, and a man is drowning, even if i don't know how to swim very well, i feel this urge that the right thing to do is to try to save that person. evolution would tell me exactly the oppo preserve your dna. who cares about the guy who's drowning?


The evolution theory posits that living organisms have evolved over time from earlier and different forms. The theory of evolution through natural selection was first introduced by Charles Darwin.

He suggested that species that are more suited to their environment would survive and reproduce more effectively compared to other species that are less suited to their environment.

What is the urge to save people drowning?

If you are walking down the riverbank, and a man is drowning, even if you don't know how to swim very well, you feel this urge that the right thing to do is to try to save that person. This is because humans are empathic beings, which means that we can feel the emotions of others. When we see someone in distress, we feel their pain and want to help in any way that we can.

The urge to save someone who is drowning is not necessarily driven by the theory of evolution. Instead, it is a result of our innate empathy, compassion, and the desire to help others. Helping others is an essential part of being human, and it is something that we do instinctively because we care about the well-being of others. Therefore, the idea that evolution would tell us to preserve our DNA by ignoring someone who is drowning is not accurate.

Learn more about Charles Darwin:


In the video, there are eight unknown blood samples. Your job is to test samples 1-4 with each antibody tests and record your results. You will then identify the blood types of the four samples. You may use your results from the previous section to guide you.


In the context of blood typing, antibody tests are used to determine which blood type an individual has by identifying the presence or absence of certain antigens on the surface of red blood cells.

What is blood?

Blood is a specialized bodily fluid that circulates through the arteries, veins, and capillaries of the body. It is composed of a liquid called plasma and various types of cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The main functions of blood include transporting oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissues, removing waste products, regulating body temperature, and protecting against infections and injuries through its immune system components. Blood type is determined by the presence or absence of specific antigens and antibodies on the surface of red blood cells.


Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system in response to an infection or the introduction of a foreign substance (such as a virus or bacteria). Antibody tests are often used to diagnose infectious diseases or to determine if someone has been exposed to a particular pathogen.

To know more about blood,


The ____________________ perform photosynthesis, have chlorophyll, and produce oxygen as a by-product.a. cyanobacteria
b. archaebacteria
c. proteobacteria
d. ribosomes


Cyanobacteria are a type of bacteria that perform photosynthesis, have chlorophyll, and produce oxygen as a by-product.

Photosynthesis is the process of conversion of light energy into chemical energy in the presence of chlorophyll that can be used by the organism. Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in cyanobacteria that absorbs light energy and helps power the photosynthetic process. Cyanobacteria are prokaryotes that are capable of performing oxygenic photosynthesis, meaning they use light and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and glucose where oxygen is a by-product of photosynthesis and is produced when the cyanobacteria convert light energy into chemical energy. Cyanobacteria are also known as blue-green algae and can be found in aquatic environments around the world.

To learn more about photosynthesis click here


The process in plants that uses the glucose from photosynthesis to release energy to grow is called what?


Photosynthesis is a process by which plants turn energy from the

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.


Sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.


Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's activities, and they always need to use sunlight, water and CO2 for this process.

explain the difference between epigenetics and mutations



Epigenetics refers to the study of changes in gene expression or cellular phenotype that occur without alterations in the DNA sequence itself. These changes are due to modifications of the DNA molecule, such as methylation of DNA bases, or modifications of histone proteins that package the DNA in the nucleus. These modifications can lead to changes in the accessibility of genes to be expressed or silenced, leading to changes in the phenotype of the cell or organism. Epigenetic changes can occur in response to environmental stimuli, aging, or other factors, and can be passed on to future generations.

Mutations, on the other hand, are changes in the DNA sequence itself. They can occur spontaneously, as a result of errors during DNA replication or recombination, or due to exposure to mutagens, such as radiation, chemicals, or viruses. Mutations can be beneficial, harmful, or have no effect on the organism, depending on where they occur in the DNA sequence and how they affect gene expression or protein function. Some mutations can lead to genetic disorders, such as sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, or Huntington's disease, while others can provide advantages, such as antibiotic resistance in bacteria.

The main difference between epigenetics and mutations is that epigenetic changes are reversible and do not involve changes to the DNA sequence itself, while mutations are permanent and involve changes in the DNA sequence. Epigenetic changes can also be influenced by environmental factors, while mutations are primarily caused by errors or damage to the DNA. However, epigenetic changes can also influence the frequency or pattern of mutations, leading to changes in the genetic diversity of populations over time.

I hope now you know...good luck

which muscle is a superficial anterior flexor muscle?


pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor carpi ulnaris

what are the common causes of sharp outer elbow pain?


Sharp outer elbow pain can be caused by a variety of conditions affecting the tendons, muscles, and bones in the area. One common cause of outer elbow pain is lateral epicondylitis, also known as tennis elbow.

This condition occurs when the tendons that attach to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus become inflamed and painful. Repetitive motions of the wrist and arm, such as those used in tennis, can lead to this condition.

Another possible cause of outer elbow pain is radial tunnel syndrome, which occurs when the radial nerve becomes compressed as it passes through the forearm. This can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the outer part of the elbow and forearm.

Other potential causes of outer elbow pain include fractures, dislocations, and arthritis. It is important to seek medical evaluation if you experience persistent or severe outer elbow pain, as prompt diagnosis and treatment can help to prevent further damage and promote healing.

To learn more about elbow pain


How many lattice points are there in one unit cell of each of the following lattice? (i) Face-centred cubic (ii) Face-centred tetragonal (iii) Body-centred


The number of lattice points in one unit cell of an FCC lattice and an FCT lattice is 8, while the number of lattice points in one unit cell of a BCC lattice is 9.

The number of lattice points in one unit cell of each of the following lattices are:

(i) Face-centred cubic (FCC) lattice: In an FCC lattice, there are 4 lattice points at the corners of the unit cell, and 4 lattice points in the centre of each face of the unit cell. Therefore, the total number of lattice points in one unit cell of an FCC lattice is 4 + 4 = 8.

(ii) Face-centred tetragonal (FCT) lattice: The FCT lattice is similar to the FCC lattice, except that the unit cell is stretched along one of its axes. In an FCT lattice, there are 4 lattice points at the corners of the unit cell, and 4 lattice points in the centre of each face of the unit cell. Therefore, the total number of lattice points in one unit cell of an FCT lattice is also 4 + 4 = 8.

(iii) Body-centred cubic (BCC) lattice: In a BCC lattice, there are 8 lattice points at the corners of the unit cell, and 1 lattice point in the centre of the unit cell. Therefore, the total number of lattice points in one unit cell of a BCC lattice is 8 + 1 = 9.

To know more about FCC lattice


Which of the following can be destructive to Earth's surface?



Which of the following can be destructive to Earth's surface?



Our _____ identity is determined by our height, weight, sex, age, and other corporeal characteristics.a. Physical Abilityb. Age c. Classd. Gender


Our physical identity is determined by our height, weight, sex, age, and other corporeal characteristics.

What is physical identity? Physical identity is determined by one's body structure, body measurements, age, and physical abilities, as well as corporeal characteristics. Physical characteristics that are quantifiable or measurable are referred to as corporeal characteristics.

These characteristics are not limited to height, weight, skin color, hair color, and so on, and they are determined by one's genetics, environment, and lifestyle. Gender is one of the corporeal characteristics that play a significant role in shaping our physical identity.

One's gender determines how they are perceived by society, as well as their access to resources and opportunities. Height, weight, and physical abilities are also significant corporeal characteristics that determine our physical identity.

To know more about physical identity, refer here:


the structure that is also called the voice box is the


The larynx, also known as the voice box, is an important structure located in the throat that helps to produce sound, and it also helps to protect the trachea.

The structure that is commonly referred to as the voice box is the larynx. The larynx is located in the throat, and it serves to produce sound by vibrating the vocal cords, which are located within the larynx. It also aids in protecting the trachea (windpipe) from food and liquids entering it while eating and drinking. The larynx is made up of different components, including cartilage, muscles, nerves, and a variety of tissues. Additionally, the larynx also produces mucus to help lubricate and protect the vocal cords.

To learn more about Larynx :


Twelve pairs of bones that surround the heart and lungs. Ribs. Lateral bone of the lower leg. Fibula. Two bones that form the pelvic girdle.


The twelve pairs of bones that surround the heart and lungs are called the ribs (option 1). The ribs are curved, flat bones that connect to the spine at the back and to the sternum at the front.

Ribs provide protection for the heart and lungs, as well as support for the chest wall. The lateral bone of the lower leg is called the fibula. It is a long, thin bone that runs parallel to the larger tibia bone, on the outer side of the lower leg. The fibula provides stability and support to the ankle joint, as well as attachment points for muscles and ligaments in the lower leg.

The two bones that form the pelvic girdle are the ilium and the ischium. The pelvic girdle is the bony structure that connects the spine to the lower limbs. It is formed by the fusion of the two hip bones, each of which is made up of three bones: the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis. The ilium is the largest and most superior of the three bones, while the ischium is the most inferior and posterior.

Know more about Ribs here:


after digesting dna with a restriction enzyme, would you expect more or fewer dna fragments than undigested dna. would these fragments be smaller or larger than the undigested dna? a. fewer and larger, respectively b. more and larger, respectively c. more and smaller, respectively d. fewer and smaller, respectively


After digesting DNA with a restriction enzyme, you would expect more DNA fragments than undigested DNA. These fragments would be smaller than the undigested DNA. The correct option is (C) more and smaller, respectively.

A restriction enzyme cuts DNA by recognizing a specific DNA sequence, then breaking both strands of the DNA at specific points within that sequence. Restriction enzymes are commonly used to cut DNA into small pieces that can be more easily studied in the lab.

The use of restriction enzymes is referred to as a molecular scissors. Restriction enzymes are enzymes that cut DNA molecules into smaller pieces. There are different types of restriction enzymes that cut DNA at different sites; they act as molecular scissors. These enzymes are named after the bacterium from which they are isolated.

They recognize and bind to specific sequences of DNA known as restriction sites, and they cut the DNA at or near these sites. When DNA is digested with a restriction enzyme, the resulting DNA fragments are called restriction fragments.

Therefore, correct option is C.

know more about restriction enzyme here


you may notice that during a meal, your voluntary jaw muscles become tired and weak, interfering with your ability to chew food. the muscle(s) being affected are


During a meal, if you notice that your voluntary jaw muscles become tired and weak, it interferes with your ability to chew food. The muscle that is being affected is your masseter muscle.

The masseter muscle is the primary muscle that is responsible for chewing food. It's situated in the face, right at the back of the jaw, and it connects the zygomatic arch to the mandible's lower edge. The masseter muscle, which is divided into two sections, works as a powerful closing force for the jaw during the biting phase. It is the biggest muscle in the head and can exert a force of up to 55 pounds. This muscle contracts each time a person takes a bite or chews their food, and it can help to explain why the masseter muscle can become tired or strained over time.When someone is eating something chewy or tough, the masseter muscle is forced to work more difficult, leading to discomfort. This is especially true if someone is prone to clenching their jaw when they eat. Other factors that might lead to masseter muscle discomfort include stress, anxiety, or sleep disorders, as well as certain dental or gum disorders. Even though there isn't any one-size-fits-all approach to treating masseter muscle pain, basic approaches like massage, heat or cold therapy, jaw exercises, and lifestyle modifications may provide relief.

Learn more about masseter muscle


_____ are eukaryotic autotrophs that float near the surface of water and are the basis of the food chain. a. Zooplankton b. Slime molds c. Phytoplankton


Phytoplankton is eukaryotic autotrophs that float near the surface of the water and are the basis of the food chain. Here option C is the correct answer.

They are a diverse group of aquatic microorganisms, including algae, bacteria, and protists. Phytoplankton is photosynthetic organisms that play a critical role in the carbon cycle and are responsible for producing a significant portion of the world's oxygen.

They are found in both marine and freshwater environments and form the foundation of the aquatic food web, providing food for a wide range of aquatic animals such as zooplankton, fish, and whales.

Phytoplankton is also an important indicator of environmental change and can be used to monitor the health of aquatic ecosystems. Their abundance and diversity can be influenced by a variety of factors such as nutrient availability, temperature, and light levels.

Phytoplankton blooms, which occur when large numbers of phytoplankton rapidly grow and reproduce, can have both positive and negative effects on aquatic ecosystems, including impacts on water quality, fisheries, and human health.

To learn more about Phytoplankton


Is the DNA in the berry part of the strawberry the same as the DNA in the roots, leaves, and
flower of a strawberry? Explain.


Answer: Yes!


Yes, the DNA in the berry part of the strawberry is the same as the DNA in the roots, leaves, and flower of a strawberry. This is because all the different parts of a strawberry plant are derived from the same fertilized egg cell, which contains the same set of genetic information (DNA) in all its cells.

During development, the fertilized egg cell undergoes cell division and differentiation, giving rise to the various tissues and organs of the plant. However, all the cells of the plant contain the same genetic information in their DNA, which determines the traits and characteristics of the plant.

Therefore, the DNA in the berry part of the strawberry is the same as the DNA in the roots, leaves, and flower of a strawberry. However, different genes may be expressed in different parts of the plant, giving rise to the specialized functions and structures of each tissue or organ.




The DNA in the berry part of a strawberry is the same as the DNA in the roots, leaves, and flowers of a strawberry. This is because all the cells in a strawberry plant contain the same DNA, which is identical in every cell.

Every plant cell contains a copy of the plant's genome, which is the complete set of genetic instructions that dictate the plant's characteristics and traits. These instructions are encoded in the DNA molecules that make up the plant's chromosomes, and every cell in the plant contains a copy of the entire genome.

Therefore, the DNA in the berry part of a strawberry is the same as the DNA in the roots, leaves, and flowers of a strawberry, as all these parts of the plant have developed from the same set of genetic instructions encoded in the DNA.

However, it is important to note that while the DNA sequence is the same in all parts of the plant, gene expression may differ between different tissues or developmental stages, which can give rise to differences in traits or characteristics between different parts of the plant.

For an enzyme-catalyzed reaction, the initial velocity was determined at two different concentrations of the substrate. Which of the following would be closest to the value of Km?
[S] (mM) Vo(mM/min)
1.0 2.0
4.0 2.8
A. 2.7 mM
B. 5.7 mM
C. 0.17 mM
D. 0.60 mM


C. 0.17 mM, D. 0.60 mM, and 5.7 mM. The initial velocity of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction was calculated at two distinct substrate concentrations.

What is the initial velocity for an enzyme-catalyzed reaction?

The product of the concentration of the enzyme and its substrate and the catalytic rate constant is known as the instantaneous velocity, or catalytic rate. The initial velocity of a reaction is the amount of product produced in a given amount of time at the start of the reaction. This characteristic is necessary for all enzyme-catalyzed reactions.

Is the enzyme's Km value equal to the concentration of the substrate?

Practically speaking, Km is the substrate concentration that enables the enzyme to reach half of Vmax. Since a high Km enzyme has a low substrate affinity, it needs  a greater concentration of substrate to achieve Vmax.

To know more about enzyme-catalyzed visit:-


Which type of bond occur between bases in a DNA base-pair?
a. covalent bonds
b. ionic bonds
c. hydrogen bonds


The type of bond that occurs between bases in a DNA base-pair is hydrogen bonds. Therefore the correct option is option C.

DNA is a double-stranded helix that is made up of nucleotides that are paired with complementary nucleotides via hydrogen bonds. The base pairs, adenine, and thymine or guanine and cytosine, are held together by hydrogen bonds.

Nucleotides are small molecules that function as the building blocks of DNA. The nucleotides found in DNA are comprised of three distinct components: a nitrogenous base, a five-carbon sugar called deoxyribose, and a phosphate group. The nitrogenous bases are compounds that contain nitrogen and other elements.

There are four different nitrogenous bases in DNA, each of which has a unique structure and chemical composition. Adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C) are the four nitrogenous bases that are present in DNA.

In DNA, the nucleotides are joined together by covalent bonds between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate group of the next nucleotide. The base pairs are held together by hydrogen bonds. Therefore the correct option is option C.

For such more question on DNA:


upon completion of an oxidation-fermentation test, you observe that your organism has produced an acid result in the aerobic tube and a neutral result in the anaerobic tube. you can reasonably conclude that the organism exhibits _____________ metabolism of carbohydrates.


You can reasonably conclude that the organism exhibits oxidation metabolism of carbohydrates.

Organic compounds known as carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the proportion (CH2O)n. Depending on their enzyme complement, various organisms utilize carbohydrates in different ways.

Only in the open tube will acid be produced (yellow) as a result of the carbohydrate being utilized oxidatively. Acid will be produced (in yellow) throughout the fermentation process of the carbohydrate in both the open and closed tubes.

Whereas acidic development in the open tubes is thought to be the consequence of oxidative consumption of the available carbohydrate, acidic changes in the overlay tubes are thought to be the product of genuine fermentation. In either tube, asaccharolytic microbes won't create acid.

To know more about oxidation-fermentation test, refer:


If climate change remains unchecked, what do you think will happen to the biodiversity of the Holocene era?


climate change will lead to an ecological collapse, which means biodiversity will be minimized as many species will collapse due to habitats being destroyed and not being able to provide for such animals

which structure of the ear converts sound waves into vibrations?



The Cochlea


The ear is the organ of hearing and equilibrium in vertebrates, in humans consisting of an external ear that gathers sound vibrations, the middle ear in which the vibration resonate against the tympanic membrane, a fluid-filled internal ear that maintains balance and that conducts the tympani vibrations to the auditory nerve, which transmits them as impulses to the brain. The Cochlea is a spiral-shaped cavity forming a division of the internal ear in humans and in most other mammals.

So we learned that weathering can take place physically chemically or biologically do you think more than one or all three of these can take place at once to form soils? Why


Rocks and minerals can be broken down into soil particles by a confluence of physical, chemical, and biological weathering processes, which results in the production of soils.

What distinguishes physical chemical weathering from biological weathering?

Physical weathering refers to the mechanical deterioration of rocks and minerals. Chemical weathering is the process through which rocks deteriorate chemically. Biological weathering is the process through which people, animals, and plants deteriorate rock. Mechanical refers to tools or equipment.

Physical weathering or chemical weathering is biological weathering.

Acids that develop as plant roots penetrate rocks can aid in the weathering process. This also took chemical weathering into account. Creatures that tunnel into shards of rock can move the surface. They expose more rock, which is then more vulnerable to deterioration.

To know more about biological visit:-


choose mechanisms that remove neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft.


There are several mechanisms that remove neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft. These mechanisms work together to ensure that neurotransmitters are quickly removed from the synaptic cleft, preventing excessive stimulation of the postsynaptic neuron

Reuptake: This mechanism involves the reabsorption of neurotransmitters by the presynaptic neuron through transporter proteins. This is the primary mechanism for the removal of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Enzymatic degradation: Some neurotransmitters like acetylcholine are broken down by enzymes like acetylcholinesterase, which hydrolyzes the neurotransmitter into choline and acetate. Diffusion: Neurotransmitters can also diffuse away from the synaptic cleft and into the extracellular fluid. However, this mechanism is not as efficient as reuptake or enzymatic degradation. Glial uptake: Certain types of glial cells, such as astrocytes, can take up neurotransmitters and metabolize them.

To learn more about neurotransmitters refer to:


Under the ___________ , species are identified based on their unique habitat requirements.phylogenetic species concept,biological species concept,evolutionary species concept,ecological species concept,general lineage concept.


Under the ecological species concept, species are identified based on their unique habitat requirements. Therefore the correct option is option C.

The ecological species concept is a definition of species in which a species is a group of organisms that can breed with one another and are adapted to their environment in a unique way. The emphasis is placed on an organism's distinctive ecological function in its environment, as well as the ecological niche it occupies.

As a result, a species is defined as a group of individuals that exploit a single niche in the same way, and whose members' life histories are linked through a number of adaptations to that niche.

Evolutionary species concept: It is a definition of species based on the idea that species are derived from lineages of ancestral populations that have experienced relatively long, independent evolutionary histories. Therefore the correct option is option C.

For such more question on ecological:


The species name of the African Elephant is Loxodonta africana, in the species name africana is the ______.


The species name of the African Elephant is Loxodonta africana, in the species name africana is the specific epithet.

This specific epithet is used in binomial nomenclature, which is the system used to name organisms.

What is binomial nomenclature?

Binomial nomenclature is a two-part scientific naming system used to identify living things. The naming system is used by all scientists in the world and ensures that the names of organisms are unique. Every living organism on Earth is given a Latin name that consists of two words.

The first part is known as the genus name, while the second part is the species name. Both the genus and species names are written in italics, and the genus name is capitalized.

The two names together are referred to as a binomial, and the scientific name of an organism is the combination of the genus and species names. For example, the scientific name for African elephants is Loxodonta africana.

The genus name is a generic name, which means it is the same for all species in the genus. The species name, on the other hand, is unique to each species within a genus. The specific epithet represents the species name, which is the second part of the scientific name.

Learn more about Binomial nomenclature here:


What changes did you observe in the mass of the model cell when the solution in the beaker was 0%?


There will be no change observed in the mass of the model cell when the solution in the beaker has 0% concentration because movement of fluid takes place only when a concentration gradient is formed between the substances.

The movement of fluid from one place to another takes place when the concentration of fluid varies between two different substances. This takes place due to the concentration gradient according to which movement of particles will take place from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration without use of external energy.

Since in the given problem, the solution in the beaker has 0% concentration, therefore it is considered as neutral which does not impact the overall concentration of the cell.

Learn more about concentration gradient at:


based on the atomic composition of the following molecules, which is likely to be flammable?


Flammability is the ability of a substance to ignite and burn when exposed to fire or flame. Many factors contribute to a substance's flammability, including its chemical composition.

Based on the atomic composition of the following molecules, the one that is most likely to be flammable is Ethanol (C2H6O). Ethanol is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. It contains a hydroxyl group (-OH) attached to a carbon chain. Ethanol is highly flammable, which means that it can easily catch fire and burn. It has a low flash point, which is the minimum temperature at which a substance can ignite and produce a flame. The low flash point of ethanol makes it highly flammable and potentially dangerous. Ethanol is commonly used as a fuel for internal combustion engines, such as in cars, boats, and airplanes. It is also used in the production of alcohol-based products such as hand sanitizers, perfumes, and colognes. However, its high flammability means that it must be handled and stored carefully to avoid accidents or fires.

To learn more about Flammability :


What do we call the science concerned with the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution?


The science concerned with the study of living organisms is called as Biology which is divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution.

Morphology involves the study of the form and structure of living organisms, while physiology involves the study of the functions and processes of living organisms. deconstruction is the study of the structure of living organisms, while  behaviour involves the study of how they interact with their  environment.

The origin and distribution of living organisms are also studied in biology. All of these fields come together to help us gain a better understanding of the  natural world and the organisms that inhabit it.

To know more about Morphology visit:


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Identify the components involved in the initiation of transcription.Prokaryotic Initiation of Transcription:Pribnow Box, -35 consensus, sigma subunitEukaryotic Initiation of Transcription:.30 TATA box, enhancers, RNA Polymerase IIINeither;DNA polymerase, rho Output 6 suppose you will be delivering a speech informing your familyand the community about an importan and a current issue or topic. Reflect on the following terms:celebration of women's month child labor what is the difference between the r and w designations in 10gbase standards, such as 10gbaselr and 10gbaselw, or 10gbase r and 10gbase lw, or 10gbase er and 10gbase ew? Would Utah have been allowed to have slavery? Why or why not? waht do crew Member do in a naval ship or waht is his job on the ship By how much percent will the area of circle will increase if the diameter increases by 40%? Reaction 1:HOCl(aq)+H2O(l)H3O+(aq)+OCl(aq)K1=[H3O+][OCl][HOCl]Reaction 2:2H2O(l)H3O+(aq)+OH(aq)K2=[H3O+][OH]Reaction 3:OCl(aq)+H2O(l)HOCl(aq)+OH(aq)K3=?Based on the equilibrium constants given above, which of the following gives the correct expression for the equilibrium constant for reaction 3? The book Eragon Chapters Thieves in the Castle through The Razacs Revenge What does Brom say that the priests in Dras-Leona do to make themselves less connectedto the mortal world?(a) Sacrifice babies(b) Cut off pieces of their body(c) Eat dirt from the holy mountain(d) Sacrifice animals Which of the following refers to the feelings and behaviors elicited by being evaluated through the lens of negative stereotypes about your group? Select one: a. Stereotype anxiety b. Self-fulfilling prophecy c. Social identity threat d. Discrimination Assignment 2R (20 points) Assignment 2R: Customers, Inventory, and Safety Instructions Save this file in your course folder, and name it with Assignment, the assignment letter, the section number, and your first initial and last name. For example, Jessie Robinson's assignment 1R for Section 1 would be named Assignment1RJRobinson. Type the answers to the assignment questions below. Use complete sentences unless the question says otherwise. You will have more than one day to complete an assignment. At the end of each day, be sure to save your progress. Review Lesson 4 of the Course Overview for instructions about turning in your assignments. Assignment Questions In Section 2, you learned about customers, inventory, and safety. Now, you'll apply what you learned. 1. Choose a well-known company, and describe its brand promise. Describe at least three ways that the company uses to create that brand promise. (1-5 sentences. 3.0 points) 2. Choose a type of company you would like to work for or start up yourself, and then answer the questions below. a. Describe the type of company and the product it would sell. TIP: This can be the same or different from the company you described in Assignment 1R. (1-3 sentences. 1.0 points) b. Describe at least two categories you could group the company's target customers into, if the company were using channel management. (1-2 sentences. 1.0 points) c. Describe at least two ways that the company might decide to treat those two categories of customers differently, and explain why it might do that. (1-5 sentences. 4.0 points) d. Would the type of channel management described in questions 2b and 2c above be likely to lead to unfair treatment of some groups? Why or why not? How could you make sure that didn't happen? (1-5 sentences. 4.0 points) 3. Imagine that you are working at a clothing or grocery store, and answer the questions below about inventory and merchandising for the store. a. Describe at least two factors you could consider to help decide how much inventory to ke United Resources Company obtained a charter from the state in January 2014, which authorized 200,000 shares of common stock, $1 par value. During the first year, the company earned $590,000 and the following selected transactions occurred in the order given:a.Sold 100,000 shares of the common stock in an initial public offering at $12 per share.b.Repurchased 20,000 shares of the previously issued shares at $15 cash per share for treasury stock.c.Resold 5,000 of the shares of the treasury stock at $18 cash per share. what do you called Generally uncontrolled intersections are found in? Find the slope of the line that passes through the pair of points.(5, 4), (8, 1) The area of a rectangular living room is 144 square feet. The length of the room is four times its width. Find the length and width of the living room.quiz I need help D: Many chlorophytes are unicellular, but others are target and more complex What does this indicate regarding the evolutionary history of Chlorophytes? the chlorophyte group contained extensive genetic variability the chlorophyte group is derived from secondary simplification the chlorophyte group is not monophyletic the chlorophyte group is monophyletic the chlorophyte group is the algal group most closely related to plants you are purchasing a PC system that will be used as a file and print server in a small business. Which of the following hardware selection criteria is the MOST important for this system? (Select TWO).HDMI outputRAID 1+0 arrayHigh-end video adapter with GPURAID 0 array64-bit multi-core processor Im a trapezoid measuring 8cm, 10cm, 16 cm and 10cm on its sides. What is my Perimeter? 1-5 po lhat two in-phase loudspeakers, which emit sound in all directions, are sitting side by side. one of them is moved sideways by 6.0 m , then forward by 4.0 m . afterward, constructive interference is observed 14 , 12 , and 34 the distance between the speakers along the line that joins them, and at no other positions along this line.Part A What is the maximum possible wavelength of the sound waves ? PLSSSSSSSSSSS HELP FOR 100 point and thebrainlist PLSSSSSS Anticipation GuideLast SlideBefore completing the lesson, read the statements below, think about your prior knowledge, and put an x in the box for true or false (column I and 2). As you go through the lesson, look for evidence to support or refute your ideas. You will revisit this anticipation guide after completing this lesson. For now, only complete columns I and 2. the information hierarchy can be organized as (order from bottom to top in terms of its complexity):