A key difference between primary cell cultures and secondary cell lines is that:____.a. primary cell cultures tend to stay alive and divide longer than secondary cell lines. b. secondary cell lines are generally cancerously transformed and will divide indefintely. c. secondary cell lines grow slower than primary cell cultures.d. the cells in primary cell cultures do not divide.


Answer 1


d. the cells in primary cell cultures do not divide.

A key difference between primary cell cultures and secondary cell lines is that the cells in primary cell cultures do not divide.

hope it helped you


The main difference between primary and secondary cell culture is that the primary cell culture contains the cells directly obtained from host tissue, whereas the secondary cell culture contains sub-cultured cells from primary cell culture.

Related Questions

a. Why was it important in this case to identify Salmonella Typhi in the feces of the restaurant worker?​



Some other types of Salmonella cause typhoid fever or ... Most people with Salmonella infection have diarrhea, fever, and ..


Add as brainlist

Which of the following is not a main characteristic of a mineral?
A. Man-made
B. Solid
C. Predictable chemical composition
D. Inorganic


The answer is A. Man-made

Which nutrient cycle is the one that is explained best by photosynthesis
and cellular respiration?

A) Water Cycle

B) Nitrogen Cycle

C) Carbon Cycle

D) Phosphorus Cycle



Carbon Cycle the one that is explained best by photosynthesis.


The answer is - C) Carbon Cycle

What is an organism’s niche?
1) the physical environment of the organism
2) the role that an organism plays in the environment
3) the traits that increase an organism’s survival
4) the competitors and predators of the organism


2 the role that an organism plays in the environment

Fungi of the phylum Basidiomycota form mycorrhizal
associations with orchids, a type of flowering plant.
How do these associations benefit both the fungi and
the orchids?



The orchids derive nutrients from the association at very young stages of its life cycle while the fungi obtain water and organic matter


As stated in this question, fungi species belonging to the phylum Basidiomycota form mycorrhizal associations with a flowering plant called orchids. This relationship is a mutualistic one because both participants benefit from the relationship.

In this association, the young orchid plant relies on the mycorrhizal fungi's metabolism to get nutrients needed for its development in form of carbohydrates while the fungi in return gets water (from the roots of the plant) and organic matter.

what are plastids?name their types.​



A double membrane bound organelle involved in the synthesis and storage of food, and is commonly found within the cells of photosynthetic organisms, like plants. Supplement. One of the distinctive features of a plant cell is the presence of plastids.Types of Plastids





Which activity is most likely a result of a sudden change in the environment


A decrease in plankton populations is an activity that would be a result of a sudden unexpected change in the environment.

At her initial evaluation, Ms. Jones reports that she has lost 25 pounds over the past eight months despite an increase in her appetite. She complains of extreme fatigue, heart palpitations and irritability. Clinical observations reveal a protrusion of the eyeballs and hand tremors. You suspect that she might have:

a. hypothyroidism
b. diabetes mellitus
c. hypopituitarism
d. hyperthyroidism



d. hyperthyroidism


Hyperthyroidism is a condition that occurs when the thyroid gland in our body secretes too much of the thyroxin hormone. Thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland that is located in our neck and it produces the hormone called thyroxin. Excess production of thyroxin leads to a condition named hyperthyroidism.

A person's metabolism increases when he or she is suffering from hyperthyroidism. One's weight is lost but the appetite increases. Other symptoms are extreme fatigue, irritability, heart palpitations, sweating and puffy eyes.

Thus in the context, Ms. Jones is suspect to have hyperthyroidism as she she is showing all the above symptoms.

Explain how the structure of cellulose molecules relates to the molecule function



The cellulose make stems, leaves and branches. So it play an important role in building of tissues. So it give the shape to plant. The molecules of cellulose have hydroxyl group that form hydrogen bonding with other cellulose and prrovide support to plant.

An environmental microbiologist collects a water sample that contains bacteria that have not contacted the outside world for thousands of years. He uses sterile technique while transporting then back to the lab for testing. To his surprise, they are resistant to ampicillin. Based on your knowledge of bacterial evolution, which of the following statements provides the most reasonable explanation for this discovery?

a. The bacteria are a result of contamination on the way to the lab.
b. The bacteria do not contain 50S ribosomal subunits.
c. Vancomycin is a naturally occurring mineral occuring in the cave water.
d. The bacteria randomly acquired a mutation in their cell wall building machinery.



The answer is "Option d".


These genetic mutations in heritage in the genome of the bacterium were referred to as biofilm formation. All those other changes are attributable to some genetic changes during replication. The short term of bacteria and vast quantities of the colony can develop rapidly.

The type of environmental choice then transfers into another generation. Some translations benefit human people and enhance their fitness.

The most logical cause for this finding is Option "D", and although types of bacteria have not been in contact with the outside world for hundreds of years, certain random changes resist penicillin.

Science is concerned with explaining natural phenomena, based on observation, experiments, and evidence. Other questions are best answered by using other forms of knowledge and understanding, such as art, philosophy, or religion. Read each topic and select the topics for Science.
Select ALL that apply.

behavior of alligators

meaning of existence

black holes

deep-sea vents

the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights)

ghosts, goblins, and other creatures in stories





behavior of alligators

black holes

deep sea vents

the Aurora Borealis

Behaviour of alligatorsBlack holesDeep-sea ventsThe Aurora Borealis

What is natural phenomena?

Any event or an occurrence that happens on its own without any human intervention is termed as a natural phenomena.

Natural phenomena harms the nature as well as life on earth.

Common examples of natural phenomena include thunder storms, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, hurricane etc.

Some majestic natural phenomena include blood rain, Northern lights and luminous water in the world.

Natural phenomena can sometimes be destructive in nature and are therefore responsible for loss of lives and property.

It is almost impossible to predict the occurrence of any natural phenomena.

However, the negative outcome of natural phenomena can be managed with special disaster management operation

Thus, natural phenomena could only be observed and understood in science.

Learn more about natural phenomena, here:



Question 11
Plasmids are located
in the nucleus
continuous with the nuclear envelope
in the cytoplasm
in the nucleolus


Answer: eurkayotic cells


Coryza aedematosa is



Acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose, with the discharge of mucus; a head cold.


If the contents of a cell have a solute concentration of 0.04 percent which of these solutions would cause it to swell?



The contents of a cell if has the solute concentration as 0.04 percent then it should have much lesser concentration that the cell, then only it will allow the cell to swell. Because of the solutions with a lower osmotic pressure than a cell fluid solution concentration, can make it swell.


The hay included as part of the culture medium provided a food source for bacteria. Bacteria are a good food source for some types of protists.
a. Explain which group(s) of protists would not have survived because they have no way to produce their own food.
b. Explain which group(s) of protists would have survived without this food source.



Protozoans → would not have survived because they have no way to produce their own food → HeterotrophsAlgae → would have survived without this food source → Heterotrophs


The protist kingdom is composed of two main groups.  The principal difference between them is that algae can produce their own food, while protozoans need to ingest other organisms or organic molecules to survive.

Algaes are autotroph Protozoans are heterotroph


Microscopic unicellular organisms, eukaryotic and heterotrophs -predators or detritivores-. Most of them are aquatic free-living organisms, but some species are parasites. They feed on bacteria, other organic wastes, and other microscopic organisms. The phagocytosis process is normally used to ingest the food, invaginating their cell membrane.  


Eukaryotic micro- or macroscopic organisms. Autotroph and photosynthetic. They might be either unicellular or pluricellular. They use sunlight to synthesize organic matter from water, CO₂, and mineral salts. Unicellular ones can be free-living or associate with others to form colonies. They are part of the phytoplankton and are ingested by heterotrophic organisms. Pluricellular algae do not create real tissues but they compose a tale. The depth at which they inhabit depends on the pigments they produce. All of them inhabit fresh or sea waters.

The term "evolution" is best described as A) a process of change in a population through time B) a process by which organisms become extinct C) the reproductive isolation of members of certain species D) the replacement of one community by another​


Answer: A) a process of change in a population through time





Evolution is a process of change in a population through time

The Osmosis Gizmo portrays a cell (red square) in a solution of purple solute particles dissolved in green solvent particles. Press Play ( ) and observe. Which particles can pass through the cell membrane


Answer: The particles that can pass through the cell membrane are the GREEN SOLVENT PARTICLES.


OSMOSIS can be defined as the thermal movement of solvent (water molecules) through a selectively permeable or semi-permeable membrane from a region of high concentration of the solvent to one where they are in low concentration.

The cell is bound by a membrane called plasma membrane. This membrane is selectively permeable and allows water and certain dissolved solvents to pass through it. As a result, the plasma membrane of the cell regulates the movement of materials between the cell and it's environment.

From the osmosis gizmo, it portrays a typical example of osmotic reaction occuring between a cell immersed in a solution of purple solute particles dissolved in green solvent particles. In order to maintain an osmotic balance between the cell and the solution surrounding it, the solvent (which is the green solvent particles) will move from the region of higher concentration to a lower region through the cell membrane

phân tích đặc điểm thích nghi sinh lý của sinh vật đất



Các vi khuẩn Psychrotolerant rất quan trọng đối với các ứng dụng công nghệ sinh học và chu trình cacbon. Tuy nhiên, các cơ chế cho phép chúng tồn tại và hoạt động trong môi trường đông lạnh vẫn chưa rõ ràng. Để làm sáng tỏ sự thích nghi của màng tế bào vi sinh vật với sự đóng băng, chúng tôi ủ đất với glucose được đánh dấu 13C theo vị trí cụ thể ở + 5 (đối chứng), - 5 và - 20 ° C và định lượng 13C trong CO2 và axit béo phospholipid. Quá trình oxy hóa cao của glucose C-1 ở + 5 ° C cho thấy sự biến đổi thông qua con đường pentose phosphate. Tuy nhiên, ở nhiệt độ subzero, sự oxy hóa ưu tiên của vị trí C-4 gợi ý chuyển sang quá trình đường phân. Sự gia tăng gấp ba lần axit béo photpholipid Gram âm trong đất ủ ở - 5 ° C đi kèm với sự gia tăng gấp hai lần sự kết hợp ở 13C. Sự gia tăng không đều này của các axit béo phospholipid và kết hợp 13C có thể được giải thích là do sự khử bão hòa đồng thời của các chuỗi axit béo hiện có và sự tổng hợp de novo của các axit béo không bão hòa đơn, cho thấy sự phát triển của vi sinh vật. Ngược lại, vi khuẩn Gram dương kết hợp các axit béo phospholipid ở nhiệt độ - 20 ° C cao hơn 2 lần so với ở - 5 và + 5 ° C mà không làm tăng đáng kể hàm lượng axit béo của chúng. Điều này phản ánh việc sửa chữa chuyên sâu các màng bị hư hỏng ở - 20 ° C mà không có sự phát triển của vi sinh vật. Tỷ lệ nấm / vi khuẩn thấp hơn 1,5 lần ở nhiệt độ subzero so với + 5 ° C, phản ánh sự thay đổi cấu trúc cộng đồng vi sinh vật theo hướng vi khuẩn. Theo đó, vi sinh vật đất thích nghi với sự đóng băng bằng cách (1) chuyển con đường trao đổi chất của chúng từ con đường pentose phosphate sang đường phân, (2) điều chỉnh axit béo phospholipid bằng cách khử bão hòa và, (3) chuyển cấu trúc cộng đồng vi sinh vật sang vi khuẩn Gram âm bằng cách khử nấm dân số.


Không phải lời của tôi! Tôi hi vọng cái này giúp được!

What would most likely be the pioneer species in a plowed field?



Didnt they bring Ox or Oxen along with them to draw carriges and to do heavy lifting.

In convergent evolution, unrelated species or different organisms evolve similar traits, even though they live in different parts of the world.





Convergent evolution is a type of independent evolutionary process by which unrelated species evolve similar structural features/traits that fulfill the same or similar functions. Convergent evolution generates analogous structures, i.e., structures that have similar functions in organisms that don't share a common ancestor with such phenotypic traits. An example of convergent evolution is the wings of insects (e.g., butterflies), birds and bats. Conversely, divergent evolution is a type of evolutionary process that creates homologous structures/traits in closely related organisms because such features were inherited from a common ancestor.

True during development the skeleton of a fetus is made of cartilage which is converted to bone before birth



Early in gestation, a fetus has a cartilaginous skeleton that becomes bone in ... At birth, a newborn baby has over 300 bones, while on average an adult human has 206 bones ... It is composed of fibers and granular cells in a matrix. ... The hypertrophic chondrocytes (before apoptosis) secrete vascular endothelial cell growth ...


n:When does the fetal cartilage turn to bone?

Key milestones in fetal bone development

Weeks pregnant Milestone

7 weeks Bone outlines for entire skeleton established; cartilage is forming

8 weeks Somites disappear; joints start forming

10 weeks Bone tissue forms and starts hardening (ossification)

16 weeks Your baby can move his limbs

What are the components of the extracellular matrix of bone? Blood? Describe how these different matrices contribute to the different functions of bone and blood?



The Bone Extracellular Matrix in Bone Formation and Regeneration


Bone regeneration repairs bone tissue lost due to trauma, fractures, and tumors, or absent due to congenital disorders. The extracellular matrix (ECM) is an intricate dynamic bio-environment with precisely regulated mechanical and biochemical properties. In bone, ECMs are involved in regulating cell adhesion, proliferation, and responses to growth factors, differentiation, and ultimately, the functional characteristics of the mature bone. Bone ECM can induce the production of new bone by osteoblast-lineage cells, such as MSCs, osteoblasts, and osteocytes and the absorption of bone by osteoclasts. With the rapid development of bone regenerative medicine, the osteoinductive, osteoconductive, and osteogenic potential of ECM-based scaffolds has attracted increasing attention.

please mark as brainliest

How are abiotic factors in the ocean different from those on land?



Biotic factors include plants, animals, fungi, algae, and bacteria. Abiotic factors include sunlight, temperature, moisture, wind or water currents, soil type, and nutrient availability. Ocean ecosystems are impacted by abiotic factors in ways that may be different from terrestrial ecosystems.


Hey mate,this is the correct one!

Assignment: 04.02 The Biosphere
In this lesson, you took a tour of three of our unique aquatic biomes. In this assessment, you will take a virtual field trip to any aquatic ecosystem of your choice and learn about the biotic and abiotic factors that shape it.

A virtual field trip is a Web search of a location you are unable to visit in person. For this virtual trip, pick any sea, lake, bay, or river in the world and research the biotic and abiotic factors that make it unique. Include the following features in your virtual field trip research:

1. the location of your body of water
2. a description of the geography surrounding your body of water
3. the effects of sunlight on the aquatic life inhabiting your body of water
4. the depths and salinity of your body of water and how this shapes the types of aquatic life present
5. the effects of seasonal changes to water temperatures and aquatic life in your body of water
6. predictions or current research on the effects of climate change to your body of water

Once, you’ve gathered your research, share your virtual field trip with us. Include pictures of your aquatic ecosystem and the life within it in your presentation, but make sure to cite the sources of your pictures and research. Please review the student example and rubric for this virtual field trip before continuing.

You may share your field trip in any creative format you would like. Here are a few suggestions:
- video or media presentation
- slide show
- Web page
- illustration that includes research notes If you need would like an assessment outline


Like terrestrial biomes, aquatic biomes are influenced by a series of abiotic factors. The aquatic medium—water— has different physical and chemical properties than air, however. Even if the water in a pond or other body of water is perfectly clear (there are no suspended particles), water, on its own, absorbs light. As one descends into a deep body of water, there will eventually be a depth which the sunlight cannot reach. While there are some abiotic and biotic factors in a terrestrial ecosystem that might obscure light (like fog, dust, or insect swarms), usually these are not permanent features of the environment. The importance of light in aquatic biomes is central to the communities of organisms found in both freshwater and marine ecosystems. In freshwater systems, stratification due to differences in density is perhaps the most critical abiotic factor and is related to the energy aspects of light. The thermal properties of water (rates of heating and cooling and the ability to store much larger amounts of energy than the air) are significant to the function of marine systems and have major impacts on global climate and weather patterns. Marine systems are also influenced by large-scale physical water movements, such as currents; these are less important in most freshwater lakes.

The ocean is categorized by several areas or zones (Figure 44.21 (Links to an external site.)). All of the ocean’s open water is referred to as the pelagic realm (or zone). The benthic realm (or zone) extends along the ocean bottom from the shoreline to the deepest parts of the ocean floor. Within the pelagic realm is the photic zone, which is the portion of the ocean that light can penetrate (approximately 200 m or 650 ft). At depths greater than 200 m, light cannot penetrate; thus, this is referred to as the aphotic zone. The majority of the ocean is aphotic and lacks sufficient light for photosynthesis.




Enzymes create chemical reactions in the body. They actually speed up the rate of a chemical reaction to help support life. The enzymes in your body help to perform very important tasks. These include building muscle, destroying toxins, and breaking down food particles during digestion.


which organism in the food web might be found in the first tropic level of a food chain



Acorns would be found at the first trophic level of a food chain.


what must happen in order for an ecosystem to survive


Hope this helps


An ecosystem must contain producers, consumers, decomposers, and dead.All ecosystems require energy from an external source and that would be the sun.Plants need sunlight to photosynthesise and produce glucose, providing an energy source for other organisms.

It must reproduce (sorry if I’m wrong)

A trait has two alleles, represented by p and q. If p = 0.89, what is q?


Answer: 0.11


According to the Hardy-Weinberg principle, it's stated that the sum of the two alleles must be 1.

In this case, we've been given that a trait has two alleles, represented by p and q and p is given as 0.89, then the value of P will be:

p + q = 1

q = 1 - p

q = 1 - 0.89

q = 0.11

Therefore, q is 0.11

A student wonders wheather removing the nucleus from a cell would result in a new prokarytic cell



Removing the nucleus from a eukaryotic cell would not result in a prokaryotic cell

Peroxisomes are involved in detoxification as well as the metabolism of amino acids and what?



Lipids. Peroxisomes are involved in the metabolism of amino acids and lipids due to their oxidation reactions that break down lipids and fatty acids.


Hope this helped!

Peroxisomes perform important functions that include lipid metabolism and chemical detoxification. It undergoes oxidation reactions which break down fatty acids and amino acids.

What are Peroxisomes?

Peroxisomes are types of organelles which sequence diverse oxidative reactions and play important roles in metabolism, reactive oxygen species detoxification and signaling. Oxidative pathways located in the peroxisome include fatty acid β-oxidation, which contributes to embryogenesis, seedling growth and stomatal opening.

It contains a variety of enzymes which work together to rid the cell of toxins primarily, and in particular hydrogen peroxide which is a normal byproduct of cellular metabolism.

Peroxisome is a membrane bound organelle that occurs in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. Peroxisomes play an important role in the oxidation of specific biomolecules and contribute to the biosynthesis of membrane lipids called plasmologens.

Thus, Peroxisomes perform important functions that include lipid metabolism and chemical detoxification. It undergoes oxidation reactions which break down fatty acids and amino acids.

Learn more about Peroxisomes, here:



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