a radical republican championed this 1875 act but the supreme court struck it down in 1883; a new version was passed 81 years later


Answer 1

The 1875 act that was championed by a Radical Republican but later struck down by the Supreme Court was the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was enacted by the United States Congress to address the issue of racial discrimination. This Act outlawed racial discrimination in public facilities such as hotels, restaurants, and theaters. It also prohibited the exclusion of African Americans from jury service.

However, the Act was declared unconstitutional in 1883 by the Supreme Court in the Civil Rights Cases ruling. According to the Supreme Court, the 14th Amendment did not allow Congress to prohibit discrimination by private individuals or organizations.

Therefore, the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was invalidated. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a landmark piece of legislation passed 81 years after the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was invalidated by the Supreme Court.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson and marked a significant turning point in the civil rights movement.

For more such questions on Civil Rights Act, click on:



Related Questions

world war ii demonstrated that____
A. the only way to get out of a deep depression was to go to war. B. fiscal policy was ineffective if the country went to war. C. fiscal policy was ineffective if the country went to war.
D. fiscal policy was unnecessary if the country went to war. E. expansionary fiscal policy had the capability of creating jobs in the short run.


World War II demonstrated that expansionary fiscal policy had the capability of creating jobs in the short run. The correct option is E.

What is the world War II?

World War II was a worldwide military struggle that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It began as a disagreement between Europe's two greatest powers, Germany and Britain. The war had an effect on the world, as well as social, economic, and political changes, including the formation of the United Nations.

The Second World War, was a worldwide battle that took place from 1939 to 1945. This event is seen as the most destructive conflict in human history. World War II resulted in between 50 and 85 million fatalities, with the vast majority of the casualties being civilians from different nations. The causes and results of World War II are very significant in history.

The war demonstrated that expansionary fiscal policy had the capability of creating jobs in the short run.

Learn more about World War II here:



Select the names given to the Lord Jesus Christ in the vision of the throne.
There can be more than one answer a. Lion of the Tribe of Judah
b. the Savior of the World
c. the Root of David
d. the Son of God
e. the Lamb


In the vision of the throne, the Lord Jesus Christ is given several names, including the Root of David and the Lamb. Here is an explanation of each of these names:

1. The Root of David: This name is a reference to Jesus' lineage, as David was his ancestor. The term "root" is used to signify that Jesus is the source of David's authority and power.

In the Old Testament, there are many prophecies about a coming king from the line of David who would rule with justice and righteousness.

Jesus fulfills these prophecies as the true king and Messiah.

2. The Lamb: This name refers to Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for the sins of humanity. In the Old Testament, lambs were sacrificed as a sin offering to God.

Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

His death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice, making a way for humanity to be reconciled with God.

These two names highlight different aspects of Jesus' character and mission. The Root of David emphasizes his role as a king and ruler, while the Lamb emphasizes his role as a sacrifice and savior.

Together, these names paint a picture of Jesus as the perfect leader and redeemer, fulfilling both the prophesied kingly and priestly roles of the Messiah.

To know more about Jesus Christ here



name date class the federalist era geography and history activity cont. understanding the concept directions: answer the following question answer keys


The Federalist Party and its forerunners dominated American politics throughout the Federalist Period, which spanned the years 1788 to 1800.

Federalists dominated Congress at this time and had the backing of Presidents George Washington and John Adams.

The era witnessed the emergence of a new, more powerful federal government under the American Constitution, a strengthening of nationalism, and a decline in concerns about the tyranny of a centralized authority.

The phrase "federalism" mean?

Federalism is a kind of government in which two levels of authority share control over the same territory. Local issues are often addressed by smaller subdivisions, states, and cities, while the larger geographic regions are managed more widely by an overarching national government.

Significance of federalism?

Federalism encourages political involvement. Federalism promotes economic equality throughout the nation. Federalism allows for several governmental tiers. A variety of viewpoints are accommodated under federalism.

To know more about Federalism visit:



Was the US simply dragged
into a war due to its
Western Expansion into
the American continent?


Answer: With Federal resources focused on waging the war farther east, both native tribes and the Confederacy attempted to claim or reclaim lands west of the Mississippi.  The Federal government responded with measures (Homestead Act, transcontinental railroad) and military campaigns designed to encourage settlement, solidify Union control of the trans-Mississippi West, and further marginalize the physical and cultural presence of tribes native to the West.

Although advanced under the mantle of protection, the nation's American Indian population in the West bore the cost of the westward-looking military and political undertakings.


hope this helps

Explain the purposes/intention of the Treaties made the Native America Tribes and the US government. And explain their actual impact in the 1800s and today.


Answer: Hope this helps.


The Treaties made between Native American tribes and the US government were intended to establish a framework for peaceful coexistence and define the terms of land use, resource sharing, and other aspects of tribal sovereignty. These treaties were seen as a means of establishing a formal relationship between the United States and the indigenous nations of North America.

The treaties made in the 1800s were often initiated by the US government, which sought to acquire land from the tribes for settlement and resource exploitation. The government used a variety of tactics to persuade or coerce Native American leaders to sign treaties, including bribery, threats of military force, and promises of aid and protection. Many of these treaties were made under duress or with limited understanding of their implications, and as a result, they often resulted in significant losses of tribal land, resources, and autonomy.

Today, the impact of these treaties varies depending on the specific terms and the historical context in which they were signed. Many tribes have sought to assert their treaty rights in court, challenging government actions that violate the terms of their agreements. The treaties have also been the basis for ongoing negotiations between tribes and the government over issues such as land use, resource management, and environmental protection.

Despite these efforts, however, many Native American communities continue to face significant challenges related to poverty, health disparities, and cultural preservation. Some argue that the legacy of historical treaty violations, along with ongoing discrimination and marginalization, continue to hamper efforts to achieve true equity and justice for indigenous peoples in the United States.

In the late 19th century, European imperialism in both Africa and China was characterized by
Widespread trade in opium
The encouragement of slavery
Small military enclaves along coastlines
Competition among imperialist powers


In the late 19th century, European imperialism in both Africa and China was characterized by:

Widespread trade in opiumThe encouragement of slaverySmall military enclaves along coastlinesCompetition among imperialist powers

European imperialism was a system in which European nations sought to expand their political, social, and economic influence in Africa and China. The major feature of this imperialism was the large-scale trade in opium, which was done to make money off of the sale of the drug.

Additionally, Europeans encouraged the use of slavery in both regions, allowing people to be taken from their homes to be put to work in European-owned businesses. To further enforce their control, small military enclaves were created in coastal areas, giving Europeans an advantage over local forces.

Lastly, European nations competed with each other to gain control of African and Chinese regions, leading to armed conflict in some cases.

TO KNOW ABOUT imperialist powers:



why was the battle of saratoga a major turning point during the american revolution?


The Revolutionary War underwent a sea change at the Battle of Saratoga. The American army's victory over the superior British army raised national spirits, boosted the dream of independence, and helped to earn the war's necessary backing from other countries.

What is meant by Revolutionary War?The American Revolutionary War, also referred to as the Revolutionary War or American War of Independence, was a military conflict that took place during the American Revolution in which American patriot forces led by George Washington defeated the British and established and secured the independence of the United States. 13 of Britain's North American colonies rebelled against British imperial rule during the American Revolution, a protracted political and military conflict that lasted from 1765 to 1783. The British monarchy and Parliament's imposition of taxes without the consent of the colonies served as the catalyst for the protest's inception.The American Revolution was primarily sparked by four factors: the Taxation Acts, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, and the Intolerable Acts.

To learn more about Revolutionary War, refer to:


Final answer:

The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the American Revolution because it was the first major American victory, it improved patriot morale, and it led to French support for the American cause.


The Battle of Saratoga was a major turning point during the American Revolution because it marked the first major American victory during the conflict and significantly boosted the morale of the patriots. This victory convinced France that America had the potential to win the war and led them to start providing military aid to the Americans, which became a critical factor in their ultimate victory over Britain. Thus the victory at Saratoga not only boosted American morale but also drew necessary foreign support to their cause.

Learn more about Battle of Saratoga here:



how did the watergate scandal affect america’s political system during the 1970s?



The Watergate scandal had a profound impact on American politics in the 1970s. The scandal involved a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. in 1972, which was orchestrated by members of President Richard Nixon's administration. The subsequent investigation and cover-up by Nixon's administration ultimately led to his resignation in 1974, making him the first and only U.S. president to ever resign from office.

The Watergate scandal severely damaged public trust in the government and political institutions. It revealed the extent to which political leaders were willing to go to maintain power and protect their interests, even if it meant breaking the law. This erosion of public trust in government was further exacerbated by the Vietnam War, which had already left many Americans disillusioned and distrustful of the government.

As a result of Watergate, there were significant reforms to the U.S. political system in the 1970s. One of the most notable reforms was the creation of the Office of the Independent Counsel, which was designed to investigate and prosecute allegations of misconduct by government officials. The Independent Counsel Act of 1978 was passed in response to the Watergate scandal, and it gave the Attorney General the power to appoint an independent counsel to investigate government officials accused of wrongdoing.

Additionally, there were other significant reforms to increase transparency and accountability in government. The Freedom of Information Act was expanded, which made it easier for citizens to access government records. The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 required federal officials to disclose their financial assets and other potential conflicts of interest, and created the Office of Government Ethics to oversee and enforce these requirements.

Overall, the Watergate scandal had a lasting impact on American politics by exposing corruption and abuse of power at the highest levels of government. It led to significant reforms that were designed to increase transparency and accountability, and to restore public trust in government institutions.

whereas the american economy had once focused on produced goods, by the 1920s a growing number of industries were turning out ______ goods.


In the 1920s, a growing number of industries in the American economy were producing consumer goods for personal consumption.

By the 1920s, a growing number of industries in the American economy were turning out consumer goods. The period between World War I and the Great Depression was marked by a rise in mass production and consumerism, with factories producing goods such as automobiles, household appliances, and clothing on a large scale for an expanding middle class. This shift towards consumer goods signaled a change in the focus of the American economy, as the production of goods for personal consumption became increasingly important.

Learn more about World War I here: brainly.com/question/1449762


whose invasion of spain is often seen as the proximate cause of the revolutions for independence in spanish south america?



Napoleon Bonaparte was a French general and statesman who rose to power during the French Revolution and became Emperor of France. In 1807, he invaded Spain and installed his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, as the new King of Spain, replacing the Spanish monarch Ferdinand VII. This action was deeply unpopular in Spain, as it was seen as an attack on the country's sovereignty and a violation of its political and cultural independence.

The Spanish resistance to Napoleon's invasion and the subsequent establishment of Joseph Bonaparte as king were key factors that led to the revolutions for independence in Spanish South America. The Spanish colonies in South America, which were already facing social, economic, and political pressures, saw the events in Spain as an opportunity to challenge Spanish rule and demand independence.

The absence of the Spanish monarchy in South America created a power vacuum that was filled by local elites who sought greater autonomy and control over their territories. They formed juntas, or local governments, to administer their territories and resist Spanish attempts to regain control.

The events in Spain also sparked a sense of nationalism among the people of South America. They began to see themselves as a separate and distinct cultural and political entity from Spain, with their own history, traditions, and aspirations.

Thus, while Napoleon's invasion of Spain was not the only cause of the revolutions for independence in Spanish South America, it played a significant role in creating the conditions that allowed for the emergence of nationalist movements and the eventual overthrow of Spanish colonial rule.

lascaux cave was primarily used for a. living in b. creating images in c. storing food in d. trapping hunted game in


The Lascaux cave was primarily used for creating images in.

What is the Lascaux Cave?

Lascaux Cave is an elaborate cave system in southwestern France that contains a variety of Paleolithic cave paintings. Lascaux is located in the Dordogne department in southwestern France and is made up of a complex of caves known as Lascaux II, IV, and V.

The paintings on the walls of the cave complex have been dated back to 15,000 BCE and have been determined to be a notable example of the rock art that emerged during the Upper Palaeolithic period. The Lascaux cave system contains a variety of animal and human figures, as well as abstract designs, that were painted on the walls of the caves.

Many of the animal figures in the paintings are large and imposing, and they are typically depicted in motion, as if they were charging or fleeing. The images in the caves have been interpreted in a variety of ways, with some scholars seeing them as depictions of hunting scenes or religious rituals, while others view them as symbolic representations of fertility or the natural world.

The Lascaux cave system has been the subject of extensive study and research since its discovery in 1940. In recent years, the caves have become a popular tourist destination and are one of the most visited sites in France.

In addition to being a significant archaeological site, the Lascaux caves are also considered a valuable cultural artifact that offers insight into the lives and beliefs of prehistoric peoples.

Learn more about Lascaux cave here:



president nixon’s decisions regarding the vietnam war, including vietnamization, were most influenced by


President Nixon’s decisions regarding the Vietnam war, including vietnamization, were most influenced by  a small, trusted group of foreign policy advisors.

How does the foreign policy advisors influences him?

Nixon relied heavily on his National Security Adviser, Henry Kissinger, and a small group of foreign policy experts to guide his decisions related to the Vietnam War. This group of advisors, known as the "White House Plumbers," advocated for a strategy of de-escalation and gradual withdrawal of American troops, while shifting more responsibility for the war effort to the South Vietnamese government through Vietnamization.

Nixon believed that this strategy would allow the United States to disengage from the conflict without appearing weak or surrendering to the North Vietnamese. While the growing strength of the antiwar movement and the threat of a Republican challenger in the 1972 election may have influenced Nixon's decisions to some extent, it is widely believed that his foreign policy advisors played the most significant role.

Read more about vietnamization



what was the main reason commodore perry was sent to open trade negotiations with japan?A. the united states needed ports for their ships to refuel on the route to china.B. japan had industrial goods that the united states wanted to import.C. the united states was looking for a new market in which to sell cotton.D. japan had previously offered to join a military alliance with the united states.



B. japan had industrial goods that the united states wanted to import.


Matthew Caibraith Perry (April 10, 1794 - March 4, 1858) was a Commodore of the United States Navy who commanded ships in several wars, including the War of 1812 and the Mexican-American War (1846-1848).

Why did Commodore Perry want to trade with Japan?

In a letter from President Fillmore to the "Emperor of Japan" (Shogun), it stated that the purpose of sending Commodore Perry to Japan was to allow free trade between the two countries, to safeguard shipwrecked sailors and protect their property, and to designate ports of call where ships could be supplied with coal, food, and water.

As for trade, it was cautious worded, stating that it could be conducted on a trial basis for five to ten years, and if it proved unprofitable, the old law could be restored. In fact, at this point in the Japan–US Treaty of Peace and Amity (Kanagawa Treaty), it was finally settled by not covering trade arrangements. Under the Treaty, the ports of Shimoda (immediately) and Hakodade (within a year) were granted to supply the US ships with wood, water, provisions, and coal, and other articles as ports for the reception of them. It was also provided that the prices of these goods were to be determined by the Japanese officials and the payment for them was to be made in gold or silver coins.

At that time, whale oil from sperm whales was mainly used for lubricating oil in factories and for lighting lamps. To meet this demand, Western powers were actively engaged in whaling in the world's oceans, and some of the seas around Japan were also known as good whaling areas. Whalers based on the east coast of the US usually made voyages of more than one year, and since whalers of the time extracted whale oil on board, they needed large amounts of firewood and water, and a supply base including food for the long voyages in the Pacific Ocean were sought.

What are some historical examples of Jews, Christians and Muslims living together in relative harmony?


There are several historical examples of Jews, Christians and Muslims living together in relative order and harmony like Andalusia, Ottoman Empire and Moorish Spain.

During the 8th to 15th centuries, Andalusia was home to Jews, Christians, and Muslims who lived together in peace and prosperity. During the Muslim rule, Jews and Christians were given the freedom to practice their religion, learn, and contribute to society. The famous La Mezquita mosque-cathedral in Cordoba is a symbol of this peaceful coexistence.

The Ottoman Empire was home to several religious communities including Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The Millet System was introduced in the Ottoman Empire to govern religious groups, which allowed them to self-govern and practice their religion freely. The Jews were given the opportunity to establish their own schools, synagogues, and community centers, which led to the flourishing of Jewish communities in the Ottoman Empire.

During the Islamic rule in Spain, Jews, Christians, and Muslims coexisted in harmony. Jews and Christians were given the opportunity to learn, contribute to society and were allowed to practice their religion. The famous philosopher Maimonides was born in Cordoba and lived in the 12th century. He was a Jew who was allowed to practice his religion and contribute to society in Moorish Spain.

To know more about relative order and harmony, refer here:



Create your own document to write a letter back to MLK, Jr. Update him on Civil Rights in current times. (What is going on currrently, good or bad? Have things progressed or not enough?)



Respected Mr. MLK Jr.,

It has been many years since your famous "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963, and your dedication and hard work for the Civil Rights Movement have been remembered and celebrated since then. We have come a long way in the fight for equality, but there is still much work to be done.

Recently, we have seen a resurgence of the power of the people to bring about historic and monumental changes. We have witnessed the end of Jim Crow, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the election of the first African American President of the United States. There is still much progress to be made in order to create a more equitable society, including initiatives to create safe spaces for people of color and diversify corporate and organizational workforces.

We have also seen an increase in the representation of people of color in the media, in fashion, and even in politics. This is an encouraging sign, and it is all thanks to your legacy and determination.

Though we still have a long road ahead, I am confident that we will continue to make progress and move closer to a more just and equitable society. Thank you for showing us that anything is possible.


one lesson of the french revolution, hegel says, is that reason unfolds in history slowly, first in abstract forms, only later making itself concrete T/F


True. The French revolution teaches us that reason evolves in history gradually, beginning with abstract forms and only later becomes more concrete, according to Hegel.

The gradual evolution of history is one of the lessons to be learned from the French Revolution. Hegel's belief that reason evolves gradually throughout history can be seen in his writing on the philosophy of history. He saw the entire course of human history as a progression of ideas that were gradually becoming more concrete and sophisticated. The French Revolution was a period of great upheaval and change that saw the old order of French society toppled and replaced by new ideas and structures. It represented a turning point in European history and is still studied and debated by historians and political theorists today.

Read more about revolution here:https://brainly.com/question/18317211


Panhandle definition




narrow strip of territory projecting from the main territory of one state into another. Eg: "the Oklahoma Panhandle"


beg in the street. Eg: "she went back to the streets to panhandle for money"

Hope this helps!

If you wanted to make artwork inspired by agibas, what tools do you think you would need? (4 points) a Chisel and hammer b Face paint and yarn c Needle and thread d Ruler and pencil


Needle and thread tools needed If you wanted to make artwork inspired by abibas .  

Option c is correct .

The handcraft of embroidering involves using yarn or a needle to decorate fabric or other materials. Other materials, such metal strips, pearls, beads, quills, and sequins, can also be incorporated into embroidery. Materials like thin yarn, embroidery floss, crochet thread, and sewing thread are all acceptable. All of these possibilities are good choices, but the one you select will depend on the required completed product thickness.

A free motion sewing method called thread painting (or threadpainting) is used to machine-sew lines, areas of colour and texture, or embroidered designs and motifs. On top of a foundation fabric, stitches are made using threads of various colors and weights.

Hence , Option c is correct .

To know more about Thread Painting visit :



Ticket: Think about what you learned today about the labor unions and the efforts to improve working
onditions in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Based on what you learned, what do you think are some of the most
important lessons we can learn from this time period about the importance of workers' rights and fair labor


One of the first national unions in the 1880s was the Knights of Labor. Fast rise was immediately followed by a quick drop. After all, the after all, the after all, the (sometimes called the AFL). In 1886, Sam Gompers founded the American Football League.

What were labor unions primarily working toward by the turn of the 20th century?

But in the late nineteenth-century American labor movement, "industrial unions" were the main player. They wanted to bring all workers in a certain industry together, regardless of skill level. Discrimination based on race or national origin was frequently prohibited.

Are labor rights important?

Labor law seeks to achieve power balance between the employer and the employee by, among other things, prohibiting an employer from firing a worker without cause, creating and upholding procedures that permit workers to be acknowledged as "equal" partners in discussions about their working conditions, and other objectives.

Learn more about Labor law: https://brainly.com/question/10555177


Which groups were disenfranchised during the Civil Rights movement, and how were they affected?


Answer: The Democrats used their power in the state legislature to disenfranchise minorities, primarily blacks, and ensure that Democratic Party and white power would not be threatened again. They passed laws restricting voter registration.

production of the automobile in the 1920s a.tripled. b.increased by 50 percent. c.caused a surge of migration into rural america. d.struggled in the face of foreign competition.


The production of automobiles in the 1920s tripled. This caused a surge of migration into rural America and the industry struggled in the face of foreign competition. Between 1920 and 1929, over 28 million cars were manufactured. The 1920s were a time of enormous social and economic transformation for America.

The new cars provided job opportunities and boosted the economy. It brought profound social changes in America as they improved the travel infrastructure of America, and tourists began to explore different regions of the country. Rural areas also experienced the impact of automobile production as a surge of migration took place.

At the same time, the automobile industry struggled in the face of foreign competition. Japan, Europe, and other countries entered the automobile market and began to sell cheaper and high-quality cars. To maintain its competitive edge, the automobile industry had to adapt and innovate new technologies. The need for innovation in the automobile sector led to more technological advancements and growth in the industry.

learn more about the production of automobiles in the 1920s here:



Please help/hurry
Would you have joined the American Revolution?Explain WHY or WHY NOT. Needs to be a PARAGRAPH response to receive full credit.



Personally, I would have joined the American Revolution as possibly a soldier or maybe a medic, because, although I would be risking my life as  an estimated 6,800 Americans were killed in action, 6,100 wounded, and upwards of 20,000 were taken prisoner, I would still be helping people, and that might make the current scales of deaths, wounded people, and prisoners  from the American Revolution go down.

I've always wanted to help people and prevent death so I believe going back in time to join the American Revolution would be the perfect way to fulfill my dream.

Also, if I were to join the American Revolution and I already knew all of the English's plan, I would be able to help America plan unexpected hits on the English-men- possibly helping America win even faster than seven years, which was the initial time that it took George Washington to lead America to victory.

"In the First Amendment, the Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The Government's power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government. The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government and inform the people. Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government."
based on previous rulings, the supreme court is most likely to view a case concerning which of the following as an equal protection case?


Based on previous rulings, the Supreme Court is most likely to view a case concerning school segregation as an equal protection case.

The first amendment refers to the freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and the press. Its purpose is to prevent government officials from limiting freedom of expression, religion, or peaceful assembly. Its goal is to protect the public from governmental intrusion into these rights. The Equal Protection Clause is part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

It provides that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction "the equal protection of the laws."This clause has been used by the courts to abolish many kinds of discrimination against various groups, such as women, people of color, and religious groups. Although the Fourteenth Amendment only applies to state and local government, the Supreme Court has used the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment to extend similar protections against federal action.

It is the Supreme Court's responsibility to ensure that laws are applied equally to everyone. The case most likely to be viewed by the Supreme Court as an equal protection case is school segregation. Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas (1954), is one of the most important Supreme Court rulings regarding equal protection under the law. Brown v. Board of Education declared that segregation in public schools is unconstitutional.

To know more about Supreme Court, refer here:



What was John C Calhoun's position on slavery?

He argued that slavery was necessary, benefiting both the enslaved people and their owners.

He was against slavery

He argued that slavery was unnecessary and that it benefited n one. He was unwilling to compromise.

He was against slavery but owned enslaved people


Answer: IT would be A) He argued that slavery was necessary, benefiting both the enslaved people and their owners.


Hope this helped you. If possible, could I have brainliest? And Tell me if I am wrong! :D

(Also happy to help.)

How did the state of Georgia contribute to the United States during World War II?a. With the various military bases such as Fort Benning and Camp Gordon
b. With the Bell Bomber Plant that built planes.
c. With the shipyards at Savannah and Brunswick
d. All of the above are correct



d. All of the above are correct


Why is the Arc de triumph like the colosseum?



The Arc de Triomphe and the Colosseum are both famous landmarks located in Europe, but they are very different in terms of their purpose and historical context.

The Colosseum is an ancient amphitheater located in Rome, Italy. It was built in the 1st century AD and was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as animal hunts and mock sea battles. The Colosseum was also used for other public events, such as public executions and religious festivals.

On the other hand, the Arc de Triomphe is a triumphal arch located in Paris, France. It was built in the early 19th century to commemorate the victories of the French army, particularly during the Napoleonic Wars. The arch is decorated with reliefs and sculptures that depict scenes from French military history.

While the Colosseum and the Arc de Triomphe are both architectural marvels and have historical significance, they are not alike in their purpose or context. However, both structures are iconic landmarks that attract millions of visitors each year and serve as a testament to the rich history and culture of their respective countries.

Radiocarbon Dating - Calculus, Growth Functions
(11) Scientists can determine the age of ancient objects by the method of radiocarbon dating. The bombardment of the
upper atmosphere by cosmic rays converts nitrogen to a radioactive isotope of carbon, C, with a half-life of about
5730 years. Vegetation absorbs carbon dioxide through the atmosphere and animal life assimilates C through food
chains. When a plant or animal dies, it stops replacing its carbon and the amount of C begins to decrease through
radioactive decay. Therefore the level of radioactivity must also decay exponentially.
A parchment fragment was discovered that had about 74% as much C radioactivity as does plant material on the earth today. Estimate the age of the parchment.


The parchment is around 3032.49 years old.


Fraction of C radioactivity in Parchment = 74%

Fraction of C radioactivity in the present plant material = 100%

Half-life period of carbon = 5730 years

To estimate the age of parchment we can use the formula of exponential decay. Where, A(t) = amount of carbon present at a time 't'A(0) = amount of carbon present at t = 0k = decay constant/half-life period of carbon

Using the formula of exponential decay we can find the value of decay constant

(k)k = ln(2)/5730years => 1.210^-4/year

Now, applying the formula of exponential decay, we get A(t) = A(0) e^(-kt)

Now, we need to find the age of parchment, t such that A(t) = 0.74 A(0) .We know that A(t) = A(0) e^(-kt)0.74 A(0) = A(0) e^(-k t)0.74 = e^(-kt)Taking logarithm on both sides, we getln(0.74) = -kt => t = -ln(0.74)/k = 3032.49 years Approximately

The parchment is around 3032.49 years old.

For more about parchment;



3. Look at the graph's 1959 totals. What does the 4.30 level indicate?
What does the 4.60 indicate?
What does the 1.66 indicate?


The attached graph labelled Baby Boom In perspective showing US Demographic Statistics, under the 1959 totals, shows that:

the 4.30 level indicates that there were 4.3 million Births in 1959.The 4.60 indicates that there were 4.6 million additions (New Population) to the US demography; and 1.66 indicates that there were 1.66 million deaths in that period.

What is Baby Boom?

Baby Boom refers to a significant increase in the number of births that occurred between 1946 and 1964 in the United States and other countries. It was caused by a combination of factors, including post-war economic prosperity and social changes.

Demographic statistics provide valuable information on population characteristics such as age, gender, race, education, and income. This information is important for planning and policy-making in areas such as healthcare, education, and social services.

Learn more about Demographic Statistics:

Full Question:

The missing graph is attached accordingly.

Which Roman was known for his conquest of Gaul, has the month of July named in his honor, and fell in love with the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra?



Julius Caesar


I need an essay for ¨Is Chocolate Good for Côte d'Ivoire?¨



Yes chocolate is good for Cote d''voire
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Which graph is the result of reflecting f(x) = 1/4(8) across the y-axis and then across the x-axis?OB765->32Shy-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 12 x A sample of 128g of an unknown substance has a half-life of 1,250years. Approximately how long will it take for 37 grams of the substanceto remain (to the nearest year)? 3. Assume that a simple random sample has been selected from a normally distributed population. Find the test statistic, P-value, critical value(s), and state the final conclusion.Test the claim that the mean lifetime of car engines of a particular type is greater than 220,000 miles. Sample data are summarized as n = 23.x=226,450 miles, and s- 11,500 miles. Use a significancea=0.01. Select the correct test statistic and critical value.Test statistic: t 2.6898. Critical value: t= -2.508.Test statistic: t=2.6898. Critical value: t = 2.508.Test statistic: t = -2.6898. Critical value: t = 12.508.All changeTest statistic: z = 2.6898. Critical value: z = +2.508. Of all the different types of U.S. interest groups, which of the following tends to have the most disproportionate amount of influence?A. labor unionsB. corporate and business interestsC. agricultural interest groupsD. trade and professional interestsE. environmental interest groups what is 7 in x 3 in x 6 in x 4 in x 15 in= which simple distillation resulted in a better separation of the two liquids- cyclohexane:toluene or cyclohexane:p-xylene? was this what you expected based on the boiling points of the liquids? explain. could someone help me? n-octane gas (c8h18) is burned with 95 % excess air in a constant pressure burner. the air and fuel enter this burner steadily at standard conditions and the products of combustion leave at 265 0c. calculate the heat transfer during this combustion 37039 kj/ kg fuel Describe how substances that pollute air and water could be harmful to humans andother living organisms.(4 marks) If you have just used a velocity selector for electrons and you wish to use it to choose positrons with the same speed, do you have to change any settings which are related to electric field and magnetic field on the velocity selector? Explain your answer with the aid of labelled diagram If most businesses in an industry are earning a 13 percent rate of return on their assets, but your firm is earning 23 percent, your rate of economic profit isa. 23 percent.b. zero.c. 36 percent.d. 10 percent. beth and bob martin have a total take-home pay of $3,200 a month. their monthly expense total is $2,800. calculate the minimum amount this couple needs to establish an emergency fund. show your complete solution. joe's burgers corporation is a famous fast-food chain that uses a picture of a cook in a red hat as its logo. it would not be legal for a firm to sell hamburgers with the same identification picture as that of joe's burgers because that would be a(n) network hard disk drives exist local to the system unit, either within the system unit or nearby. true or false? mary kies was the first woman to be granted a u.s. patent. what did she invent? a careless university student leaves her iclicker device behind with probability 1/4 each time she attends a class. she sets out with her iclicker device to attend 5 different classes (each class is in a different lecture theatre). part 1) if she arrives home without her iclicker device and she is sure she has the iclicker device after leaving the first class, what is the probability (to 3 significant figures) that she left it in the 5th class? probability Why were television weather reports significant to the authors father as a child PLEASE HELP . How does this article support the concept that science evolves with new evidence? 12pt An investment has conventional cash flows and a profitability index of 10 Given this, which one of the following must be true? O The net present value is greater than 10 O The net present value is equal to zero O The investment never pays back O The internal rate of return exceeds the required rate of retun O The average accounting return is to 10 She begins at sea level, which is an elevation of 0 feet.She descends for 50 seconds at a speed of 5 feet per second.She then ascends for 54 seconds at a speed of 4.4 feet per second.